30 Day Shred--THE PLANK

Okay...excuse my language...but holy crap those PLANKS are HARD!!! I just did D1L2
I do not even WANT to dare trying level 2 again...lol...woweee!
Yep..no core or upper body strength on this shredder...please tell me they get easier & that it happens quickly!
The jumping jack ones are just cruel..muahahah!


  • rocioisabel
    LOL! Yes they are a killer and the sweat that pours out of me when I do it is no joke! But it does gets easier and it works! Last year I progressed to level 3 and I was in awesome shape. It got to be to easy for me so I switched to her no more trouble zones video. However, due to personal setbacks I stopped exercising gained back all the weight and am struggling with level 1 again. Starting over and getting stronger....I feel your pain but stick with it.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    You will get stronger every time you do it. I started Level 3 with a bang and though oh I can do this one...then I tried it again and about killed myself!!! I just have noticed with each Level you just keep getting stronger and stronger. Keep it up girl!!!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    Okay..I am going to hang in there..tough just to hold myself up off the ground..but I won't give up!
  • JessikaJ
    JessikaJ Posts: 43
    The double jump rope kicks my *kitten*. starting level 3 tonight... im a little scared! ha
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    yes...that was tough too!
  • misstrish03
    I just did D5L2 and it does get easier... but I'm scared to move to level 3! Maybe a few more days...

    When I started L1 i had absolutely 0 upper arm strength but I'm finding now I can flex my arm and see definition... very exciting!
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    that is awesome!!
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I hated the plank positions and still do - at the beginning I could barely do them (I'm about 8 days into level 2, I think - I've had a couple off!) I follow Anita and now I can get through all the plank moves (except the last ab circuit, I still need one 5 second break)
  • grover0ca
    grover0ca Posts: 568 Member
    that is great...you made alot of progress...gives me hope for myself :bigsmile: