pear shaped body



  • NZRose7
    NZRose7 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm a pear shape and always HATED it, especially with lots of weight to loose as i feel way out of proportion. But if you look at what celebrities are pear shaped, like for example, Kim Kardashian, and learn what style of clothes compliment you, it doesn't have to be a negative thing. If I can get past hating my pear shape,, anyone can!!!! And the more weight I loose, the more i'll like my shape.
  • LindaLou252
    LindaLou252 Posts: 106
    Recently took my own measurements and found out that I'm a pear. I was like you in thinking that nothing I do is gonna get rid of these hips. Then, my husband gave me a slap on the behind and reminded me that a pear is better than the shape I used to be... a potato! Haha! Love him!
  • LernRach
    LernRach Posts: 286 Member
    I was just kinda straight everywhere. As in, overweight, but no where in particular and in the last couple of years (I am 27) my body shape changed completely, and I have become an actual pear... which is odd for me because it is so different to what I used to be.

    Either way, what exercise should us pears be doing to get rid of the hips, etc.

    oh and ye, my hubby loves it too :p:p
  • I seriously slimmed my hips and got rid of a massive amount of back of the thigh cellulite from using the elliptical 5 days a week the past 8 months. Also have been doing weight training. Total inches lost in hips so far is 7.

    What's your routine with weights?
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    another pear checking in..................... we have to remember that pathophysiologically we are much better off than apples - whom have a much higher cardiac risk profile! I know, I know, I do enjoy eating pears, but have always struggled with my shape. we must try to focus on the positive!!!
  • JDBLY11
    JDBLY11 Posts: 577 Member
    <- I'm a pear. You just have to figure out what clothes suit you best, and then you can have that "perfect figure". I'm tiny on top and will always be, so I wear a lot of patterned tops and also skirts. My bf says I' have an 'hourglass' shape (I'm definitely a pear), guys cant' tell you know lol...they honestly just notice if you're confident or not.

    Same with my husband. He adamantly says I am not pear shaped and that I'm hour glass. It doesn't matter. He can call me whatever he wants. I love the way he adores me and my figure.

    You are so pretty. I think your husband may be right. Looking at your picture your hips and shoulders look about the same width. A pear has shoulders/upper body that are smaller than their hips.
  • BeenieO
    BeenieO Posts: 2
    Don't feel bad! Most women don't have the wonderfully small waists like us! When I was a teen, I was jealous of those apple-shaped women with skinny cellulite-free legs. Now that I'm in my 40s, I'm actually thankful for my figure! Pear-shaped women like us don't store much fat in our upper bodies, which makes us less prone to heart disease. My husband LOVES my small waist and "bubble butt" and doesn't care if I have a little "junk in the trunk". Even at my skinniest (size 0), I still had the same waist-to-hip proportions (11 inch difference). What will help: lifting weights to add a little bulk to your shoulders, arms, back, and chest to balance out your bottom half.

    Some companies like Levi's, Banana Republic, and Ann Taylor make jeans and pants in curvy cuts; if not, find a great tailor who can take in the waist of your clothes; I usually have to buy one or two sizes up to accommodate my hips, but then need to have the waist taken in by 2-3 inches. Straight "pencil" skirts don't usually work; stick with A-line or paneled skirts that skim the hips. Avoid light-colored pants and skirts. The rule is to draw the eye to the upper half of your body by wearing bright and patterned tops and also accessories such as scarves or bold jewelry. There are many articles online; just Google "pear shaped body".
  • BeenieO
    BeenieO Posts: 2
    I'm a pear shape also, but due to lifting weights and Ballroom/Swing/Country dancing, I've managed to add a little bulk to my upper body while toning my bottom half; now I look almost like an hourglass! My hips are 3" larger than my bust...not a huge difference!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,707 Member
    Another pear here! When I was working out when younger, I biked 15-30 miles a day, then did aerobics during the week and had a weight training routine. I had more people asking me for my workout routine and for tips as my lower half was in real good shape. I also received a lot of compliments then on my figure (wish I had realized I looked okay too then, as I'd love to look like that now!). Frankly, as much as i know I need to balance the upper half, I've always liked working out the lower half better and love having strong legs/rear. These days, thinking of the strength I had is big motivation, though I have a lot of nerve damage in one leg so it's harder to work out now without causing nerve flare ups. I'm hoping with time, I'll be able to get my figure back and be a proud pear!
  • Carlya87
    Carlya87 Posts: 19 Member
    hi! im a pear, and here is my sucess story

    I found when I was 112-115lbs I looked my best im 5 ft 3 so thats BMI of 20. Dress size 8 uk and supposedly 4 US but I think its more like a 2 because I think the clothes are vanity sizes there more.
    FOR me this was my best weight because although as a pear you will never have balanced proportions but when you are at BMI 20 you dont have much excess fat but you still have a curve on your hip and shape to you so you dont look too skinny.

    I used to hate being a pear but now i realize that its the 2nd best body shape out there ( after hourglass) we pears just dont have the boobs! ! Its much better to hold fat on your hips and butt than on your tummy for example! and its healthier.

    Now ive gained 10 lbs and i dont like my body as much, because as pear shapes go , its gone straight to my butt and thighs!

    Leighton meester from Gossip girl is a perfect example of a slim pear;gs_rn=14&amp;gs_ri=psy-ab&amp;cp=6&amp;gs_id=3m&amp;xhr=t&amp;q=leighton+meester&amp;bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&amp;bvm=bv.46751780,d.ZWU&amp;biw=1366&amp;bih=667&amp;um=1&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;tbm=isch&amp;source=og&amp;sa=N&amp;tab=wi&amp;ei=aDKaUfmuLqXH7AbOyICgBg#um=1&amp;hl=en&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=1&amp;q=leighton+meester+pear+shaped&amp;oq=leighton+meester+pear+shaped&amp;gs_l=img.3..0.16086.16758.2.16861.;bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&amp;bvm=bv.46751780,d.ZGU&amp;fp=bc59ee56f62ab64c&amp;biw=1366&amp;bih=667&amp;imgrc=BJXSXcS_2JHL5M:;V1oaUXqlvS6LgM;;;370;567;gs_rn=14&amp;gs_ri=psy-ab&amp;cp=6&amp;gs_id=3m&amp;xhr=t&amp;q=leighton+meester&amp;bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&amp;bvm=bv.46751780,d.ZWU&amp;biw=1366&amp;bih=667&amp;um=1&amp;ie=UTF-8&amp;tbm=isch&amp;source=og&amp;sa=N&amp;tab=wi&amp;ei=aDKaUfmuLqXH7AbOyICgBg#um=1&amp;hl=en&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=1&amp;q=leighton+meester+pear+shaped&amp;oq=leighton+meester+pear+shaped&amp;gs_l=img.3..0.16086.16758.2.16861.;bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&amp;bvm=bv.46751780,d.ZGU&amp;fp=bc59ee56f62ab64c&amp;biw=1366&amp;bih=667&amp;imgrc=di8bHnM5a8l0wM:;ywZm-opi_JXaCM;;;1040;940
  • blackgirlfit
    blackgirlfit Posts: 120 Member
    i am a pear and i absolutely believe its the best body shape. I dont have any fat in my upper body so it appears to make me look more slimmer. All my weight is concentrated on my lower half.

    When i was 196 at my heaviest I looked 20 lbs lighter. People said they thought i was maybe 175. not almost 200 lbs! This is a picture of me before i started my weight loss journey.

    me at 196-200

    This is me currently now at 165


    this is me at my skinniest where im aiming to be at again. 145-150


    i still keep the curves but i just am toned. its nice because since we as pears already have more muscle mass in our lower half..when we lose fat.. we look nice and toned and not "skinny fat"

    embrace ur shape :-)
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    i am a pear and i absolutely believe its the best body shape. I dont have any fat in my upper body so it appears to make me look more slimmer. All my weight is concentrated on my lower half.

    When i was 196 at my heaviest I looked 20 lbs lighter. People said they thought i was maybe 175. not almost 200 lbs! This is a picture of me before i started my weight loss journey.

    me at 196-200

    This is me currently now at 165


    this is me at my skinniest where im aiming to be at again. 145-150


    i still keep the curves but i just am toned. its nice because since we as pears already have more muscle mass in our lower half..when we lose fat.. we look nice and toned and not "skinny fat"

    embrace ur shape :-)

    This is awesome!
  • davekaylamccormick
    Medically speaking pears having less fat around their mid section have less issues with health!!! YIPPEE!!!....There is even some studies I read about less problems with heart disease and insulin resistance (leads to Diabetes). Pear shaped can be a GREAT thing. I also read that adjusting your diet accordingly can help to tone up. I have lost 95lbs to date and STILL pear-shaped. I absolutely LOVE it! Have gone from a 28 to a 14....Have always been thick....but I teach indoor cycling and have a great amount of lower body strength. Embrace it. Medically it is amazing to be a pear. Look into diet, add weights, and keep up with cardio. Life is good!
  • FauxBoho
    FauxBoho Posts: 30 Member
    Yup I'm a pear too. I have been told recently that my low carb diet is not great for weight loss in pear shaped women. I have been told to increase my carbs (up to 180) & decrease my protein & fat. My weight loss plateau has finally broken after nearly an 18 month stall! I also feel much better. I can't lose the pear shape but I'm hoping to finally accept it :)
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Firstly, I dont know if I am considered a pear shape or hourglass? anywho, as I have gotten older I have totally gotten ok with liking my shape. Obviously I want to be slimmer, but that will come with time:) I found I loose the most weight on hips and thighs by running, elliptical and even the jillian michaels dvd , which I am on right now!

    We can do it curvy gals!

  • DuckieSteph
    DuckieSteph Posts: 43 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with having the same body type a Beyonce, lol. I'm a proud pear over here, and I like the fact that I have a teeny tiny waist and curvy hips. Especially since I really dig that "pin-up" look and that is what they were most known for was the pear shape!!

    Think about it; you get to be fit and toned without EVER looking sickly skinny.

    Also, on the cellulite; they have all kinds of home remedies and foods you can eat to minimize it. Count your blessings. A TON of people have cellulite. But if you're fit and toned, why worry? Be proud of what you have done, and what you will continue to do for yourself.

    And if the proportions bug you too much, LIFT. Lifting will make your top portion match the bottom portion a little bit better. Cardio and what not for your legs, lifting for your arms.

    Here's to the good pear life for you. Learn to love your body for what it is, because I promise you, there is someone out there who envies us pairs. Best of luck, lady. ;)
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    Options Here is my story, I'm a total pear shape. Look at how big my thighs were in my before picture...scary! I did lots of walking, started light jogging and weights. I do squats and lunges and I hate every minute of them, but it helps.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    Imagine how I feel... I'm a male and I'm hour glass shaped.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I love having a pear shape. I get compliments on my legs all the time, and it isn't because they're thin.