200+ (Week 43) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Group went SO much better tonight. Eating was on point for the most part. Exercise done. All in all, a decent day. Tomorrow morning the weather should be okay. Another 4.5 miler planned.

    Hope everyone had/is having a good day!
  • nic3595
    nic3595 Posts: 7
    Had a great day! The past week me and my hubby have been working out together, which has been really nice. I need all the motivation I can get. Last night the weather was perfect and we did a nice slow 5 mile walk up the beach to the big college town north. Then we got some frozen yogurt and walked home!

    He had his military monthly meeting today so we did our weigh-in together. He lost 7lbs and I lost 12. I have been really happy with the changes we have made. Happy to hear you are all doing well and working hard. I'm off to make some healthy dinner and then our nightly push-ups and sit-ups, my core is weak!!! Night girls! Talk soon.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome to the new ladies!!!

    Mish - nice to hear from you. I'm proud of you for inspiring others!!!

    Great job on the long romantic walk Nic!!!

    Kristina - glad group went well. Way to bring it at lunch.

    Kendal - I'm glad you chose to walk Lexie.

    Lacey and Amy - how was your day?

    Deb - ((((Hugs to you)))) You inspire me every day with your intense workouts and how much you've accomplished. You're a great mom and wonderful grandma. My thoughts are with you as deal with your family...

    So my day started great with my weight returning to pre-TOM weight and a nice chilly bike ride. Bookclub was tonight and the whole book talked of crap food so that's what people brought. Not sure how I did in cal but tried to only take a spoonful of each dish... The Pringles got to me and I had 4 stacks of the salted cardboard chips (*smacks head*) they didn't really taste good but I kept eating them (*sighs*) The other dish that got to me was an Asian noodle dish with Ramon noodles - I took several spoon fulls... Tomorrow is a new day and the Pringle can did not come home with me. I fully expect my weight to be back up in the morning. Thank goodness bookclub is only once a month.

    Dinner rocked tonight - BLT with fresh tomatoes. It actually was pretty low cal 90 for 2 strips bacon, 35 for light mayo and 70 for the 2 slices of bread plus lettuce and tomato. Corn on cob was vege of the night. A local farmer has the sweetest corn at $2.50 a dozen. My stress of the day was having the phone system down for the day - super headache for my business. Someone cut a fiber optic cable and all of northern MI was down - just to let you know stores wont take charge cards during this time and the bank only lets you withdraw $50 unless they know you then you can withdraw $100... Most places will take your checks. Rural living sucks. It's not the first time that this has happened up here. At least my internet is Satellite so that works. People with cable had no TV or satellite. Mom's dial up internet was down. I finally got a fax to go through at 10:30 so things may be up and working again. The news here said it could be several days to repair the break.

    Well I best start heading to bed... Night all..
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Victoria- that really sucks about the phone system.

    nic- great job working out!

    mish- glad you got back on the Wii Fit. Wish I had a Wii so I could do that kind of stuff at home.

    chacha and stroynaya- how's this week coming along for you??

    I started getting things together last night to go camping. I think I need to scale back on all the crap I'm taking lol. Tonight I will go to the grocery store and get some laundry and packing done. If there's time and its not raining, I'll take Lexi for another walk. It was storming pretty bad last night and it scared her. I have a king size bed and its up against the wall with the windows. Normally she sleeps on the side closest to the wall and I sleep on the outside, last night she wanted to be as far away from the windows as possible so she slept on the outside. It was kind of disorienting to wake up and smack Lexi instead of grabbing the alarm like usual lol.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Victoria - how annoying about the phones being down. I couldn't imagine having to deal with that. Oh rural life... hope it gets sorted out sooner than later. What a nightmare!

    Kendal - yay for getting ready for camping! You're going to have a fabulous time. Not having a real vacation is sucking for me this summer. I was spoiled my 2 years back in grad school. Group camping trip next summer? Would be fab! Hope your prep work goes well!

    Nic- congrats to both you and hubby with your weight losses! It's great that you have that extra motivator and support in your life.

    Mish- way to be an inspiration for the people around you!

    Well, I got up this morning and did my 4.5miler. It wasn't too painful. Cut a minute-ish off my total time, so it was about a 12:26 pace, which is pretty fab for me for that distance, I think. Tomorrow is a rest day. Saturday is crosstraining, so I think I'll either go to work walking group or go to the rec center for a lower intensity workout. Sunday is my long run. 7 miles- eep! That still seems unsurmountable even though I've already run like 6.2, so it's not that much more a distance, but dang it seems that way. We'll see how it goes. I hope the weather holds out. It was nice again this morning.

    Though, now that i've settled in for work for the day, I all of a sudden feel exhausted! I think the long work day yesterday and all the exercise I've done this week with not as much sleep as I would like, is making me feel a bit run down. I wish today was Friday. It sort of feels that way. Alas, it's not. I have an individual therapy session this morning and then a conference call and 2 individual sessions later in the day (have to work late again today, though not nearly as long as yesterday- only till about 6ish), so I'm thinking I might take a longer lunch hour again and get a power nap in. It's VERY tempting. We'll see.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Get those last chance workouts in before weigh-in! I'm down a bit this morning. Happy with where I am, even though I'm up a little bit from my lowest (182)... was 183.0 this morning, considering how crappy I ate all of last weekend with only 4 days of real work, I'm pleased (I know weight fluctuates, but with the overeating and sodium intake like whoa I was 187 on Monday- UGH). The real test will be this weekend, where over the past few weeks, I've sort of fallen off track with the eating-sort of like, hey I'm off work work, I should be off of work, in terms of eating well. Yeah... not going to fly. *kicks self in butt* So I'll really be curious where I am, come Monday after a full week of getting myself butt in gear. I'm with Victoria- keep it together in anticipation of Labor Day- power through finally out of the 180s. Been hovering around the same weight for way too long now.

    /essay length comment
  • Hi gals! I fell off the radar for quite some time, but I'm hoping to be back for awhile now. Sorry about that! In my defense, in the time I was gone I got a new job (remember my hubby was living in SC and I was in IL with the kids), packed up our house in IL, moved the kids and myself down to SC, sent my daughter off to Kindergarten, and got most of our new home settled. Still have a rather large handful of boxes in the garage that I need to find a home for. I start my new job on Monday. Yikes!

    I haven't logged my food in 1.5 months, but I've been eating semi-healthy and decent portion sizes. I've been lacking in the H2O dept and the regular exercise dept. Unless you count moving boxes up and down stairs as exercise? This morning I decided to dig my heels in and get back to it. I started the C25K and re-started the 30 DS. Food logging is in progress, too. On the upside, I lost 2 more lbs just prior to moving and then I've maintained my weight (right down to the ounce) for the 2 weeks since I've moved to SC. Maintenance is an accomplishment!, right?!

    TOM just left yesterday, so I'll weigh-in tomorrow morning. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of things and catching back up with ya'll!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    So. Pizza, sushi, cheesecake, bread with evoo and balsamic, fish and chips and beer. All within 24 hour period. Last night my stomach hurt and I went good lord! Hellooooooo...!!!! So, I am going to get out a calendar and make a six week meal plan with foods and get my *kitten* moving again at least on the food front. Normally I don't eat like that, so I know its not going to affect me too badly but yeah. I falled. And hard. I could so easily lose 20 lbs by Christmas, I don't know why I can't get it together enough to do it. It is ridiculous really. I just simply need to either get a wii fit or some videos and get up early in the morning and get some exercise in I think.
    Thats why I haven't posted in a few days. But here I am back at it and I guess at least I can recognize what I am doing is wrong..so its a step in the right direction I think?

    Victoria - that sucks about the phone lines being down.

    Kendal - have fun camping!

    Kristina - you have a busy day, good job for getting that run in early.

    Trace - I'm happy to hear you've got your family together again and found a job!

    Nic- thats great about you and your husband doing it together!

    Amy is in London, I am jealous! Hopefully she is going to the Tate and then seeing all the amazing PreRaphaelite paintings over there. I was lucky enough to see an exhibition in Portland once and I just drooled and was in all sorts of lerv with the paintings.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I feel like I'm sitting around waiting to be busy as crap. I bought a lot of junk food just now. Well, the notable items where the chips and dips. Otherwise I'm taking yogurt, Chex Mix chocolate bars (kinda like granola bars....only 140 cals each) and cereal...I will be eating mostly sandwiches while I'm there. I talked myself out of getting stuff for smores. . The campground I'm going to is about 2.5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway and Lake Junaluska is about 15 miles away (it has a 2.6 mile walking track around it).
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Wish I were going camping or anywhere on vacation. I took one in June, but it seems so far away right now :smile:

    So first week results are so/so. Food tracking going okay. Need to work on getting more fruits and veggies in and drinking more water, but no junk food. Exercise this week has been dismal. I didn't even do my normal walk between the train station and work (1.5 miles each way). I cheated and took the bus. (In my defense it was raining cats and dogs two of the days). Still I managed to lose 2 pounds just watching what I ate. So I'm not beating myself up too much. And next week I'm focusing on exercise, so I will be going back to the gym as well as walking to work.

  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: NEW THREAD GALS! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
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