constipation question(sorry wont be too detailed)



  • tados
    tados Posts: 68
    Probiotics , you can purchase at any health food store. Will definitely get you regular.
  • KezRi
    KezRi Posts: 7 Member
    I have been dealing with the same problem for a couple months. I told my mother about it and she told me to EAT ORANGES! And to eat the "guts" too, which is the little sack thingy the pulp is in.

    I've eaten an orange a day since then, and my bathroom visits are SMOOOOOOOTH. So smooth that I do a little triumph dance right after, heh.

    Also Pineapple, the core of the pineapple that people usually cut out and throw away is loaded with natural fiber, I've used it to rescue myself a few times. Now I try to incorporate both fruits, when I can.

    Here's a list of high fiber foods you can incorporate into your diet:

    Hope I've helped :)
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    Some citrus fruits + coffee with creamer.
  • jtangcs
    jtangcs Posts: 37 Member
    If no one has suggested this yet, try prune juice/prune nectar on an empty stomach. It works wonders.
  • stacilee43
    stacilee43 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with the people who say if at all possible, do not deny the urge - EVER! Years ago I found that when I did that, it meant guaranteed constipation later and that pretty much cured me of my fear of public restrooms, lol. My health (actually my physical comfort) is more important than my irrational fear. Nurses say that even plain old hot tap water first thing in the morning stimulates your system and it doesn't have to be much.

    Oatmeal for me. Also, of course, lots of water every day. I can't begin to tell you (anyone) how water is the most important for me regarding regularity. I have a problem of poop that's too soft and oatmeal not only promotes smooth movement, it bulks up and sweeps it out cleanly. Yeah, sorry I'm so graphic, but what are we gonna do? It's a natural process :D Quaker High Fiber instant oatmeal - one serving has 10 grams o' fiber, plus I add 1/4 to 1/2 cup regular oats to it because it's too sweet for me. Unfortunately, this makes my carbohydrate counts pretty high on those days...I've had a heck of a time trying to balance things, but that combination for breakfast or even dinner is so worth it for me. I don't eat it every morning, I get burned out or if the weather is too hot I just can't do hot cereal. Quaker Breakfast Square cold cereal works for me, too. :D I have an incredible number of food allergies and this precludes me from eating most fruits and veges, so I have to make up the fiber with oatmeal. I love raw veges, but can only tolerate a few cooked ones.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I can't see your diary but I will say that this does happen with many who try to lose weight.. One of the more obvious points is this... EAT ENOUGH... If you have insufficient intake, constipation is likely... After all, you can't poop what you don't take in... You have to have enough bulk to move it through your system. I am not saying that this is what is going on in your case... but I am sure it happens in some instances.. There have been times when I have gone a few days with less intake than I should have had and had some problems moving waste through my system... Of course, fruits and veggies are the best... they are low calorie and contain bulk. Best wishes on finding a good solution to your problem...
  • johnhubbs
    johnhubbs Posts: 33 Member
    Flax Seed
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    bananas and fiber one bars.......
  • 122ish
    122ish Posts: 339 Member
    Chlorophyll and chia does the trick for me. Have it at night go first thing in the morning. Try prunes too and some times a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil help. Elevate your legs while on the toilet too
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Looked at a few days worth of you food diary. I think you need to add more natural fiber ( as in whole grains, fresh fruit and veggies). This may not be representative of your daily diet gut it SEEMS like you are eating a lot of convenience/fast food. A better choice might be to make your own, bring your own fruit. While it's fine to indulge once in a while, in the long run these are not healthy choice. For breakfast, you re having a lot of carbs - why not have a cup of fruit ( real, fresh fruit, not " packaged apple slices") instead of or in addition to what you are eating

    And as others suggested, coffee on an empty stomach, drink a lot of water throughout the day, and exercise.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    1. Drink at least two quarts of water a day.
    2. Get plenty of fiber. I like eating whole grains, because a lot of fiber supplements (like the granola bars) give me terrible gas... and it gives an already unpleasant condition an unpleasant sound track to go with it.
    3. Exercise! For some reason, moving around gets everything moving.
    4. Probiotics... if you don't want to do the yogurt, you can try probiotics in pill form.
    5. Magnesium supplements can make some folks go...
    6. Stool softeners
  • prettigirl01
    prettigirl01 Posts: 548 Member
    what i havent stated is that i am allergic to fruit. all fruit but i try to eat it anyway. the only fruit i can eat is in a cup or can and i know thats not good but i have incorporated bananas and apples into my diet. i have to slowly add in fruit because some of them will cause my throat to close up. i have found a way to cook them to make that not happen but was told that was taking the nutrients out of them. also i have been eating way worse then whats in my diary and never had a problem going to the bathroom. prune juice heated doesnt help, drinking more water isnt helping, so im going to see how the fruit and veggie thing works out. thanks for all the suggestions
  • iWillGetCrowSomeday
    iWillGetCrowSomeday Posts: 311 Member
    what i havent stated is that i am allergic to fruit. all fruit but i try to eat it anyway. the only fruit i can eat is in a cup or can and i know thats not good but i have incorporated bananas and apples into my diet. i have to slowly add in fruit because some of them will cause my throat to close up. i have found a way to cook them to make that not happen but was told that was taking the nutrients out of them. also i have been eating way worse then whats in my diary and never had a problem going to the bathroom. prune juice heated doesnt help, drinking more water isnt helping, so im going to see how the fruit and veggie thing works out. thanks for all the suggestions

    You know, if you have a fruit allergy, I'd recommend seeing either a certified nutrition specialist or a registered dietitian. If you're allergic to something, you shouldn't eat it; your reaction will only get worse with each exposure. You can eat the canned fruits because they've been peeled and cooked and the proteins that your body is allergic to have been altered by the heat. If you ever decide to get a food allergy test, have them draw blood- don't get the scratch test. It's safer and just as reliable. I hope you have an epipen if your throat closes up!

    Cooking food will destroy vitamins, yes. But if you can cook them either at a very low temperature for a long period of time, or at a high temperature very quickly, they should remain intact. Minerals are not affected by heat. Like I said before, bottom line is to see a doctor. I hope you feel better soon!
  • Avia16
    Avia16 Posts: 16 Member
    I use psyllium. It works well.
  • stacilee43
    stacilee43 Posts: 8 Member
    what i havent stated is that i am allergic to fruit. all fruit but i try to eat it anyway. the only fruit i can eat is in a cup or can and i know thats not good but i have incorporated bananas and apples into my diet. i have to slowly add in fruit because some of them will cause my throat to close up. i have found a way to cook them to make that not happen but was told that was taking the nutrients out of them. also i have been eating way worse then whats in my diary and never had a problem going to the bathroom. prune juice heated doesnt help, drinking more water isnt helping, so im going to see how the fruit and veggie thing works out. thanks for all the suggestions

    omg, ME, TOO! My entire life, most fresh fruit and vegies (grrrr, I love fruits & veg), chicken, turkey, shellfish, grains, some legumes...the list goes on and on. It makes healthy eating quite challenging. Sadly, the more processed the food, the less reactions I have. Thankfully, considering my lack of most fruit/veg, I've never had a prob in the bathroom, either. Fresh fruit and veg - sometimes even the degree of ripeness is troublesome :(. Cooked fruits and veg MUCH fewer problems!! But, I like the taste of raw better, it just doesn't like me. I've been thinking of seeing a nutritionist, but until now couldn't afford it. I'd love to be able to afford a private chef to cook healthy for my specific needs (ala Oprah), but will happily settle for someone being able to make me a healthy living diet (not short term) including recipes so that I can cook, too. Anybody know how one goes about finding a good nutritionist? As difficult as finding any good doctor, I suppose. argh.