Motivated but needs help & friends!

I've been consistently using MFP for 11 days and will continue to use it even after I meet my fitness goal. I was very fit in high school, very active, with weight ranging from 114 to 118 my senior year. I hit 150 when I was 20, took off 15, and was at 135 for about 2 years. I had my son at 23 and I gained 40 lbs with him! I haven't been under 150 in 2 years, reaching my heaviest at 160. After my husband and I had no success in getting pregnant within a year, then when I finally got pregnant after 13 months of trying, I lost the baby at 10 weeks. I don't feel it would be fair to blame our loss on my unhealthy stature and eating habits, but then again I don't think it would have been as likely to happen had I been in better shape. ENOUGH with my sap story! Now I'm getting serious and fit. I don't care as much about weight as I do about losing inches. Though it would be nice to weight between 125 and 130 and I want to get around there by august. I have already lost about 13 lbs. I run 6 days a week with little weight training. I will be joining a gym next saturday (a week from today) to do wight training 3 times a week, and running 2/3 times a week, opposite training days. 1-2 days resting. I am currently on 1200 calories, I do know this sounds like it's not enough, but I eat 5 times a day, and I'm never hungry, or low on energy and I drink roughly more than 2 Liters of water a day. I would like to get to 130 in the next 7 weeks, or at least into a size 4. I would like to know if this is at all possible, beyond reason, unhealthy or just plain ridiculous. I would like to chat and keep up with people and be motivation for others and vice versa! I swear I'm pretty awesome, and I make good healthy food!!


  • Chickcass
    Chickcass Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. I'm on here daily.

    I've lost 35lb so far (since new year) by calorie intake of no more than 1550 calories and I do try to exercise at least 3 times a week but normally 6 times a week.

    I'm hoping to lose at least another 24lb.
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there, you are doing well, and I think that the plan you've got of weight training and running is great. I've logged in everyday for just over a year now, when I started I was just walking and doing simple thing on the Wii Fit and managed to lose 71 pounds. It was going well until I injured a knee and put on a few pounds back because I couldn't walk at all. I recently joined a gym and started weight training, it's amazing how quickly your body changes with weight training, it's great! I love interacting with my friends and I just could not live without MFP. Feel free to add me :wink:
  • snoople1
    snoople1 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, you are really doing great!

    Sorry to hear about your loss.
    I would love to encourage you in reaching your goal to a better lifestyle. Weight training and running are my fav.
    Add me , if you like.
  • FitCoachShawn
    FitCoachShawn Posts: 230 Member
    This is the link to an awesome MFP motivation and support group!
    Over 200+ members. So there is plenty of help. We also do monthly challenges, prizes, talk about work out programs and any other questions you might have. Hope this helps and you enjoy! :)
  • tillyaimee
    tillyaimee Posts: 2 Member
  • Wow sounds like you have a great workout plan that inspires me to workout more. I've been on MFP for about a week and it seems to keep me motivated. Keep up the good work!
  • LittleHungryGurl
    LittleHungryGurl Posts: 26 Member
    I think it's very possible.Just remember when start weight training you might gain a bit first.
    Good Luck and feel free to add me.
  • sarkazm
    sarkazm Posts: 104
    Sounds like you got a good plan, and having aupport here really helps too. Feel free to add me.
  • darcymoncada
    darcymoncada Posts: 5 Member
    It sounds like you are very motivated! I got back into shape after my pregnancies by training for races. A half marathon is a great goal! You said you are running, but how long are you running in each session? Distance running is great for weight loss. Your goal sounds realistic!