Exercise then food or vice versa?

StaceyDanielle90 Posts: 12
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey there. Im pretty much new to all this so i was wondering, is it better to eat food and then exercise, or the other way around?

Which way would help keep the calories off better?



  • BeccyBerry
    BeccyBerry Posts: 312
    I exercise then eat, but thats because I try and get it done before the kids get up.

    A friend of mine who is a big gym bunny says its better to exercise then eat because your burn off fat from your stores rather than what you've just eaten. I dont know how true that its!

    I'l be interested to know the answer to this too :smile:
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I thought about this, and did several different tries. I decided, for me, that if I eat a substantial, nutritious Breakfast and then wait an hour I feel more motivated to workout. But then before Dinner I try to workout one more time.
    It is just what works for me. I feel more energized to go through my day if I do it in the Morning, and the exercise before Dinner really gives me an extra boost to get through the rest of the day.
    Just remember, plenty of water, protein, and you will have to replace some of the carbs and healthy calories to get the energy flowing. At least I did.
  • I'd be interested to know the answer to this too.
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    my partner tells me its better to exercise before food.
    how ever i disagree i never have time to exercise til my kids are in bed so i go thru my whole day and exercise around 8 oclock at night. i try not to eat anything after i do this tho altho sometimes i have slipped up but only had a low fat yogurt or snack.

    this seems to be working for me in first 4 days i have lost 14lbs.
    i know its not healthy to lose this amount of weight so quick i honestly dont know how i done it.

    i think it all depends on the person when they exercise some people do it before because exercising gives them an apetite to eat.
    do what ever feels right to you.
  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I don't think it really matters. A calorie burned is a calorie burned rather in the morning, evening, or night. Before or after eating. It is still a calorie burned. I workout 4 days a week at 4 in the afternoon. 2 other days I am out for a walk after breakfast. Don't think I could make it through any of that without fuel for my body.
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    Fitness and health experts say to never exercise on an empty stomach because your body needs fuel to burn fat. Always eat first.
  • Thanks guys. I thought it was better to exercise then eat cause i heard somewhere it speed up your metabolism, but i wasn't totally sure.
  • tim_fitbuilt4life
    tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
    Since you eat for energy it would be better that you eat something about an hour or so before any rigurous exercise otherwise you will "bork" in the middle of your exercise. It happens to me sometimes especially while doing inteval or areobic training. I would eat something light like whole fruit before hand.
  • I think it's a more personal matter. I know that if I eat a meal within an hour of going for a run I get cramps. But then if I haven't eaten for awhile I have no energy to perform. I'll usually play the day by ear and keep a decent amount of sugar in my blood before it's time to run.

    It also depends on the type of activity you're performing and how fit you actually are, but that really is getting into scientifics. Your body will produce a quick amount of energy by burning up whatever carbohydrates you have in your system more so than your fat stores, but after sustained exercise the ratios even out a little more. Low intensity activities will burn a higher percentage of fat than carbohydrates, but obviously the calorie count will be lower than say running for the same amount of time.

    In my experience, I know that calories in vs calories out will give you a good bottom line when it comes to weight loss, but it isn't all inclusive. I'm more concerned about muscle loss related to weight loss rather than burning fat stores or blood sugar.
  • eating after ur workout is VERY important. a combo of carbs and protein. within 30 mins of ur workout!

    eating before will only help u perform better.
    if ur doing it early morning.. try a half of a banana, & a teaspoon of PB. increase this as u increase ur workout. the more miles i started running, the more energy i needed. so i went for a full banana and a tbs of PB.
    maybe toast and pb?!

    i know a lot of ppl will tell u to go without eating. (which ive done for months!!!) BUT like i said ... eating makes a great difference in performance (at least to me.)

    try different things. see what works for u!

    my boyfriend can stomach a bowl of oatmeal with a glass of milk before his workout. or a granola bar and milk.. id have cramps if i did that. so everyone is different!
  • km_jenn
    km_jenn Posts: 107
    Obviously it is preference to an extent. The more you get others opinions you will learn that different things work for people. It really depends on the intensity and length of your workout on whether or not your body actually needs food (or nutrition really) to preform at it's full potential. If you are doing a lighter workout, eating after should be fine for most. If you are doing an intense and/or long workout, your body needs fuel, whether you feel the effects from that or not.

    Keep in mind, that doesn't mean you need a big meal. It could be as small as a half of banana. Personally, I don't care to eat before I workout, although I know my body needs it since my workouts are intense. I usually have a small protein shake. It gives my body what it needs. More recently I use the new gatorade prime drinks. They are great, the price adds up a bit, but they are really small and full of vitamins, and some carbs to fuel you. I usually do this about 30 to 45 minutes prior to exercise.

    Hope this helps... Good luck to you!
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    you should have SOME fuel in you. however, if i eat then exercise I want to throw up.
    I usually work out first thing in the morning, so about 30 min before I go I have some plain yogurt or half a banana.

    then replenish with a protein rich meal upon return!

  • canstey
    canstey Posts: 118
    The advocates of exercising first thing in the morning before eating say that you will burn more fat on an empty stomach than if you eat. This is technically true but it is the difference between burning 60% fat vs. 65% fat and seriously flawed logic for the desired goal.

    1. After not eating all night long the workout may be less effective and burn less total calories and less total fat calories even with the higher percentage.

    The advocates will argue that their workout is unaffected and if you eat then you will burn the food instead of the fat. Yes that is true to some extent but what they fail to realize is that there is an impact later in the day that balances it out.

    2. If your workout calories come from your body and not the food, when you do eat then your normal everyday activity needs come from the food and not the body. If instead you eat first then your calories come from the food (and body) and later your everyday activity needs from from your body. So by lunch you have balanced out whether you eat before or after exercise.

    So whether to eat before or after exercise for weight managment simply becomes a personal preference. Depending on the exercise, eating before may boost effort or negatively impact it (cramps, etc.) so do what is right for you.

    Now for muscle building there is a need to eat protein right before or after strength exercises because muscle building can only happen if the protein is available and we can't really store it for later. However if you are on a diet so there is a calorie deficit, it is likely it will simply oxidize the protein for fuel because of the deficit as use it for muscle repair/build. There is one more note on this: The study showing protein increased muscle repair after strength training (up to 20 grams and over 20 the excess was oxidized for fuel) made sure the subjects had not eaten anything in the previous 8 hours. The study was looking for maximum amount of protein that was useful so they made sure the subjects had zero protein availability so it would not interfere with the measurements. What they did not test was whether you need protein supplements at all if you were eating normal maintenance diet high in protein and eating several meals a day such that you would have protein available most of the time and in sufficient quantities.
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