just wanted to say hi

minnie22 Posts: 60
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
hi my name is laura,

i've been on here a few wks now, but i'm havin a hard time still not lost any weight well i lost one and put two on, which has really upset me cos it not like i'm not tryin, i been exercisin loads well more then i use too lol and i'm always under the calories i'm allowed, so to weigh myself this mornin and find i put another one i wanted to cry (well i did)

Y am i tryin to lose the weight, i'm very over weight and would love to b 140pounds or lower, at min i'm 209pounds so i got a long way to go, we have booked to go to orlando in feb next yr so i want to lose most of the weight so i can buy new clothes, i'm also doin this so i'm more healthy so i can run round more after my two boys, I have a 9yr who is 10yr in jan with asd and my 2yr who we r waitin to see if he has asd too, so i have a lot of stress.

so if anyone wants to keep me on track pls add me i need all the help i can get lol, i stop goin on now.
thanks for read


  • BishopSpence
    BishopSpence Posts: 8 Member
    God Bless You Laura,

    I would be very happy to be your "myfitnesspal" buddy. I am 205 lbs and am also trying to lose it before my 56th birthday in January. Don't be discouraged; enter your food intake and review your report. Look at the foods that contain the most sugar, fat, cholesterol and sodium and begin toeliminate them from your diet. We need to support each other so we can lose it and move it! Don't give up; don't give in. Keep trying. Don't weigh yourself until next week and drink the water; at least 8-8oz glasses a day whether you like water or not. I know how you feel because I have also come to the realization that it's not about dieting but it's all about maintaining our health. I've lost several pounds before joining this website and I can walk better, bend better and function better. You will see the results in a few weeks. Just watch what you put in your mouth. Be careful also of your dairy intake. Dairy products tend to keep the fat in tact. So be encouraged Laura. We are both on a journey to good health and a good life with family, friends and most importantly with ourselves. God bless you, your family and your journey. Keep in touch,
    Bishop Linda Spence :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Laura,

    I'm very new to this...just a few days. I feel ur pain, I've been in physical therapy for a torn meniscus in my r/knee (it's pretty much shot). I attend once a week & am managing on my own to do at least 1-2 more days of walking, elyptical, and/or strength training. I lose then I gain, it's extremely FRUSTRATING. But I'm not giving in. My biggest problem is staying "motivated" & that's why I joined. I'm trying to check in daily, that may be part of the key. We'll just have to keep each other focused, we'll have good days & bad one's, that's part of the hurdle. Like u I have a very large amount of weight to lose, at the same time working & caring for an ailing eldery mom. Let's just take it one day at a time!
  • minnie22
    minnie22 Posts: 60
    thankyou both for answerin, i need all the help i can get, i have a lot of bad day where i think i cant do this, i come on everyday to put in what i eat and exercise.
    if u want to add me as a friend u can that way its easier to keep in touch with eachother.
    tinkerluv u had the name i wanted lol, i really like tink, as my hubby would tell u i got loads of things with her on lol.
    it b nice to b friends with ppl in the same boat as me.
  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Hi Laura

    You made the right decision to get your life under control. I just have a few questions. You said you are under your calories how far under??? You need to make sure you are eating all of your daily calories, and at least half of your exercise calories. Are you drink all of your water?? Drinking your water will help you lose all the water weight..

    I know you can do this because you are here. Good luck!

  • Phin
    Phin Posts: 7
    I just started MFP this week, and would love to be a support for each other. I agree, staying focused is tough. I especially dislike that this web site can have a pizza ad on the right hand side! lol
  • tsewe71
    tsewe71 Posts: 1

    My name is Tori and I just started mfp for the second time. Due to an overuse injury I have been unable to walk and work out the way I used to so I am now having to really watch what I am eating. These past 6 months I've gone up a couple of sizes so it's time for some changes. This site helps me do just that and I love it! I have a hard time making healthy food choices and this site is such a great tool to help make those choices.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • minnie22
    minnie22 Posts: 60
    thanks for the replys.

    woke up this mornin feelin gd and more thinkin i can do this, i got 188 days till we're in orlando (really cant wait to feel like we're home again, love it there) i know i wont get down to the weight i want to b but i'm goin to give it a gd go, i just need to stay on track and i will get nearly there, postive thinkin is the way to go lol, i know there is goin to b bad days when i'm so stressed out with the boys, that i will crave for chocolate but i'm goin to try and not give in.

    once again thankyou to everyone that answered and who has added me.
  • dagee2
    dagee2 Posts: 129 Member
    One thing Laura, if you are working out a lot more, that means you are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. So, if you're under your calorie goal and working out a lot, that means you are losing fat weight and gaining muscle weight. Don't be discouraged. If you keep it up, the scale might not move, but you will be happier with your body.
  • minnie22
    minnie22 Posts: 60
    dagee25 i am find muscle i didnt know i had or not seen for yrs lol
    i just cant wait to see the weight start to go and to b skinny, at min i really hate my body.
    i just want to feel happy with myself and sexy lol, stop hubby eyein up the women on tv
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