need to rant. having body issues :/

Hi everyone. So I've been having some body issues lately. I have a pear shape, my hips are so wide. it didn't.bug me before, but I've been getting negative comments like even if u lose weight you're still gonna be big. And it's true, I don't expect to be petite. You see I'm 5'6-5'7 and I feel like a giant :.( so I guess what I'm looking for is other ladies having similar issues.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I am almost 5'8 , it doesn't bother me..but I'm sure all of us have something about our bodies that we would like to change ....I think it helps to try and focus on the things you do like about yourself ,and don't fixate on the things you don't like. We can't change genetics but we can just set out to make ourselves the best we can..
  • VanessaG02
    VanessaG02 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi! I'm sorry to hear that your having some issues. I too have big hips..... I can thank my mother for that LOL! I use to have a lot of issues with it too especially since I'm only 5'4 and overweight. I have been struggling with weight and body image for a while. At my heaviest I was 205 and at my lightest adult weight was 140lbs. I realized that when I lost the weight the first time, although my hips didn't get smaller, I started to get this awesome shape that I really liked. Your hips do not determine your size. And anyone that says you will "still be big" obviously doesn't know what they are talking about. Be proud off your hips, it gives you a beautiful shape, especially when you get to your goal weight. I'm proud of my hips, if I didn't have them I would look like a stick at my goal weight and that would not be a pretty picture. :)
  • egrusy
    egrusy Posts: 196 Member
    I'm same height as you and have big hips, and it used to bother me, but it is what it is. I've learned to LIKE my womanly shape, especially when I hear complaints from women that they are losing their butt as they are losing weight (would NEVER happen to me; my big azz is here to stay). As an aside: Anyone that says something like "Even if you lose weight you're still gonna be big" needs a smack upside the head. IMO.
  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    I totally understand and can sympathize. I am down to 167 from 207 and of all the things that has gotten smaller, my hips/*kitten* area is not following the trend. However, I do have a nice shape anyway. I hope that when I get down to goal weight, my hips will have decreased more and I know they will cause thats where 75% of the fat is anymore :) I dig the shape i have, i just want it smaller. I have 45inch hips/butt and at 5'2 they are huge. I want to get down to 40, but what will be will be. I have a 12 inch differencial in waist/hips which can be a pain, but i have found clothes that complement my shape and look great on me, emphasizing my waist which makes me look smaller.