Birth Control Suggestions

Really not sure where to post this.... My doctor had previously put me on Alesse, and I tried it for about 5 months but was still getting a visit from TOM that would last about 2+ weeks and never shortened back down. Went in last week and my doctor switched me over to Yaz. Just found the reports on Yaz that 23 women have died from blood clots caused by it, and obviously I plan to go back in to see my doctor and get something else.

This is just stopping in at a clinic, I can't get in to see my family doctor until November..

Just wondering what a 'general consensus' may be on a good choice. My benefits through work cover 100% of any prescription drug, so IUD etc, is out for the time being, and other than that I'm open to any ideas/opinions!


  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    My doctor just put me on Zovia I am starting monday. I was previously on the mirena for 5 years. I have never taken this before so we will see what it does.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I don't understand why an IUD is out? If you are in the US Obama Care should cover it. All bc should be covered. At least that's what Kaiser tells me.
  • devonrmorris
    Loestrin 24 fe worked well for me, back when I used BC. It's a lower dose of hormones than Yaz, if I remember correctly. However, all hormonal BC carries a risk of blood clots.

    Edited to add: Maybe look into progestin-only BC if you're concerned about the risk of blood clot? Here's a link to get you started.
  • ohheyitsfelicity
    I'm not 100% sure if your insurance would cover it, but I'm on the NuvaRing and I absolutely love it. I used the pill for a few years, and it made me super sick. Just a warning too, some pills have such low estrogen amounts that if you forget one pill, you're screwed. My sister missed one pill due to being ill and ended up pregnant.
    The NuvaRing is awesome because it's 3 weeks the ring is in, take it out for one week and have your period. It's nice because you don't have to worry about taking a pill everyday. My doctor also writes my prescription so that I put three rings in a row then take it out for my period, so I don't have a period for 9 weeks (which, is totally healthy).

    I hope you find a good BC that works for you! :)
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    Consider yourself lucky that IUD is out! I had the worst time with Mirena, it caused a lot of issues for me. I was almost unable to get pregnant again due to cysts.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I use the depo shot , I go 4 times a year and love it!!!!!! I've tried just about all of them , but this by far has worked the best for me
  • sexysissie
    sexysissie Posts: 7 Member
    Lo Loestrin or Orthotricyclen lo
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    I love my Mirena. I wish I had got it years and years and years ago. I paid for it from my own money because it was so worth it! (for me...of course not all birth control solutions work for everyone)
  • Manarelle
    Manarelle Posts: 33 Member
    Keep trying til you find out what's right for you. I've been on Orthotricyclen or Trinessa (generic version) for the past 15 years, never had a problem or issue except when I try to go off it or try something else. Tried Orthotricyclen Lo, and it did nothing for me, tried something else and it made me into a raging, hormonal b!tch for 3 weeks of the month.

    One of my friends is on Nuva Ring, swears by it. Another is on the depo shot and loves it... Keep trying, you'll find what works for you!
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I tried the pill and the injection that was good for 3 months? It's been awhile. Both made me feel terrible. The injection gave me 4-week long periods. Been using latex now for 8 years. We had 2 planned kids in that time. Only had one tear.. which was stressful but did not result in pregnancy. I wouldn't go back to a chemical birth control.. just too much to go wrong. My aunt was on the pill for 20 years and started lactating in her late 40's while she was still on it. I'd rather rule out reactions from unnecessary chemicals. It works well for us.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Loestrin 24 fe worked well for me

    Larger boobies and no period for me. Gotta say that it's kind of nice.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I love my Mirena. I wish I had got it years and years and years ago. I paid for it from my own money because it was so worth it! (for me...of course not all birth control solutions work for everyone)

    Me too. Before that I had the shot and hated it. Made me lose bone density. The ring kept falling out and pills make me really aggressive.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I know there has been lots of negative ads on it, but I use Yaz. I love it, my cramps are mild, my periods last 3-5 days, and I pass no clots at all, and its regular to light with no heavy flows days at all.

    A little background: I have severe PCOS which gave me severe crippling cramps, heavy flow cycles in which I passed tons and tons of blood clots, and lasted anywhere from 7-18 days. I did not have a regular cycle either. So the last 3 months I've been on Yaz have been wonderful!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
  • bridget_williamson23
    bridget_williamson23 Posts: 38 Member
    I am not sure of a good birth control option. I would not recommend mplanon or Nexplanon (pretty much the same thing) though. I am on the mend now but after having it for almost a year, in March I started TOM and it lasted 8 weeks. It was the worst I've had in my life, in the first two weeks I started getting super weak, I could hardly change my youngest kid's diaper. I just laid there. Finally when I did go to the doctor, they took my blood levels, it's supposed to be between 12 and 15. Mine was at 4, so I had about a third of the blood in my body that I was supposed to have. I spent 2 nights in the hospital getting 5 pints of blood and had to have a D & C on top of that. I know it won't affect everyone the same way, but just be careful! Good luck!
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I had a good experience with LoEstrin also, but varies by person. Someone up thread had a good experience with the NuvaRing and I had an awful experience. It seemed great at first, but after about six weeks if there was a side effect, I got it. Weight gain, hair falling out, excruciating hemorrhoids, a constant yeast infection, an intermittent dull sinus headache, diarrhea, respiratory infections, you name it. It was awful, but I never connected most of those things with the ring (who would connect hemorrhoids and respiratory infections with their BC?) until I decided to go off hormonal birth control all together. Everything started clearing up in a few days to a two weeks. Then I looked it up online and there were a ton of people with the same symptoms. I guess it was just too strong a dose of hormones for me?

    Anyway, if you don't find one that works for you, don't be afraid to ask for another one. There's like 8 billion different pills out there.
  • onezeronine
    onezeronine Posts: 37 Member
    Wait, so why isn't an IUD covered? It doesn't count as a prescription drug? That's some arbitrary insurance you've got there if that's the case. It requires a prescription to get. Maybe double-check on that one? I have insurance that covered nearly all my IUD under the prescription drug benefits section. I have the Mirena and loooooooove it. Best birth control I've ever had - minimal to no periods, I don't have to worry about taking it every day at the same time, it's as effective as a tubal ligation, and it lasts for YEARS. Only downside so far is that after I had it inserted I had mild cramps for a couple of weeks, which may not have even been due to the IUD (might've been due to the procedure I had right before I had that inserted).

    And I didn't pay full price, but if I did, it would've worked out to $6.67 a month.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    nuvaring. i love it.
  • daisymae850
    daisymae850 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm on Yasmin and love it, been on it for like 5 years or so and never had an issue
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I take Microgestin FE and my period is so light it barely counts as spotting. Three to four days of it, but still. I don't even bother with tampons or pads anymore. Actually this reminds me it's time for a new Rx.