It's so frustrating that nobody notices!!!

Ok ok. So I know I am supposed to be doing this weight loss thing for my health and yada yada. But seeing as how I have lost 25 lbs you would think my family would notice. But NOOOO. THEY DON'T. And I am not going to bring it up to be embarrassed when they tell me to my face that they can't tell. I mean I am not that big. It should make a difference. Whatever. I am so irritated right now. I want to lose weight and I want people to notice too! Geez. Smh. Ok rant over.


  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    People did not start noticing my weight loss until recently but now, I get compliments all the time. Also, for a long time I wore my old clothes, not wanting to buy many new things because I wasn't finished. When I started wearing more fitted clothes, people started noticing.
  • LesaDave
    LesaDave Posts: 1,480 Member
    Sometimes when people see you often, they don't really notice right away. Especially (if you were like me) wearing the same clothes that never really show your shape.

    But don't give up. You WILL be noticed by someone...then it will seem that you will get several comments in a row.

    Congrats on losing the 25 so far!!
  • jojo86xdd
    jojo86xdd Posts: 202 Member
    People didn't start noticing my weight loss until i hit the 50 lb mark. Also, these people see you everyday, it hard to notice, give it time.
  • berriboobear
    berriboobear Posts: 524 Member
    I feel you, I don't think I've lost enough in the first place to make a big visible difference, but a huge part is probably because I see the same people everyday.
  • kidsrmakinmenuts
    I can imagine that is extremely disappointing. I would suggest buying something new that shows off your hard work. I bet people are noticing something is different about you, but if you're still wearing the same clothes they just can't pinpoint what the change is. Buy something that flatters your new figure and don't leave them guessing anymore!
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    People that see you everyday may not notice 25lbs, depending on where you started. 300->275? Probably not. When I went from ~235 to ~210, people who had not seen me for a while started to notice. People who saw me every day did not.

    Funny, I gained about 10 pounds earlier this year, I had three people tell me that I was getting fat.

    I've lost 13, and nobody's said a word.

    Oh well, I'm hoping my family in the US notices when I'm home next month.... hoping to be down another 10 by then.
  • Crazy4Healthy
    Crazy4Healthy Posts: 626 Member
    I can imagine that is extremely disappointing. I would suggest buying something new that shows off your hard work. I bet people are noticing something is different about you, but if you're still wearing the same clothes they just can't pinpoint what the change is. Buy something that flatters your new figure and don't leave them guessing anymore!
    ^^ This, people really started noticing when I wore clothes that fit better.
  • pattyci
    pattyci Posts: 24 Member
    Yes, it can be frustrating. After all, you're working hard to lose weight and it would be nice to get affirmation from those you know, be it family or friends. Question: Did you try updating your clothing to a style that flatters your new form? I know that many people lose wt the keep dressing the same way... i.e the same old tired, baggy clothes you've been wearing all along. Another game changer can be a new (flattering) hair style. Get some good advice from a hair stylist you can trust and try switching things up.
    What do clothes and hair have to do with all the weight you've lost? They are part of your new look. I think those around you would be blind to not notice. That said, WHAT REALLY COUNTS IS HOW YOU SEE YOUR SUCCESS, and not what others see. Do this for you... for how YOU feel and how YOU see yourself. If no one notices, find comfort in the fact that YOU do!
  • Armyantzzz
    Armyantzzz Posts: 214 Member
    You always have to keep in mind that people may notice .... yet they may not say anything to you. In any event.... the most important thing is that you yourself notice and that you continue your commitment in a positive manner. Everyone will notice and respond in due time...Keep up the good Work.:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • jjay23
    jjay23 Posts: 160 Member
    my friends and family that I see daily still havnt noticed, I have lost 24lbs already. I was feeling down about it but then I met an old freind for lunch and the first thing she said was Wow you have lost weight, then the same day I saw my old childminder and she said the same. I thinki its always the way. Measure yourself and weigh yourself. 25lb loss is amazing so be happy with it and at some point people will suddenly notice!
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    I had the same feeling. “I’m working my butt off (literally) and no one has said anything!”, Apparently it goes like this… 5lbs – you notice. 10lbs – Close friends and family notice. 20lbs – The world starts to notice. As long as you notice, that really is all that matters, because you’re doing it for yourself, not them. The compliments will come, trust me. A lot of the time people are embarrassed to say anything at all, because they’re not just saying ‘You look good because you’ve lost weight’, they’re also afraid of simultaneously saying ‘You looked terrible when you were fat’, so they find it best not to say anything at all. For people close to me who I don’t see all that often, I give them a nudge and say ‘uh, compliments please, don’t pretend you haven’t noticed how good I look!’ and they say that they had noticed, but were uncomfortable mentioning it. Weight is a very personal thing. Also, a lot of people will be jealous and will not want to encourage you or compliment you, because it means they’ll look at themselves, and avoidance is something people love.

    That’s why I love my MFP buddies, they’re amazing and wonderful support.

    Good luck. Keep going. You look great.
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks everybody I appreciate the support! And yes part of it may be my clothes but I have been trying to wear the clothes that were snug on me before and now actually fit and still Its all good. I am going to keep on pushing! One day I am going to walk through the door and I am going to be so thin it is going to look like I have been smoking crack! THen they will notice!!! LOL!! Until then I will keep working out and waiting patiently(Unless I have another momment where I need to vent) LOL!!!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    I know that feeling...or should I say I remember that!! you'll find that all of a sudden people WILL start noticing and then you'll get loads of compliments :)
    My weight came off that slowly that noone noticed at all, then when I started being able to wear smaller sizes and clothes that skimmed my figure THEN I was being told often how slim I was keep up the good work, it'll happen for you soon, in the meantime, you know yourself how good you're looking and feeling :-D
  • _Moose51_
    _Moose51_ Posts: 86
    I bet they probably do notice, people don't like to say anything unless it's dramatic especially if they are not sure if you are working on it. It could be a fear of insulting you when they are trying to compliment you.
  • massage_gal
    massage_gal Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everybody I appreciate the support! And yes part of it may be my clothes but I have been trying to wear the clothes that were snug on me before and now actually fit and still Its all good. I am going to keep on pushing! One day I am going to walk through the door and I am going to be so thin it is going to look like I have been smoking crack! THen they will notice!!! LOL!! Until then I will keep working out and waiting patiently(Unless I have another momment where I need to vent) LOL!!!

    Don't get THAT skinny! Don't hurt yourself! Just do it until you feel you are done, for yourself. Let the measurements and your mirror be your guide. Sometimes, people used to tell me, when I had lost 50 or more, "What great hair you have!" or something. They don't understand that it's not my hair that has changed. Only last week did I see someone that hadn't seen me in a long time, and they said I looked like I did in high school, and asked what I was doing and how much I'd lost. That can't be beat.
  • iecreamheadaches
    iecreamheadaches Posts: 441 Member
    Supposedly it takes 4 weeks for you to notice your body changing, 8 weeks for friends and family and 12 weeks for the rest of the world. Not sure if its true or not, but it seems to be true in my case anyway. I've lost 20 lbs, and my aunt who i see only on occasion noticed.
  • sunnysmile
    sunnysmile Posts: 1,192
    I am wondering if you are wearing the same clothing as before you lost the 25 pounds. For me it took me losing almost 60 pounds before some people noticed and then suddenly people came up and said wow you lost a lot of weight. At 25 pounds only some of my friends and the people at weight watchers cheered for me. We will be your cheering section until others notice, but I'd you are in clothing that is big, no me will notice that the clothing is loose they won't make the connection.

    Congrats on the 25 pounds, that is an accomplishment!!!!!!!
  • uortian
    uortian Posts: 28
    I'm sorry you feel no one notices! Like others have said, you have accomplished so much already! Don't get down on yourself. You're doing great. Keep going. If anything, you are providing me with motivation to continue on this journey I barely started. I've never really attempted to lose weight before and am really nervous about this. I've also never put myself out there and said, "I'm trying to lose weight!" So again, the fact that you were honest enough to post something like this gives me hope that I am also amongst friends.

    Again, good job on the weight loss so far! I'm sure than when people finally notice you, they're going to be like, "What the hell?!?" They will wonder why they never noticed before!
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    Wow. My heart is warmed by all of the positive and encouraging comments. In my moment of frustration I had to get it off my chest having just come from my fathers house for Father's Day. I just knew that when I woke up I would have snide comments about not letting others "validate" my weight loss. While this is true yea... But instead you guys were so encouraging and supportive. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!!!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    I asked the SAME question here on MFP about a month ago when I had lost about 25 lbs and NO ONE could notice but me :) The overwhelming answer I got was that others don't notice until between 35-40 lbs. I was (and still am to a huge degree) wearing the same clothes because I don't want to buy "in between" clothes...what a waste when I still want to lose more so people can't see it. It is the one thing I appreciate the scales for...I can see the numbers go lower and feel my clothes get bigger (several pairs of pants I can literally slide off my hips without unzipping them). Just keep going and yes, buy that "in between" outfit because you will wear it for quite a while as you lose more. I just bought two of those which I'm taking on vacation with me on Thursday and assume I can continue to wear as I lose more weight.

    Keep up the great work because when they can finally tell it will be an awesome reaction and will likely come OFTEN :)