Who's your workout partner?



  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Mine is my husband.. He's inspiration cuz whatever I want to do .. He will do with me. If I wanted to walk 1000 hours... I know he would be right along side me (hurt legs and all). He doesn't need to lose an ounce of weight but because he knows how passionate I am but losing the extra I gain before him... He's working just as hard as I am. Jesus is my Motivator but he sent my husband to be with me physically. And that I can appreciated.

    How sweet!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't have one. I really wish I had one because I know that it would be so much easier to have someone right there doing it with you.
    It's not always easy. I used to workout with my best friend at the gym, but she flaked out some mornings. it's been a blessing to workout with my husband, but it's hard to get another person up at 4:30am.
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member
    mine varies my i pod, my partner and my cousin depending on shift at work
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    my husband! he doesnt have to lose any weight but he really would like to get some muscles. its nice to have him by my side because when i dont want to get out of bed he is right there telling me to get up! and when im tired and whiney and sore i know he is going thru it with me!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    My workout partner is usually Chalene Johnson! She's so inspiring and always has energy. I love to be by myself in my little weight room with no one but Chalene and her team. I can get into my element when I'm by myself and don't feel I have to keep up with anyone or that I'm being judged for not doing it perfect.
  • My workout partner is my attitude. Depending on my attitude, it'll kick my *kitten* in the gym! Whether it be hard work or light work.
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Mine is my dog (the one in the picture.) He's GOTTA go out twice a day or he will drive us all crazy. The amount of time varies but it's usually at least 60 minutes walking a day. He has learned to wait while I do the exercise stations on the local Exertrail too. But when I am on the floor (doing yoga for example) he is a pain because he's in my face or trying to lie down beside me. He knows the meaning of the word "MOVE!".
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Mine is Jillian Michaels and who ever else is with her that day in the videos.
    She kicks my butt on a regular basis.
  • fitbot
    fitbot Posts: 406
    working out is my zen time. this is not time for socializing, or catching up. i dont even like it when ppl try to talk to me at the gym... :)
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    My husband and our 12 year old son are my workout partners.We lift together and compete in power lifting contests together too. My other workout buddies are the girls/guys that take my aerobics classes. I do like to walk my hillside at home alone for "ME" time. I've been teaching aerobics and motivating people for 13 years. Without them, i'd be less motivated. We are in this together, good and bad days!
  • summerjoy0621
    summerjoy0621 Posts: 29 Member
    Mine is my husband. We started this together as the years go on we both have gained a ton of weight since high school. We love it and love the way it makes us feel. Its just hard trying to go after work and only having one car. Once school starts I know we wont be able to go after work at all. BOO! 2nd car = morning work outs! YEA:tongue:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    In the morning I workout with my husband, he will do anything I need to or want to do. He doesnt need to do anything but stay in shape and he supports me even on my bad days.

    In the evenings it's my kids, my son is in junior high now and he wants to make sure he never gets moobs, after the first change out in PE he has been even more motivated. My daughter is in marching band so she gets plenty of cardio right now but she is my yoga partner.

    I don't mind being alone, I get my best workouts in when I am not making sure my kids are permanently injuring themselves but I do enjoy the willingness to try new things each time we are at the gym we now have a rule that we have to try a piece of equipment we have never used until we have tried them all!
  • thenebean9
    thenebean9 Posts: 216
    I started this weight loss journey in January with a few people, friends and my husband. My friend Heather has been my workout partner in most of it though! We've done Zumba together, C25k together, and now we're certified Zumba instructors together! We both have a ways to go still, but it's good to have someone there that has the same goals as you! My hubby will work out with us often, but he runs too fast sometimes :P

    I am also lucky to have a supportive family! My mom is a marathoner and she's been so great with all of us and the whole running thing. Always has ideas, tips, and motivational things to keep us going! :)
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    My workout partners are my boxers in the morning, unless its sunday and then its the dogs, my mom and my daughter. Weeknights if I am not to whipped from work my mom and daughter, we go to the gym together. We all have odd hours and schedule conflicts but as many days as we can we go to the gym together to work out. If no human is available for gym time then its my Ipod.
  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I only wish I had a real legit workout partner. But for now, walk times it's my dog and its when it's video time it's Jillian Michaels. Same goes for the Wii fit. Of course while I'm away at work, I'm moving all night and if I don't crash right away sometimes I can manage enough energy for JM to kick me for a few minutes. :laugh:
  • wii is my partner ! ( lol )
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Hard to workout when your partner is in a "mood".
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    LOL - I like the comment from the person who said " the voices in my head".

    If I could afford a personal trainer... I'd do it. For now it's me, myself, I , music and the voices in my head as well. :smile:
  • i don't think there is anyone in the world willing to get up with me and hit the gym by 3:15- 3:30 at the latest in the morning, so my morning workouts are just me... however in the evenings, my 3 kids and my sisters 2 kids love going on bike rides with me, we ride to the school and they all play on the playground while i continue to ride.
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