Going to try the 5.2 Any tips?

Hey everyone, so ive been back at calorie counting for 4 weeks now ive lost 7 pounds after giving birth 11 weeks ago.

Ive seen alot of comments on this 5.2 diet and also its everywhere tv,magz,radio (everywhere)
im going to nip this in the butt now. Im just wonder if any have just started this diet and what they are eating those days. how are you spreading those calories out and how are they find those fasting days?

I lost 2 stone before i got pregnant and gain it right back again so i really need to get this weight off and stay off.

7 pounds is a good lost but ive been jumping up and down 2 pound since 2 weeks tomorrow lol.

Im not hot on water but i do drink it on the days i work out bt i never finish a bottle :(

EDIT!!! omg have of what i wrote disappeared:(


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Tips : Eat only dinner (evening meal) with your 500 calorie allowance on the "fast days". Drink zero calorie or low calorie drinks. Don't eat a high carb dinner the night before the fast day, get plenty of protein & fats.
  • hillleon
    hillleon Posts: 3 Member
    Today is my first day! I am doing 2 meals 250 cals for lunch and 250 cals for dinner. You really need to drink water when you are fasting, i woke up at 8 am and i been drinking lots of water to quiet down the hunger pains. I had a bit of naussea an hour ago but now im good! cant wait for lunch! I hoping that i can loose 15-20 pounds, i lost close to 27 on my own (took me 2.5 years). Good luck! Watch the documentary, its really interesting to know all the health advantages of fasting other than loosing weight http://nanoworkout.com/2013/04/eat-fast-live-longer-bbc-intermittent-fasting/

    Good Luck!
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    thanks ive actuallt just found the book i bought lol
  • NathanFronk
    NathanFronk Posts: 137 Member
    nip this in the bud*


    Put a stop to something while it is still in its early development.


    This phrase derives from the de-budding of plants. The earlier form of the phrase was 'nip in the bloom' and this is cited in Henry Chettle's romance Piers Plainnes Seaven Yeres Prentiship, 1595:

    "Extinguish these fond loues with minds labour, and nip thy affections in the bloome, that they may neuer bee of power to budde."
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    eh.. Nip it in the butt was what meant to put. I also wrote that whiling holding upset baby
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    I am planning to start this diet this week, I have worked out my first week, so regular days I will continue with my MFP recommended allowance, on fast days I plan to have a decent breakfast (porridge) a light lunch of just fruit or a yoghurt and then a half decent dinner in the evening.

    The day before my fast days (so for me Sunday and Tuesday) I plan on having something very fillings so my meal plan this week is beef curry and rice tomorrow night and then on Sunday I have planned Moroccan Chicken with cous cous.

    Good luck and let us know how you do, I am only planning on doing this for the next 4 weeks as I am going away on holiday after that and plan to eat what ever I like for 2 weeks!
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    correction i did put nip it in the butt.....its an old saying
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    ooo that sounds nice. in the book they have recipes in the back so i might just pick a few out lol

    so far today ive only had a slim fast shake and a ham sandwich lol im trying not to snack. or eat after 7pm like i did before. ill do my fast day tomorrow lol
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Spread you calories out on your fast days the way you feel most comfortable with - some people find it easier to have it all in one meal, others over a couple.

    Lots of fluids, black coffee or tea helps as does they phrase "I can have it tomorrow".

    Try and get as much volume for your calories as you can on fast days : that generally means lots of non starchy veg and some form of protein.

    It gets a lot easier the more fasts you do.

    Be flexible with your fast days - there are some days you will find that you are naturally more inclined to do it and that makes it much easier. That said many people fast on Mondays as motivation is high after the weekend.

    Try not to fast the day after getting drunk. Trust me on this one...

    Good luck ;)
  • Mrsshellers
    Mrsshellers Posts: 157 Member
    Fasting with a hangover would never happen! But thanks for the tip! :)
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 267 Member
    I did the 5:2 for three weeks before my son's wedding. For lunch I had a Weight Watchers soup, later afternoon/early evening I had a Oat So Simple pot and in the evening I would have another WW soup and a piece of fruit.

    It certainly worked for me and will be doing it again soon in preparation for my daughter's hen weekend in Edinburgh :smile:

    There is a forum just for 5:2 on here, which is extremely helpful and supportive and very friendly.