month 2 of insanity results

i was just curious on everyone elses thoughts on this. my husband and i are both doing insanity. we are on month 2 week 2. we have been debating just going back to the month 1 dvds and doing that month again. this is the first workout we have done and i just feel like im unable to keep up with what we are supposed to do on month 2. anyone else do this or have any ideas? thanks!!


  • juliana813
    juliana813 Posts: 67 Member
    when i started trying to run, i downloaded an app called get running. i couldn't keep up with week 2 so i did week 1 twice, then when i felt more ready, i did week 2. it was much easier! if you want to re-do the first month of insanity, i think you should!
  • LittleMissDover
    LittleMissDover Posts: 820 Member
    I can't keep up with month two but you're not meant to as such, just do what you can do. I'm still burning 600 cals approx per workout according to my HRM. I'm going to finish month two as it is and then may go back and do it all again.
  • briski_2005
    thanks ladies! i really do want to continue with month 2 because i want to see what my results will be when i complete the program however, its hard for me to keep up with what they are doing. i cant do 16 pushups in a row ...let alone do 16 and floor sprints. i just do what i can but its hard for me to feel accomplished when i cant keep up.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Then do 16 push-ups on your knees and floor sprints. Modify some stuff, do whatever you gotta do but don't give up.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    If you watch closely you can see almost everyone in the videos takes breaks, and these are people who are in incredible shape. Also Shawn T's slacking backside is spending half the time not doing stuff.

    Just putting it in perspective.
  • lilblondie1
    lilblondie1 Posts: 12 Member
    You have done amazing to get to the stage you are at! go at your own pace. I'm only on week two, dreading the second month arrrrgggh!!
  • briski_2005
    thanks everyone! thats just what i needed! its hard and has been an internal debate ive been having just needed someone else to talk me through it. thanks!!! :)
  • CandiceTenille
    CandiceTenille Posts: 10 Member
    I feel like I'm not keeping up as well in month 2 either, but I just did my 4th fit test and according to the results I'm still improving! In my opinion, you should keep going and just do what you can. Pay attention to your fit test results and that may help you make a decision as well!
  • zcarpenter91
    zcarpenter91 Posts: 51 Member
    When I did insanity I had just gotten my black belt in tae kwon do and guess what? Insanity still kicked my butt, month one was a challenge for me then month two came around and just destroyed me everytime...Soooo i have faith that you are doing everything right cuz its meant to be insanely challenging for everybody and thats why it works :) So keep it up!!!! :)
  • AnderMama88
    AnderMama88 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in week 2 of month 2. Believe me, I can't keep the pace they do on the video, but I just do the most I can, and my endurance has gone way up. I take less breaks now, as I realized it is probably more effective for me to do the movements at a slightly slower pace than to burn myself out after a few seconds. You are on the home stretch, I say just go for it! I'm planning on doing Insanity again after I'm done (and a short break).

    Oh, and as far as the push-ups go, just modify them! I can't do hardly any on the floor, so I lean on my kitchen counter at about a 45 degree angle, and do them like that.
  • shaxl
    shaxl Posts: 3 Member
    I've read an advice from a coach's blog on why some people fell off the bandwagon of completing Insanity. Some didn't complete due to "trying to repeat or start over the month's workouts".
    She adviced those who can't complete the week's workouts or have to take a break for a day or two due to illness, vacations, etc, to just continue with where you left off OR just continue with the schedule on the day you are able to start working out again.
    Her argument was, your BODY does NOT know what day it is you are working out or what workout you've missed, only your MIND knows this and what matters here is how your body reacts to the workouts (not exactly verbatim what she wrote but you get the idea).
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    If you watch closely you can see almost everyone in the videos takes breaks, and these are people who are in incredible shape. Also Shawn T's slacking backside is spending half the time not doing stuff.

    Just putting it in perspective.

    So true! He talks about how tired he is and he is spending half the time walking around talking/yelling at the people doing the workouts! I must admit, I spend a lot of time cursing at him. A little anger apparently helps me push through my workouts.
  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    If you watch closely you can see almost everyone in the videos takes breaks, and these are people who are in incredible shape. Also Shawn T's slacking backside is spending half the time not doing stuff.

    Just putting it in perspective.

    So true! He talks about how tired he is and he is spending half the time walking around talking/yelling at the people doing the workouts! I must admit, I spend a lot of time cursing at him. A little anger apparently helps me push through my workouts.