Have you ever been knocked up? Share, please!



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Please answer the following questions for my sanity's sake. :laugh:

    1. What were your first symptoms of pregnancy (I'm okay with tmi)?

    2. How far along were you when you tested positive on a home pregnancy test?

    Thank you! I'm losing my mind right now and I need some affirmation (or not).

    You need to be at least a week into the pregnancy for it to show up on a test even a blood test, I was about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks when I first tested, but I knew I was before I tested.
    Also don't freak out yet, there are many reasons other than pregnancy to miss your period, have tender breasts, or nausea. If you have already missed your period than you should be far enough along to take a home test.
    Good luck I hope everything works out the way you want it to.
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I went through this a couple months ago TOM was playing a cruel joke on me and ended up being 10 days late.

    When I was prego the first symptoms were moodiness, tender breasts, and very very tired. I tested around 4 wks with first born - negative - 10 days later positive:noway: With my youngest we were trying so I tested the exact day TOM was supposed to arrive with a positive result :smile: Good Luck to you and may you have peace in whatever is in store for you!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I think this is the wrong place to either confirm or dispell a pregnancy. A trip to the doctor ASAP is in order, not some sketchy advice from a bunch of people trying to get fit.

    I know you're probably about too have a panic attack - no advice from us will calm your nerves.

    For the love of God, get to a doctor.

    I think she's just asking for some friendly advice...:flowerforyou:

    I agree! :flowerforyou: Well said.
  • nettip
    nettip Posts: 113 Member

    i just didnt feel myself then got sore boobs and sickness and back ache

    my son tested at 6 weeks and my daughter at 2weeks

    but dont forget not every1 is the same my mate had no signs and didnt know till she was 6 months gone.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Never been preggo, but enjoyed reading the posts for my future reference. Littlespy you've done SO well with your weight loss too! If you are indeed preggo at least you've got a rockin' healthy body to carry the baby in now. :flowerforyou:
  • catnrnd45
    Never been "knocked up". Pregnant twice. Agree with get to a doctor ASAP. Even if you had every symptom it could still just be a hystrical pregnancy. First symptom both times breasts got so large I couldn' look down & see my feet.
    My father actually told me 4 days after I concieved the first time. My dentist told me @ 4 weeks that my gums looked pregnant. On the 2nd one I wen't in for my yearly and Doc told me he couldn't renew my birth control 'cause I was 6 weeks.

    Stress will play havoc with your cycle too. Wish you get the result you want, just remember all things happen to us in life for a reason.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Little Spy...I was a day or two late both times I took home tests and they came back positive. (one of them was even a #1 store el cheap-o!) You can get some that are so sensitive that they can tell before you're actually late! But most, not all, will be acurate enough to give you an answer at the point you're at now.
    As for symptoms...late period, all the normal PMS symptoms, just no period and also WICKED fatigue. I usullay have insomnia but when I get pregnant I am out like a light! Never had morning sickenss with either pregnancy, so none of that for me.

    Congrats, hope this is an unexpected blessing fo ryou and your hubs!
    If you're testing negative right now, wait a day and test again, and try a different brand. If in a week you're still late, see your doctor incase it's something else going on.

    (((HUGS))) and well wishes!
  • fowlmeli1093
    Don't knock a girl for asking for some advice...isn't that the reason for these forums in the first place? It's not expert advice..think we all are aware of that.

    With that said..I found out I was preggers with a test about a week after I was late for my period..my cycles are always messed up too, but my home pregnancy test showed positive. I didn't have any symptoms at that time though; those came about three weeks later.
    Good luck with which ever way it goes!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Thank you all so much for your answers!!

    For some reason I feel a need to justify why I'm NOT running to a doctor. And actually, I feel like my intelligence has been insulted by the insinuation I'm looking for professional medical advice regarding pregnancy on the "chit chat" board of a weight loss website. :laugh:
    Anyway, it's very early. If I am pregnant, I wouldn't even be 5 weeks along (which would be like 2-3 weeks after conception). So I know it's possible that's why I'm not showing up on the urine tests. My symptoms are not alarming in any way. If I were having severe cramps or severe nausea or severe fatigue along with no TOM, yes, I'd want to go to the doctor ASAP.

    But for now, I see no harm in waiting it out a little longer. If I don't test positive on a hpt by Saturday after next (which would be 6 weeks for me) and TOM hasn't shown up, I plan to schedule a blood test. If that comes back negative I'm going to assume I'm not pregnant. Then if I miss another TOM, I plan to schedule an appt. with my gyn. :flowerforyou:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    1. The obvious missed period - no other signs of PG.
    2. I'm OCD about TOM being on time so I tested positive at home 4 days after the first missed period.

    (this was the case with both kids)
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Let's see...

    1. My breast were so sore one morning after my husband and I had sex that the water from the shower sent me through the roof.

    2. I took a pregnancy test 5 days after my missed period and it seemed like it turned positive before my pee hit the stick.

    I know that there is a test available now that you can take 3 days before you expect to have your period.
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    Thank you all so much for your answers!!

    For some reason I feel a need to justify why I'm NOT running to a doctor. And actually, I feel like my intelligence has been insulted by the insinuation I'm looking for professional medical advice regarding pregnancy on the "chit chat" board of a weight loss website. :laugh:
    Anyway, it's very early. If I am pregnant, I wouldn't even be 5 weeks along (which would be like 2-3 weeks after conception). So I know it's possible that's why I'm not showing up on the urine tests. My symptoms are not alarming in any way. If I were having severe cramps or severe nausea or severe fatigue along with no TOM, yes, I'd want to go to the doctor ASAP.

    But for now, I see no harm in waiting it out a little longer. If I don't test positive on a hpt by Saturday after next (which would be 6 weeks for me) and TOM hasn't shown up, I plan to schedule a blood test. If that comes back negative I'm going to assume I'm not pregnant. Then if I miss another TOM, I plan to schedule an appt. with my gyn. :flowerforyou:

    I understand how you feel. I would feel that my intelligence had been insulted too. Sometimes you need some advice and don't necessarily want to talk to the people around you. There is no harm in waiting a little longer and there is no reason that you should have to justify yourself.
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    I was slightly nauseas...not throwing up nauseas..but I definitely didn't feel right. Also, my boobs hurt like craaazy!!! I think I was about 6 or 7 weeks when I tested.
  • katya143
    katya143 Posts: 313 Member
    I was extremely tired and i felt like i was walking in a fog (always soooo sleepy)
  • Cassandra1219
    With both kids my boobs were sensitive.. seriously my husband could look at them and they would hurt....

    i found out with both kiddo at 6 weeks:)
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    I was also extremely exhausted and in a fog and the idea of sushi made me feel like I was going to vomit.

    I also had horrible PMS like symptoms- quick emotions, crying a lot, sore breasts, etc...

    Oh, and when I was about 1 week along, I tested negative when I took a home pregnancy test. I found out I was pregnant at about 4 weeks in.

    I would make an appointment with your OB though, just in case. It may take a while to get an appointment and she can write the Rx for prenatal vitamins.
  • tesha30
    tesha30 Posts: 72 Member
    1. very tired (if your ready for bed by 8pm and thats not normal for you.. you probably are)\
    2. boobs hurt bad.. couldnt even touch them
    3. when you stand up.. feels like you pull a muscle in your abdomen
    4. nausea
    5. your smells are inhanced. I would smell things others couldnt
    6. missed period.. thats a big one
    7. cramping.. feels like your going to get your period but it never comes

    You can take a pg test 5 days after your missed period. Good Luck! and since you posted this.. let us know what the results are!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    I didn't really have any symptoms other than the fact that I had missed my period. Even after taking a few tests my results were still negative. I'm guessing the pregnancy horomone was not strong enough to be detected by an at home test. About 5 days after my missed period I tested again and it was positive. I then took several more test ( I know, I'm anal).

    My advice would be to go to your doctor and let them test you...or if you are afraid of wasting money on a doctor's visit see if the local health department offers free testing.

    Good luck!
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    1. I was extremely sleeping within the first 5 days. I mean extremely sleepy, as in I could not go a full day without taking a 3 or 4 hour nap in the middle of it.

    2. I waited until I was about a week late.
  • rahretro
    rahretro Posts: 15
    both times i knew i was pregnant dont know how i just knew it.....
    then i got nauseated

    but both were 4 weeks