Someone to be accountable to!

I'm pretty new to all of this, and I'm having a tough time sticking to my fitness and healthy eating routine. I really need someone to be accountable to! I need to lose just under 100 lbs to be where I want, but around 50 or 60 to be in the healthy range. I'd really like to get there by next summer, so if anyone is willing to be my workout/motivational buddy, I'd really appreciate it!


  • missouri_rain
    missouri_rain Posts: 560 Member
    Hello and welcome! This site is wonderful, it's filled with so much support and motivation......feel free to add me :)
  • jenoverton76
    I am new to the site by 7 days i think... but I would be more than happy to check in with you... I asked for the same thing myself on my third day. I have already lost nearly 4lbs and i am so excited!!!

    Hope you have the same success!
  • dbmom
    dbmom Posts: 16
    Joined 2 days ago and looking for a buudy..please include me.
    Don't even know how to add a friend.
    Do you know what bump is?
  • cpu22girl
    Hi. I just joined yesterday. I can't believe how much sugar I have been eating via fruits and juice! yikes. Anyway, feel free to add me as well!
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    I notice I do alot better when I log on daily at least once. So- I used to not add friends and kinda be on my my own but, it really helps to have people behind you who are doing what you are doing. Being healthy and fit is hard when every time you turn around there are obstacles and temptation..I know for me alot of the people I know are just eating whatever and fitness is not a common topic so coming on here and getting a constant dose of healthy advise, healthy ideas and keeping my goal in the front of my brain really helps. Best of Luck!!
  • kami28
    kami28 Posts: 15
    I'm new here, too. This is my 3rd day, and having all these wonderful people around going through the same thing has been so great for me! My first 2 days were sorta ho-hum, but today all this motivation kicked in and I did 90 situps so far. I've still got more exercising to do today, but I'm happy that I at least started!! I know how you feel about needing someone to be accountable to. I need the same thing. I don't really have a specific person, so I'm kind of using this site in general. It's helping so far because I see what everyone else is doing, so I feel I have to get off my butt. However, I don't have anyone who will be disappointed if I don't do anything, other than me...
  • Kadeee
    Kadeee Posts: 5
    Hi I'm Kadeee
    Congrats! I Just started yesterday and I am just trying to figure every thing out too so Good luck with everything!
  • Kadeee
    Kadeee Posts: 5
    Hi I just started yesterday too. Congrats! feel free to add me as well
  • losinit4me
    losinit4me Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome!! I am new too, this is my third day and tracking what I eat has been such a wake up call. Friends always make the journey more fun. Feel free to add me as a friend. :happy:
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I've been on here 3.5 weeks so far and lost 10lb. Motivation is strong at the moment with me going to the gym on average 5 days a week!! Never thought it would happen but feeling very accountable to my friends on here! On holiday next week so hope I don't put much back on!
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    ADD ME!!! yay i need more friends ppl lets DO THIS!! WOOP WOOP
  • Jendf
    Jendf Posts: 36 Member
    Add me too!!! Accountabilty is often a huge motivator for all of us!! Maybe we can help each other out with this.