PMS and Binge Eating - real or just an excuse?



  • kimmymayhall
    kimmymayhall Posts: 419 Member
    I am a bit hungrier around TOM. It's not usually specific cravings, but if I'm really hungry I will eat more. A square of dark chocolate does wonders when I'm feeling a little off any time of month. My periods are typically very easy. Fatigue is my worst symptom so I eat a little more red meat and other iron-rich foods, drink plenty of water and get more sleep. I consider myself fortunate in this because I know some women suffer terrible physical and emotional symptoms. I certainly don't judge them (or anyone else) doing whatever they need to do to get through their lives.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    I think it depends on the person.

    I don't get PMS, no mood swings, no cramps, no noticeable bloating, no cravings.

    Never have not since 11 years old ;) If I didn't keep track I would have no warning lol

    but others have crazy PMS

    so perhaps it is true for them? Just because it isn't true for me doesn't mean it isn't for them :)
  • WhitneySheree88
    WhitneySheree88 Posts: 222 Member
    I have PMS cravings, usually sweets and I have found that if I don't indulge myself in one of my cravings I try to eat something healthy but it never "hits the spot" so then I eat another healthy food, and another, and another until I have to eat what I wanted to begin with by this time it would have been better to have just had the damn candy bar and been done with it.
    Everyone is different, we do not all bleed the same amount, we do not all have the same cravings and we do not all have perfect control of our eating habits, some of us do better than others during that time of the month.
    I personally turn into another person for 2 weeks out of the month. Week one- I am the nicest person EVER. I want to love everyone and everything.
    Week 2- I am evil. I feel like there are ninjas in my uterus, my lower back kills me, I get horrible headaches and I am always hungry.
    We Are Different.
  • WolowitzTimestwo
    WolowitzTimestwo Posts: 45 Member
    I, personally, think it's kind of just an excuse. Although I do eat more red meat during the TOM, because women can require more iron then, due to blood loss.

    You bleed about a tablespoon...hardly enough to make you anemic

    Absolutely incorrect. All women are different. Come spend a full week with me during my period.
    I wish a tablespoon !!!! Maybe a tablespoon every hour?
    Does anyone get the irony of women in this thread arguing over periods and hormones?
    How many are experiencing it as we chat?
  • ShaunaMcMac
    ShaunaMcMac Posts: 160 Member

    That is all.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    didnt bother to see what others said but ITS REAL! Your body burns more calories around that time and therefore your more at a deficit and need more food and we tend to binge eat since we dont eat more even during out period. The only way to avoid that it to eat more during PMS.

    Hope that help :bigsmile:
  • Dezire4lyfe
    Dezire4lyfe Posts: 16 Member
    It actually depends on my cycle... some months... I literally can't get full.. I crave everything and about 10 mins after eating, I get stomach pains like I haven't eaten all week. Other months, the idea of food is sickening and I won't eat for almost two full days...

    Every woman is different.... hormones effect women completely different.....
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    Normally it's not really an issue, but on the rare month, yeah, it can hit me pretty damn hard. I own it, I don't let it get me down and keep on my way.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.

    Look up PMDD or go ask a OB/GYN. It is REAL.

    You have no clue as to how and what the hormones in the female body to when the hormones are skewed.

    Just because YOU don't have that strong of cravings, doesn't mean others don't.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.
    My experience is A, so if you say your experience is B, then you are just making excuses.


    Until you live in another person's body, you can't have any idea what that person goes through at any given time.

    I think you missed the entire point of the start of this thread. I said that I do not believe PMS is the cause for eating far too much food. I ALSO never said that my experience is the right and only experience. THIS IS WHY I ASKED FOR ALL REPLIES.

    I think the "eyeroll" was a bit unnecessary. But, hey, what ev er.

    You obviously don't understand the role that the hormones play in overeating during PMS times.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.
    My experience is A, so if you say your experience is B, then you are just making excuses.


    Until you live in another person's body, you can't have any idea what that person goes through at any given time.

    I think you missed the entire point of the start of this thread. I said that I do not believe PMS is the cause for eating far too much food. I ALSO never said that my experience is the right and only experience. THIS IS WHY I ASKED FOR ALL REPLIES.

    I think the "eyeroll" was a bit unnecessary. But, hey, what ev er.
    My reading comprehension is just fine. Your post was judgmental and rude. The eyeroll was absolutely necessary.

    You stated that while you crave specific foods, you don't need large amounts of those foods and therefore, anyone who overeats due to PMS is just making excuses because of YOUR experience.

    Well, if that's the way it works, then I say you're using PMS as an excuse to eat junk food because *I* don't crave junk food when I have PMS and clearly what I experience is what everyone experiences.

    Great rebuttal to the OP's post.

    Judgmental people all around saying just because they don't experience A that it is just an excuse...........NO, there are reasons as to why many women overeat during PMS times.

    Look up PMDD.......I posted a google scholar article.
  • thestrawberrysays
    thestrawberrysays Posts: 31 Member
    Not everyone fits into the same shoes. When you're already battling several obstacles and one more stacks up it could be enough to make someone binge eat. I hate the, "If I can do it anyone can" argument. You aren't everyone- just you!
  • hmg90
    hmg90 Posts: 314 Member
    There is no reason to binge eat. There are circumstances which may increase the need to do so, but nobody is ever forced to binge.

    I have always struggled with PMS on several levels - the first time I got my period it lasted two weeks straight and my pains were so bad I couldn't leave bed and was crying all day long.
    Ever since I've always had cramps and back pain. I also have an increase in appetite, although that is a small "dilemma" compared to the actual pains. Either way, PMS is definitely real and not just nonsense made up by women.

    HOWEVER there is no need to use it as an excuse. Several things can cause cravings, some days you are more hungry than others. A craving is a craving and it can be ignored or fulfilled with healthier options. it doesn't bother me too much whether someone is making either false or valid excuses. They are the ones who have to live with their weight. If they are giving into every craving they have, they won't lose weight and it's their problem. People are making up excuses for themselves constantly, from diabetes to thyroid problems to parents to coworkers to diet food companies...the list goes on. Some excuses are valid, some are exaggerated and some made up. I don't care. You deal with the cards you've been given. If something is harder for you than for others, that sucks, but it's the way it is. Moaning gets you nowhere.
  • I completely disagree. I think hormonal cravings are a very real issue. I struggle TREMENDOUSLY for about four or five days a month. I feel depressed, weak in the gym, and I want to eat EVERYTHING in sight. Any other day of the month I am straight forward clean eating raring to go. It has actually become such a problem for me, I am considering getting some sort of counseling to help. It devastates me and makes my progress come to a halt. I competed last May in a bikini competition, and it was a struggle then to. I had to mentally check out for those days and I was excuse me, but a total *****.

    So yes I think it is real and I wish I knew how to combat it, because I am going crazy from it :-(((

  • lemonshredding
    lemonshredding Posts: 71 Member
    I said that I do not believe PMS is the cause for eating far too much .

    Sometimes there is no other reason.
    Nope, drank 100oz.
    Lacking minerals?
    Nope, anticipated TOM and made it a point to take my supplements.
    Poor eating?
    Nope, stocked up on produce, ditched the crap.
    Not enough exercise?
    Nope, ran 10miles.
    Not enough sleep?
    Nope, got 6-7hours plus a nap.
    Nope, things are actually wonderful.
    :sad: how did you know? I can't stop eating everything even though I super glued the fridge and pantry shut!

    Hahaha this is meeeeee

    Also can't strop crying for absolutely no reason and my boyfriend has learned to just smile and hug me for that week!

    And no amound of chocolate/peanut butter/ice cream is safe. I am aware of this, and don't use it as an excuse to throw caution to the wind, but if I really feel like I can't help myself I just try to exercise harder or create a slightly larger deficit the following week.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    didnt bother to see what others said but ITS REAL! Your body burns more calories around that time and therefore your more at a deficit and need more food and we tend to binge eat since we dont eat more even during out period. The only way to avoid that it to eat more during PMS.

    Hope that help :bigsmile:

    Woohooo! This is very encouraging. Once a month I am going to be burning more calories just because I am a woman. I just have to figure how to NOT eat more and I just might....might....start to see the benefit of our monthly visitor(apart from the obvious of course).
  • Bukawww
    Bukawww Posts: 159 Member
    My experience is A, so if you say your experience is B, then you are just making excuses.


    Until you live in another person's body, you can't have any idea what that person goes through at any given time.


    I love this post...even if it is from 9 months ago lol.

    I HATE PMS and I DREAD with actual physical anxiety. I am 100% in control of my emotions over food right now but I know its going to be absolute hell in about a week. Like another poster said, that feeling of extreme hunger is screaming in my head. I am pretty sure I have PMDD because I feel like I'm having an out of body experience some times...I feel like I'm in a bubble watching the world through an invisibility cloak. It is bizarre. The RAGE is ridiculous. My attitude absolutely sucks and I talk myself out of being gets the point of not even caring if I live. And if I don't care if I live, why the hell would I care about an extra 1000 calories kwim.

    I definitely have enough brain power to realize how irrational I am being, but that just sends me into an internal rage against myself which leads to wicked sadness and feelings of hopelessness. I also feel like closing my business and getting a divorce or running away during this very speshul time of the month...isn't that awesome. I KNOW how my cycle goes and I know if I can just hold on till the 2nd day of my period, the skies will open, I will be exhausted, literally drained. I will be like a puppy with her tail between the legs, once again submitting to my healthy lifestyle.

    Once the recovery period begins, everything is perfectly fine. I have drive again for everything. I love my husband and children deeply and can't believe I wanted to leave. I have 8 billion ideas on how to move my soap company forward. My house gets clean lol.

    As far as I know, the only remedy offered is antidepressants. I'm not going to take a medication 365 days/yr for one incredibly miserable week each I'm stuck feeling anxious about what is to come. If only someone could lock me in a basement with basic comforts, exercise equipment, and my appropriate foods, I'd be 100% fine. If only...
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    excuse. if it is not in your house then you can not eat it. its like wanting something you want to buy from the store, if you don't have enough money then its too bad. you should think of your calories like that too. if you can afford it, then eat it, if not - don't. end of story. our bodies do want things like carbs so eat a potato/and or vegies, and antioxidants so have tea. and or black beans. up your exercise at this time of the month, know the difference between hunger and boredom or just plain out thirst. up your water. eat more filling and satisfying foods also. add in chia seeds if you have to because getting a little extra hungry can be normal at this time.because your body will be burning a bit more calories but its not by much. cravings are just that. a thought in your head. i crave a new car but my bank account tells me fat chance. binge eating is ridiculous if you are truly committed to losing weight and getting healthy. that is my thoughts on this and i have studied up on this immensely.
  • Cookie_4
    Cookie_4 Posts: 152 Member
    Ugh, some people really piss me off... But I guess I'm just using PMS as an excuse to be angry.

    As others have stated, there are scientific studies that show hormone fluctuations can change mood and appetite. Although, YES, you do ultimately "control" what food goes into your body, for many of us, it's truly so difficult that you can only hold off for so long until you feel like you have no more will to fight off those cravings.

    I'm glad that there are some of you ladies out there who don't suffer from PMS as much as others but please don't knock down others that do. If you have studied up on if cravings are always 100% controllable, maybe read up on binge eating disorder or PICA (a disorder where people have cravings for eating dirt, hair, paint, etc.) and see that there ARE times when people cannot control their cravings. It is NOT ridiculous that they cannot control it and I'm sure they wish they could. Maybe someone should have just told these people to eat chia seeds. :noway:

    PS. I felt like crap all day being tortured by PMS and tried my best to not cave in. I was able to avoid junk all day but by 8 pm, I was on the couch with Oreos and crying during Frankenweenie (a movie I've already seen twice and know the happy ending). Could I have just eaten some veggies? Yes... But I suppose I'm just "weak" and using excuses compared to others.

    End rant...
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    The way I figure it is this. I don't have any right to tell you how you feel at any specific time of the month and it's none of anyone flocking business how I feel at any particular time of the month.

    No one else is in this body with me so no one else has any idea how I feel and when.