Hip hop abs

Has anybody tried it with Shaun T? I just ordered them for the really cheap price they've advertised on tv. It was 25 dollars so if I hate them I won't be too much out. Any results, praises, disappointments? I love to dance so it looked good.


  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I have it. It's fun...

    Shawn T is funky and encouraging
    It's not too hard but also not too easy
    It comes with a nutrition guide, calendar, tape measure, etc.
    There are a lot of shorter workouts to pick from in case you have a day where you don't have much time

    I can't hear Shawn very well... the audio is mixed weird
    There are some familiar songs, but most of it isn't familiar and not anything I'd listen to by itself
    Like any other DVD, it's really fun the first few times, and after I've done a track for a few days, I get bored with it.
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    I have a lot of fun with it. I got it too because of the cheap price. I think for the $25ish price, it's a good deal. can't see paying anymore for it. I've been doing kickboxing as cardio for a long time and was so bored. For me, HHA was way less intense than I am used to, and I knew that it was not going to do much for me on it's own. So I use 2 pound per hand weighted gloves to do the workouts, and over the last few weeks, I am noticing my waistline getting smaller. If you have been working out a long time, I can't see doing thse as a stand alone workout. Not enough intensity. But I like adding them on at the end of other workouts.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm on my third week. I'm dance-challenged, but I can still do all the moves. The first two weeks are the same 2 videos, over and over again, but finally today there was a new one. I can definitely feel the improved muscle tone, although there is no weight loss so far. I'm using this program as a bridge to Insanity, as I let myself get out of shape over the last year.

    Shaun T. is gorgeous to look at, and very personable, which makes the vdeos easier to watch. I'd consider the workouts to be light to moderate in intensity. It's easy enough that I can do it at work on my lunch break and not need a shower right away. There is a second month called Hip Hop Abs Extreme, and the intensity goes up significantly.

    Definitely, go for it; the program is a lot of fun!
  • DeeDiddyGee
    DeeDiddyGee Posts: 601 Member
    It's (not) funny. As I am reading these posts, there is an add in the sidebar for "Hip Hop Abs: Get six-pack abs without a single sit-up" for just $19.95.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Probably tracking software and not coincidence. Big brother, and all that...

    Beachbody is selling it for 19.95, plus tax, plus 7 or 8 dollars s&h.
  • jeshhh
    jeshhh Posts: 44 Member
    I loved Hip Hop Abs! I did the program to Rx (I also drank Shakeology; I'm a Beachbody Coach, but I'm not trying to sell you anything, just offering a full disclaimer on what I did) and lost 11 inches.

    I do agree that doing the program as prescribed can get boring. I was so sick of one of the videos (Ab Sculpt, I think) by the end because I had to do it several times a week and it wasn't as fun as the others. But Shaun T is a great trainer, super funny, very personable, and not as much of a hardass in HHA as he is in Insanity. HHA is a great beginner to intermediate workout.

    Please feel free to add or message me if you have any questions about it or need some motivation... or if you just want to see my progress pics!
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    I'm on my third week. I'm dance-challenged, but I can still do all the moves. The first two weeks are the same 2 videos, over and over again, but finally today there was a new one. I can definitely feel the improved muscle tone, although there is no weight loss so far. I'm using this program as a bridge to Insanity, as I let myself get out of shape over the last year.

    Shaun T. is gorgeous to look at, and very personable, which makes the vdeos easier to watch. I'd consider the workouts to be light to moderate in intensity. It's easy enough that I can do it at work on my lunch break and not need a shower right away. There is a second month called Hip Hop Abs Extreme, and the intensity goes up significantly.

    Definitely, go for it; the program is a lot of fun!

    I am SO dance challenged! I was pretty sure I looked like someone on the Beyonce dance crew with "my moves." Then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror...I looked much more like a " chicken flailing around in a bucket of water" than a "beyonce dance crew member!" For the first few weeks-I could get either the top half...or the bottom half of my body to move. Took a couple tries for them to work at the same time!

    I ordered his Rocking Body set yesterday from Amazon for $28. For 7 workouts, i think thats a fun deal. I can feel myself getting bored with the HHA workouts. I added the extreme HHA dvd to my Amazon wish list for next month.

    Okay too funny-I see the HHA ad on the side bar too!!!