what should i eat before a morning run?

Posts: 32 Member
edited January 27 in Food and Nutrition
I'm not sure if I should post this here or under fitness and exercise, so I'll probably post it in both places. Anyways, I love outdoor running, but I usually do it in the afternoon or night, after I've been eating all day. But I wanna wake up early tomorrow morning and go for a morning run. I don't want to eat a full meal first, but I don't want to go on an empty stomach, I want to eat something light. I'm thinking just an apple. Will this fuel me enough for a half hour run? How long after eating an apple should I wait to run? Would drinking water just before my run give me cramps, or will it give me energy? Sorry for the silly question, thanks for your help!


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  • Posts: 6,490 Member
    You don't need to "fuel" a half hour run. Eat whatever works for you. Or run without eating. It doesn't matter.

    Personally, I do my morning runs fasted.
  • Posts: 6,890 Member
    Agree - if you're just going for a half hour run, you should be fine. I run early all the time, usually 3-4 miles, with nothing but a glass or two of water, and I'm out the door.

    There were some days awhile back when I ran a bit later, so ate a small snack, like a slice of toast with peanut butter, or a small piece of fruit, but have found that I really do just fine, if not better, running fasted. Give a shot and see how you feel.
  • Posts: 1,186
    I never eat before my morning runs. The most I might have would be a cup of coffee, but that's rare.
  • Posts: 3,038 Member
    You don't need to "fuel" a half hour run. Eat whatever works for you. Or run without eating. It doesn't matter.

    Personally, I do my morning runs fasted.

    This. I'd go fasted as well.
  • Posts: 133
    Yeah, I never eat before my morning runs. It makes me feel very bloated and unpleasant and it lowers my performance, so going for my run right after I wake up, then coming back and eating my breakfast works amazingly for me. Hope this helps.
  • Posts: 2,275 Member
    I run better in the morning if I've been properly hydrated the night before.
    I drink a bit of water before I run. But not much because I usually have to stop to pee. lol

    If you feel like you must eat something, I recommend a bit of oatmeal.
  • Posts: 3,027 Member
    When I run I always do it empty, even if that means not eating till about 2pm or whatever. IF I run with anything in my stomach I have problems during the run. I also wont drink before it either for the same reasons. But that's just me & the way I work. I have no need to fuel up before any workout at all, even when I'm running for an hour.
  • Posts: 90
    I don't run in the mornings, but I do other forms of cardio and all of my strength training in the mornings right after I get up, and I usually have a big glass of water, a SMALL handful of fruit and two or three crackers... I don't really eat anything past like 4 o'clok PM though so that may not work for you. According to my AFAA textbook your aerobic metabolism, unlike your anaerobic metabolism, runs on carbs, fat, and protein so you should be fine running fasted if you can handle it!
  • Posts: 261 Member
    I train in a fasted state, especially cardio. If I eat anything it is just a few calories from a couple of rice crackers to get over the morning stomach acid.

    I do a sugar free pre-work out drink that has BCAA's and electrolytes...but other than that NOTHING. Food digestion slows down performance.
  • Posts: 419 Member
    I have been running in the evening recently but will probably switch back to mornings with the summer heat coming on. I typically don't eat anything before a morning run. I only run 2-3 miles so don't need to fuel up. I tend to get hungry early, so if I wake up hungry I will have something small like a few dried apricots or almonds and just a bit of water. Like someone else said its important to make sure you hydrate the night before. A single glass of wine the night before can wreck my run if I don't follow it up with enough water.
  • Posts: 8,619 Member
    When I go for morning runs, I either:
    1. Go first thing, fasted. This works great for runs under an hour or done close to the house.
    2. Have my coffee first, RR, maybe a small banana and then head out. But this is if I go to run at the track that is 11 miles away and I will run for an hour or more. Then I drink 2 cups of water in the car on the way home.
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