Eating before a workout

resamarieh Posts: 16
edited January 27 in Food and Nutrition
I have been working out in the mornings since that's the only time of day I really have time to dedicate to it. I like to eat something before working out and want to get some more ideas so I have some variety. So:

What is your favorite thing to eat before a workout?


How much time to you let pass between eating and working out?


  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,344 Member
    some say eat before so you have fuel...... then others say exercising in the morning on an empty stomach burns more fat. So many opinions.. it is nuts.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Usually a piece of fruit or a yogurt
  • whitney_simpson
    whitney_simpson Posts: 77 Member
    I generally just eat an apple about 30 minutes before I workout. The carbs are digested quickly so I can use the fuel right away.
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    I am careful about what I eat - it depends on the workout and the intensity of it. Mostly I will eat an apple about an hour before a workout. Post workout I load up on protein!
  • a56jml
    a56jml Posts: 2
    My doctor told me there was a study that eating before and after working out actually improves weight loss. I try to eat a banana or cereal before working out and then something small afterwards. I'm usually not hungry right after I work out but I'm trying to follow this theory.
  • I agree with the reply regarding having an apple before working out. Anything easily digested is the best, I like to have a banana.
  • tryskinni
    tryskinni Posts: 50 Member
    If I'm running or cycling 90 minutes or less I'll do a larabar, coffee, and water. I eat this about 15 minutes before I run. Depending on what I'm doing I'll alternatively eat oatmeal, oatmeal with almonds, bagel & almond butter (for 10-15 miles), or just a banana/mini larabar for lighter workouts.

    I was recently on a cruise and couldn't find food at 5am. I ran 6 miles without food and while I was fine, I had a pounding headache at the end. Not sure if that was the lack of food.
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