12 hour shift Nurses, how do you stay healthy?

I currently work a job where I do 2 -12 hour shifts, 1 -10 hour shift and a 6 hour shift weekly, every other weekend as well. Lately I have been working all week long so, 4 -12s 2=10's and 2 more 12's...is there anything you nurses out there or anyone that works long shifts do to stay in shape without becoming exhausted?

Also, always up for new friends, feel free to respond and add! :happy:



  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    I'm not a nurse, but I regularly work 12-14 hour days.

    I make sure to pack food and snacks so I don't just drive through to get something on my way home or snack out of a vending machine. I count being on my feet walking around for hours as exercise, so on weekdays, I'll typically just end or start the day with 15 minutes of squats, crunches, weights, etc and then try to get some more vigorous cardio in on the weekends.

    The fires of hell couldn't make me go running after a 14 hour work day.
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Also, not a nurse... But I do work 12 hr days 5 days a week (and then some).

    What I find I have to do, is come to work early in my workout gear and go for a 30 min jog. I'll change and get ready at work in the separate handicapped washroom, since it's empty at that time anyways. If I have time, I'll go to a park near my work at lunch and do body weight exercises and basic strength training with whatever weights I have available (even a resistance band at times).

    Other than that, I try to stay active and switch it up outside of the office as well. If I feel like doing something new- then I do it. Something else that helps is joining a class of sorts that starts right after work is finished whenever possible. I joined a Pilates/belly dance group one day a week, and it was a really fun end to the day.

    One more thing- prepare all your own food and bring it to the office. That will save you time (and money) you wouldn't have otherwise to spend being active.
  • dream_big
    dream_big Posts: 75 Member
    I'm a nurse, I'm supposed to work 8 hour shifts but lately with being short staffed been doing a lot of 12's. when I do my normal shift I either work out right when I get home or right when I get up. Lots of time if I'm doing a 12 I don't have the time with sleep and a young child. I have a fit bit and I use that all the time at work. I just try to make up for it on my days off.
  • somanyrhoades
    somanyrhoades Posts: 107 Member
    I'm a nurse who works 12's. They just switched me to 3 12's instead of 5 8's and I love it! I have soooo much more time on my hands, but clearly our schedules are a bit different. I work night shift (which sucks) so I probabaly have a little more time on my hands than day shift people. I actually walk on all my breaks... hospitals are really great places to walk in, lots of stairs and it doesn't get boring because most of the halls are different. I usually use my lunch break to walk, and eat while I chart so I don't miss my lunch. I also make sure to bring high protein snacks... working nights made me crave simple carbs for 8 hours and I did nothing to control it it, hence a 12 lb weight gain. I try to eat a little something before i come in, a litle something around 9, my main meal at 1 and then another snack (usually a coffee with plain almond milk) around 3 or 4. This keeps me from overeating at 1, and from being ravished in the morning. On days when I know I am going to be asleep most of the day I eat really small meals to accomadate the lack of exercise. Also, I happen to be lucky enough to work for The Cleveland Clinic who are very big into health for their employees... they offer free yoga, free exercise class, free weight watcher, gym memberships for free at curves and their own gym, and many other programs that encourage weight loss, so for me it's pretty easy to stay healthy because i'm surrounded by it (our vending machines don't even have candy bars or potato chips or soda in them). Maybe where you work isn't as gung-ho about health as CCF, but you could check out if they offer anything similar
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I am a nurse. I work two jobs. One is 12 hour shifts 3 days one week and four the next. The other job is 8 or 16 hour shifts depending on what I chose for that schedule. I pack all my own food. I don't rely on machines or fast food. Period. I work nights and I know I will not get up early enough to run before work so I don't tell myself that I will. I do it immediately after work before I do anything else.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    ICU nurse who works 12 hour shifts here. I second taking all your own food to work - otherwise there's too much temptation at the cafe and takeaway places where I work.

    I ride to work, which takes about 20 minutes each way give or take a few minutes for heavier/lighter traffic. Day shifts I really struggle with tiredness, though, so sometimes only ride twice out of my three shifts and rest on one of them. Night shifts usually are much better for riding because it's (usually!) not as busy.

    On my days off I usually jog or go to the gym. As part of attempting to bring balance to my lifestyle, however, if I feel tired I don't do anything. Just hole up in the Batcave and read a book or something lol.
  • cheestah22
    I work for Geisinger Medical Center in Danville PA, but the clinic I work at is a little one down the street from the main hospital(where I used to work). My day starts at 8am and ends at 8pm during the week and 8am-6pm on the weekends I work. Geisinger is all about being healthy as well, but they do not offer free things to their employees. They off a gym membership to their gym but it is only open until 9 and by the time I actually leave here after seeing 35 patients a day its a little too late...So I dont have the halls or stairs to walk anymore, and I kind of consider working exercise since I rarely ever sit...thank you for your advice! I appreciate it!
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I work 12 hr shifts as a nurse too, I've gone on runs and walks over break when I work a lot!!!
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I bring a suitcase full of food (okay, not really, but it is a lot) so I'm not tempted to hit the gift shop for candy or the cafeteria for fries, and I take the stairs as often as I can. If I have a couple of spare minutes, I'm climbing stairs, because I'm not goingto go home and work out after a 12 hour day.
  • ncmedic201
    ncmedic201 Posts: 540 Member
    I'm not a nurse but I work 24 hour shifts as my regular schedule and sometimes pick up extra 12 hour shifts or work 36 hour shifts. I just joined a gym that opens at 4:30 so I can go before work. I found some videos on YouTube so I can try and get in a 20 minute workout at work when I can. I have also started packing all of my food instead of eating out.
  • kellybatkin
    kellybatkin Posts: 34 Member
    Hi! I find it really hard to fit in exercise when working 12.5 hour days as well! I can't believe you guys who workout before or after, well done!! I know I couldn't! I do walk to and from work which is 30 mins each way, and like all nurses im on my feet all day! I've found the best thing for me is to really watch what I eat when working, pack enough food to keep me full and away from the endless biscuits / chocolates ect that are always around! Then exercise wise, make sure I exercise on my days off, which is 3-4 times a week! So instead of say 30-60 mins every day of the week like some people I rather 3-4 bigger sessions!!

  • rmcminn89
    rmcminn89 Posts: 37
    I pack a lot of food, even more than I need, just in case I get hungry, I can choose from my healthy snacks I brought, instead of going to the cafeteria or having fast food.
  • Foggnm
    Foggnm Posts: 1
    I'm an RN and work 12 hour shifts. It is really difficult to work out before or after our shifts. I try to focus more on a quality diet while at work, than a daily workout. If anything, I will do a very short set of exercises or some stretching on my work days. For example, you could go run 2 miles, do a few sets of push ups and sit ups, some burpees, go for a walk, etc. Our jobs are already very physical, but not in a good way. I really try to manage my sleep well to help my fitness, as I work a mixture of nights and days. Good luck!
  • xStellar
    xStellar Posts: 28 Member
    I'm an rn on 12.5 hr day shifts with a 1-2 hour commute each way depending on traffic. I agree with the others about bringing your own food. I eat the majority of my food at work on work days. I eat a big breakfast before I leave my house since my shift is busiest the first couple of hours, a Greek yogurt as my morning snack, a medium sized lunch (usually some kid of meat and veggie stir fry with a small portion of rice), and a small snack and a protein bar; when I get home I have dinner then go to bed. I don't do any additional exercise on work days. I am on my feet pretty much all day walking up and down the hallway and am too tired by the time I get home. I leave exercise for the days off.