
rfnewlife Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
It seems crazy. I am normally a very active and motivated person.
I love being active and people.
However, since beginning my Master's Degree I seemed bound to books and a computer to type reports.
I have gained 20 pounds during one semester.
I know this to be the case. I took a semester off and lost the weight. I went back to school last semester and once again 20 pounds attached itself.

Learning to balance exercise and learning is something I must work hard to do.
My personality seems to be all or none.

Any suggestions?

I don't have any active friends. I need a workout partner. Any ideas about how to find one without joining a gym?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    maybe you could post something on the bulletin board at college for a work out partner. Or if you live in an apt building maybe posting something in the office. Maybe you could take some type of aerobics or weight training class at school and find someone through the class to work out with. Also this site is great for motivation you could find someone that you can be accountable to for your workouts. good luck
  • hollystone
    hollystone Posts: 5 Member
    Hello.......I know exactly how you feel... since finishing my degree and getting an office job... I am piling on the pounds as the office biscuits get passed around..! ahhhhhhhh
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    I remember this problem from my postgraduate days. I gained a LOT of weight analysing results and typing my thesis. I seemed to need a coffee or cup of tea very frequently and all that caffeine upset my stomach so I ended up eating more.....

    Yes an exercise partner would help. What about the other postgrads? I bet you are not the only one with this problem! Exercise is a good break from studying and often you can hash over problems while you do it . Good luck
  • Thanks for all the ideas. I will try posting something at school. I am planning on joining a gym. Kind of waiting to see if who ever I find as a partner is already a member some where.
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