post workout pain

Hi Guys,

I'm new to this weight training stuff. I'm 46kg so I'm trying to get lean not lose weight. I started lifting with 3kg dumbbells each (6kg in total). I know this isn't a lot but a week later my left arm started to hurt really badly. I ignored it and continued to workout and now its almost impossible for me to do anything for too long. I have really skinny arms btw. Should I stop working out and just do cardio or should I push on?


  • infamousdrew76
    infamousdrew76 Posts: 176 Member
    Just press on!

    That advice is assuming you are and intelligent woman, and if the pain was really an injury you wouldn't be asking!

    It's natural to have soreness when you start!

    If it hurts...keep going!

    If you believe you are injured, then check it out!

    Edit: Forgot to say, you may just need to rest before you press on!
  • BonaFideUK
    BonaFideUK Posts: 313 Member
    Soreness is normal when you begin weight lifting or start a new routine. The soreness will subside after a week or so when you're body gets used to exercising more.
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    What kind of pain are you talking about? Is it just sore/tired? Dull/achy pain? Sharp/pinching/stabbing pain? If it hurts to do stuff without weights (reaching, driving, dusting, etc.) then I'd give it a rest. If it's just sore you are OK. Also, you don't want to work the same muscle groups two days in a row (this is just what I've learned from reading and from my husband who is a trainer). If the pain continues then you may want to see a doctor.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Is it just sore and sort of bruised feeling or does it REALLY hurt. There is a big difference. If it's just sore, that's probably just the normal healing reaction to when you start lifting weights or increasing weight lifted. Make sure you aren't doing the same body area on consecutive days, give your body a chance to recover/heal for a day or two. FYI, you're usually more sore the 2nd day after lifting. If it really hurts, you should skip doing what you're doing or just do the moves without weights for a week or two and then try again.

    As far as pushing through, again, it matters HOW sore you are. If your form suffers due to the pain, there's not much point in trying to push through. If you can still do the moves properly with just a little soreness, ok to push through.

    Also, make sure you're using proper form and stretching. If you're not controlling your movements, your not doing yourself any favors and may be inuring or irritating your tendons/joints. There are plenty of videos online or you can get a book from your local library, or order one online to help guide you. Always stretch well after lifting. Again, look up videos or books to guide you.

    If you're sore but you want to keep working out, I'd suggest doing an active rest. Go for a nice walk or slow run or swim or bike ride then stretch really well afterwards.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How frequently are you working out. You need to allow yourself adequate recovery between workouts (whether it's running or weights).

    For now, ice and rest the affected area for a day or two and see how you feel. In the mean time there's nothing stopping you from other activities (running, biking, swimming etc)