i dont understand at all!
i eat little and i'm gaining! i gained a pound this week from eating 1200-1400 a day some days idont even meet 1200 and 1400 was one day at the weekend.
my usual diet is:
breakfast:fat free yoghurt and some fruit(mango, apple or pear etc)
lunch: 2 rivita (68 cals) weight watchers tuna (80cals) some carrot on the side and fruit after
tea: healthy meal, eg salad woth fish or mela usually no more than 350 cals
snacks: i only snack on grapes maby some snack a jacks 91cals or at a night if im feel hungry i have healthy nuts or some fruit and cup of tea

i allow my self my treat night
my lunches can change like to a bowl of soup or just some snack a jack and some fruit.
can some one please help i excercise every other day like 40 mins cardio at least and then 20-30mins strength usually just sit ups or abnominal trianing and i do physio on my knee.
do not understand :/


  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182

    First of all, are your calories set to 1200? You say some days you don't even meet this; which isn't good. Secondly are you eating back any calories you burn from all that cardio? It could be that you are eating too little and its very common when people start off on this journey. MFP has already created a defecit for you so you do not need to reduce it anymore. 1200 cals is actually based on a healthy minimum amount.

    I'm going to give you some advice that I wished someone had given me a few years ago when I first lost weight. I was a member of a website similar to this but the minimum was set to 1100 cals. I started off at 165 pounds, was exercising 5 days a week and eventually got to 126 pounds by eating that low amount of cals. Great eh? the minute I started eating 'normal' the weight came back on faster than you can say regain! I felt like as soon as i had a few treats i'd be half a stone heavier and i'm not talking phantom scale weight, it stuck. I struggled ever since to keep weight off. In March I started back the gym for a holiday due this August. I read on here about bmr and tdee and I think you should do the same. I upped my cals to my bmr at first and went with that. I never lost for the whole of March and mostly all of April. I blame this on my slowed down metabolism. Near then end of April I started losing on 1500 cals. I also advise that you track your protein. i personally eat mines at 1g per pound of bodyweight, if not more. You eat good food like fruit but I would personally get my protein and good fats in then let the rest fall with carbs. Try to add more to your strenght routine instead of just abs-squats/lunges(not sure if you are able with your knee). Good luck x
  • monkey9994
    monkey9994 Posts: 10
    thank you that was help so how many cals doyou thing i should be eating if im 5'2 105 lbs i just dont want to gain any weight,
    i excercise 3-4 week?
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    Can I ask what your goal is? at 105 you seem quite small anyway? Do you know what your body fat percentage is?
  • mich1902
    mich1902 Posts: 182
    Your bmr is around 1300 so i'd make that your minimum. For the activity you do i'd place your maintenece around 1800 so you can make a defecit anywhere between those numbers-say 1400 cals a day and then that way you don't have to add in exercise as this is already done in the calculation. check out websites like scooby calculator or fat2fit radio.I wouldn't focus on the scale if I were you, concentrate on body fat and muscle as you will look a lot better shape wise than just being thin.
  • monkey9994
    monkey9994 Posts: 10
    thankyou you are so helpful my body fat is 19% but im try to maintain my cheerleader physique for my return.