Weight went up for 1st time in a year!

Ok, so over the last year I've lost about 100 lbs through dieting and lots of cardio (first walking, then eventually running). In May I started the 30 Day Shred, so I'm really hoping that my weight's going up cuz of increased muscle. Here's the details:

Started 30DS, struggled through the first 20 days, still ran at night, and still lost about 2 lbs a week. But then the last week my weight jumped up almost 6 whole pounds! My diet stayed pretty constant. However I dont really struggle with the 30DS anymore. It HAS gotten easier. So that's gotta mean I'm gaining muscle, yeah?

This is literally the first time my weight has gone up since last July, so it has me kinda worried. I'm new to strength training, so any advice would be appreciated.


  • ed92969
    ed92969 Posts: 7
    Gotta bump this up.

    I peaked in 2012 stabilized until May 2013 when I gained 15lbs in 3 weeks.

    Back to MFP now and feeling great about it.
  • EastCincyDad
    EastCincyDad Posts: 15 Member
    Sorry that I don't have any advice - but that's great to go a whole year before having an increase in weight!

    Maybe time for a change in routine, but still an amazing run you had there! Keep up the good work!
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    Sorry that I don't have any advice - but that's great to go a whole year before having an increase in weight!

    Maybe time for a change in routine, but still an amazing run you had there! Keep up the good work!

    I appreciate the comment, nonetheless. Yeah, might have to change up my diet/exercise routine to step it up a notch.

    Idk, can you even physically gain 6 lbs of muscle in a week, or maybe 8 or 9 days? Either way it motivated me to go on an epic (for me, at least) 6 mi run last night. I sweat off half the 6 lbs, lol.
  • ed92969
    ed92969 Posts: 7
    I was told to shock my system either with extreme workout or almost a crash diet for a few days. It never worked for me. I also went the flip side and ate everything in site and no workout. I just flatlined for a year and a half. it wasn't unitl a few weeks ago with my sudden gain and then my Re-interest in loosing the poundage did my body respond. down 12 pounds in 17 days.

    Tiznonay: if you find a dost to restart you journey PLEASE share with us.
  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    Maybe a combination of muscle gain and salt or something like that? Maybe give it a few weeks to see what's going on?
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Yeah seems like a a lot of weight for such a short period could be water retention ....maybe watch your sodium levels, make sure your staying on the 8 glasses of 8 oz water a day ...I have heard people talking about tricking their metabolism but eating little one day higher cal the next for a week or so !! But I'm just spitting words ...no credibility from me , I'm just starting out ...wishing you the best !! Stick to it :)
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Had to add this in there too, I am a researcher so I came across this one day ( read that a five pounds fluctuation in weight is pretty normal ) are you weighing yourself in the morning?? And always weigh in at the same time of day ...best to do once a week maybe every Monday since weight can fluctuate through out the day
  • Tiznonay
    Tiznonay Posts: 124 Member
    I weigh myself every morning. And then a lot of times I like to do it after I run to see what I sweat off (I'm weird, I know :wink:) It does fluctuate from day to day, but it always ends up down right around 2 lbs by the end of the week... til now, of course

    But I DO tend to be over the MFP recommended sodium levels, even though I'm always under on calories. I've also been trying to up my protein a lil bit, so that could be playing its part