New to My fitnesspal (day 2)

itsmychele Posts: 8
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone. My name is Michelle and this is my second day of doing myfitnesspal. I'm really enjoying the ease of the app on my new iphone. It's so easy to keep track of what I am eating and drinking. It's more of a visual and it keeps me on track. I started walking at the beginning of summer with a neighbor and have just recently moved up to jogging. In fact we have since recruited another neighbor. I wake up at 5:30 and join them at 6:00am and we begin together. I know once the weight starts to come off it'll be easier to maintain the jog. It's nice to have their support and now it's nice to have a community of even more supporters and "doers" on here!!! Way to go everyone!!! We can all do this and be successful!!


  • Welcome to MFP!!
    You'll love this site! There's so much info, support and inspiration in here; I swear It's changed my life :-D

    Glad to hear you have real life fitness pals too! That always helps!
    Good luck on your weight loss journey!

  • Thanks Romina. This app on my phone is awesome. I swear I have never been so conscience of everything going into my mouth!! I love how it counts the calories and keeps track of what you have left. I have a swimming pool and my sister (who just joined today) looked up treading water and we found out it burns calories!! For 20 min it's something like 100 calories.. into my calorie bank those go!!
    I see you joined back in June.. how's it going for you???
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