Jillian Michaels Hard Body ~ new dvd



  • lisamarieayotte
    lisamarieayotte Posts: 8 Member
    Are you saying that Body Revolution is not worth it or Hard Body? I was planning on doing BR after the 30 Day Shred...
  • ElenaTS
    ElenaTS Posts: 35 Member
    I'm pretty sure she is talking about the new Hard Body DVD. Her review pretty much echos every other review I have read about it-from Amazon to other fitness sites. Shaky weird camera, a DJ (?) and just an odd workout.
  • Limbo2012
    Limbo2012 Posts: 170 Member
    Sorry if my post was unclear. My review was for the new Hard Body dvd.
    As for Body Revolution, it is absolutely amazing! It doesn't seem like much when you're used to performing JM's 3-2-1 approach, but it truly delivers if you are consistent with it. This is a 90-day program and each week consists of 4 strength training days, 2 cardio only days and one rest day. After completing Phase 1 and Phase 2, I do not even bother with the scale anymore ... my mirror is my gage! I highly recommend Body Revolution but take a deep breath, 90 days is a strong commitment but at 30-35 min a work-out, it is doable! :D
  • Hi there, I am new to this whole my fitness pal thing and am still trying to figure it out. How do you classify the Jillian Michaels workouts under your exercise tabs. How do I know how many calories I have burned?
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    Thank you Tina! I love all the Biggest Losers and most of their DVDS, and I have quite a few of Jillians. Her 30 day shred level 3 is PERFECT when you are short on time and you need the maintenance or a break from a more strenuous routine. But I love her workouts so much you can bet I will be getting this. My favorite cardio is Biggest Loser CARDIO MAX WEIGHT LOSS with Bob Harper (it's FUN and he is just funny). Though I have to say there was one in that franchise that I was REALLY disappointed in the "AT HOME CHALLENGE" was awful. It goes way too slow.

    Now that we are on the subject....are their any workouts, DVDS, or things that you guys WOULD NOT recommend? Something else I wouldn't recommend is TURBO FIRE. She goes too fast and gives NO instruction whatsoever you just have to keep watching and trying to copy her. (it's also KILLER expensive- so not worth the $$$)

    But one I would recommend is Jeanette Jenkins Bikini Bootcamp. She is high energy and that DVD has a great 28 minutes of great chiseling, and a 9 minutes AB camp segment. BOTH very effective. There are several cardio bootcamps and they are fun but you will sweat.
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    Hi there, I am new to this whole my fitness pal thing and am still trying to figure it out. How do you classify the Jillian Michaels workouts under your exercise tabs. How do I know how many calories I have burned?

    Because of Jillians 3-2-1 approach, I think we all pretty much catorgorize it as CIRCUIT TRAINING? At least I do. Anyone else?
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi there, I am new to this whole my fitness pal thing and am still trying to figure it out. How do you classify the Jillian Michaels workouts under your exercise tabs. How do I know how many calories I have burned?

    Because of Jillians 3-2-1 approach, I think we all pretty much catorgorize it as CIRCUIT TRAINING? At least I do. Anyone else?

    That's what I did before I got an HRM.

    Re: Hard Body, I just entered a contest to win a free copy through JM's facebook page. (fingers crossed)
  • Malvarez2013
    Malvarez2013 Posts: 19 Member
    This is a review of the DVD that I posted on Amazon:

    I will preface by noting that I have only done Workout 1 so far.

    As someone who recently completed Ripped in 30, I truly enjoy this DVD. If I could give 4 1/2 stars, I would. Two reasons why I didn't give it 5 stars:

    A) The cool down is like two or three stretches. I really enjoyed the cool down on Ripped in 30, and if that DVD warranted several minutes worth of cool down, this one certainly did as well. My back is killing me right now, and I think a longer cool down would've helped.

    B) As other reviewers have said, the production quality seems a little off (colors, angles, etc...), but for me, it was only a bit distracting at the beginning. Once the workout got started, it didn't bother me anymore because I was too focused on the exercises to care/notice.

    The workout in itself gets 5 stars. I have to admit, I was hesitant at first. The first two moves in workout 1, there isn't a set amount of reps - Jillian just says "Do as many as you can in 30 seconds," and, as someone who loves having a set number of reps and loves having structure in workout DVDs, I was worried that the whole workout was going to be 'Welp, just do as many as you feel like doing...' However, as the DVD progressed, Jillian began to have the backup girls do a certain amount of reps for each move, so luckily it was just that 1st circuit that was kind of a free-for-all.

    I, for one, enjoy Jillian's personality and 'preachiness'. I know that it turns a lot of people off, and I get why. But when I started her DVDs, I was very unhappy with my body, had very low self-esteem, and was unmotivated to do any kind of physical exercise. She really gave me perspective on the role I was playing in my own self-pity party and kicked my a** into gear. I am very much inspired because of her. However, for those who were turned off my her intensity in Ripped in 30, I'm here to say that, though still Jillian, she is certainly more encouraging and soft-spoken in Hard Body and less of the up-in-your-face-screaming-at-you-to-push-yourself that you saw in Ripped.

    This workout is very challenging (Weighted Burpees & Traveling Pushups are no joke!!!). I imagine the second one isn't any easier. Because I think it is important to give your muscles a break and not stress the same muscles everyday, I have decided to switch up this workout and do Hard Body Day 1, Killer Abs Day 2, and a workout from Ripped in 30 Day 3 then start from the beginning again. I look forward to this Summer to show off the results ! ;)

    P.S. I have always struggled with Cardio that is high-impact due to 'exercised-induced asthma' as the docs call it, however I found the cardio moves in Ripped to be more challenging than the ones in Hard Body (possibly since the cardio moves in Ripped run 2 minutes long vs. one cardio move here and there in HB), so if you struggle with cardio as well, I think you'll find the cardio moves to be relatively attainable. (However, beware of the strength moves in the DVD. I'm hurting right now...)

    EDIT: I just completed workout 1 of Killer Abs, and if you have done this DVD before, then the layout is the same as Hard Body (minus the DJ). I'm pretty sure its the same gym as in both DVDs.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Now that we are on the subject....are their any workouts, DVDS, or things that you guys WOULD NOT recommend? Something else I wouldn't recommend is TURBO FIRE. She goes too fast and gives NO instruction whatsoever you just have to keep watching and trying to copy her. (it's also KILLER expensive- so not worth the $$$)

    Have to disagree with your assessment of Turbo Fire, I'm on week 14 and have not had a problem with following along and I'm as uncoordinated as they come (do not believe the stereotype; not all of us have rhythm). Her workouts come with a "new to class" option which breaks down all the moves, after doing that option a couple of times I have been able to follow along with the regular workouts.
  • yes she is talking about the Hard Body DVD. I love it, but I can overlook DJ in it and how much they show him and not the workout which is not really that much but more then I care for.
  • rachie590
    rachie590 Posts: 107 Member
    I just completed my second day of the hard body workout. I used 3 and 5 pound weights and have to do modified push ups. My legs and butt were sore for 2 days, but felt nothing in my arms/back/shoulders. So today I used the 5 lb weights exclusively and tried to really push deep into my modified push ups. I can't wait till I can do regular push ups!! I think this is a great circuit dvd, with functional type movements that work all parts of your body and definitely make you stronger overall.

    However, I think I will incorporate heavy lifting days for my arms/shoulders/back, I like to be sore after my workouts!
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I did Level one for the first time today. I barely noticed the DJ...didn't distract me at all. I used 10/12 pound weights and I know my shoulders and legs are going to feel it tomorrow.
    It is long, especially when you are used to doing her 30 minute workouts...but after the first go-round, it went pretty quickly. My only criticism is the length of the cool down and I am just assuming that this is to keep the total length down.
  • I got this over the weekend and love it!!! I just can't figure out what to put it under for exercising
  • burbacka1132
    burbacka1132 Posts: 19 Member
    I tried Hard Body once...and then filed it in my, "workouts I don't like" pile.

    Don't get me wrong, I think Jillian Michaels workouts are great...I really LOVE 30DS and still use Level 3 in my workout routine.

    I didn't care for this dvd for the following reasons:
    - Too many shots of the DJ doing his DJ-thing...it became a little frustrating when I was trying to watch the exercises.
    - Too many moves consolidated into one move...maybe I'm just too slow to keep up, but when there are literally 4 different moves all incorporated into ONE move...it is a bit difficult to remember which move to do when and how to place myself to get me through the entire move. Maybe other people don't have this problem, or maybe I would get used to it with time, I don't know. I just don't like that sort of thing.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Thanks. I am on 30day shred - level 1 - day 4 (so still some way to go!)
    I really like her workouts also.
    Like the way she incorporates the weights -- Anyone have any idea how heavy the weights should be?

    Use whatever works for you. I started doing 30DS again to give me some cardio on days I don't run. I use 15lb dumbbells.
  • momof24life
    momof24life Posts: 1 Member
    I used to use 8lbs but my pt person said that I should be using only 2lbs because of my weight and my current back problems and I actually see more sculpting this way then when I was doing the heavier weight cuz I can get more reps in...
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    I did Level one for the first time today. I barely noticed the DJ...didn't distract me at all. I used 10/12 pound weights and I know my shoulders and legs are going to feel it tomorrow.
    It is long, especially when you are used to doing her 30 minute workouts...but after the first go-round, it went pretty quickly. My only criticism is the length of the cool down and I am just assuming that this is to keep the total length down.

    i did this workout twice today, and read the reviews and many said negative comments about the DJ but when i was doing the moves i was so focused that i didn't notice him at all!, i used 5 pound weight in the morning and pushed myself to 7 pounds a few hours ago and i really enjoy the compound moves, at first i was like -jillian, what the heck are these messed up moves that i do not understand, but now i love them, i too feel the cool down is too short so i do extra when it finishes, no biggie, im doing level 2 tomorrow, cant wait!!!!
  • Is this a 30 day program? I cant seem to find out how long I should do it before I move into another DVD.