Eating the same thing everyday

So I am thinking of eating the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch. I think this might be the only way to stay disciplined. I could switch it up from week to week just so I don't get too tired of the same thing. Is there anyone else out there that does this and if so, does it work for you?


  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member is your answer
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    just don't look at the sweets LOL
  • mandeenicoleb
    mandeenicoleb Posts: 479 Member
    I basically eat almost the same thing Monday-Friday just because that's how it seems to work out best given I work full time. I cook chicken in bulk and leave it in the fridge. I recommend changing it up the instant you get bored so it doesn't become "chore-like" to eat. While my breakfast snacks and lunch tend to be the same, dinner always varies.
  • shannonshay1
    shannonshay1 Posts: 69 Member
    I tend to do the same thing. I will eat the same foods for a couple of weeks and then change it up. It helps me stay on track.
  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast every day - porridge with blueberries in the winter, granola with yoghurt and banana in summer.

    For lunch I often eat leftovers from the night before. Quite boring, but it works for me.
  • It's VERY easy to become malnourished. After a certain amount of time it will become IMPOSSIBLE to stick to it because your brain will do everything to force you to eat different. The problem with strict diets/unhealthy diets is that they are literally impossible
  • klm1648
    klm1648 Posts: 4
    If I something that works, i stick to it. However, eventually your body will get used to it and you may hit a plateau. I look up new food recipes online and try to juice for breakfast or before a workout. It gives me energy and keeps me satisfied. Also, the great thing about it is that I can use different fruits and veggies.
  • I find it helpful. My breakfast is nearly always the same, and there are little variations to my lunch. I find it easiest to cook a lot of food on my day off and freeze it into individual portions. That way I always have choices on hand, but since I only cook three or four dishes, there isn't a huge selection. That way I have a good idea of what my count will be for the day and can plan for goodies.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    It's VERY easy to become malnourished. After a certain amount of time it will become IMPOSSIBLE to stick to it because your brain will do everything to force you to eat different. The problem with strict diets/unhealthy diets is that they are literally impossible

    Strong first post, from someone who hasn't lost a pound yet. :bigsmile:

    I eat the same breakfast/lunch most weekdays, and I'm fine with it. It takes out a lot of the guesswork, and it's filled with enough fruits and vegetables becoming "malnourished" isn't an issue. Nights and weekends, I vary things.
  • captmiddy
    captmiddy Posts: 147 Member
    I eat just about an identical lunch every day and have for the last 5 months. My breakfast seems to vary a little more in that it depends on which cereal I have to try to finish off this week (bought a lot of boxes of cereal on sale before I started my program and now need to burn through them) The biggest issue I see is that if you do the same things all the time you have to make sure it is nutritionally balanced because that is it, you can't make up for it the next day with something that offers the parts not in today's meal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I tend to eat the same breakfast 5 days per week...but really, I did that breakfast is just more nutritious now. My lunches and dinners vary as they always have...but just tend to be more nutritious now.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I don't have any sources or links, but I know I have read multiple places that eating the same things regularly makes it easier to lose weight because you don't have as many decisions to make, fewer opportunities to fall off the wagon, so to speak. It also lets you shop in a way that keeps less variety in the house, making us less likely to snack. You certainly do need to make sure that you are getting proper nutrition with enough variety of fruits and veggies, but if you have a single "menu" for breakfast every day, one for lunch, and you eat the same snacks each day... then vary your dinner, you should be fine. Especially if you are switching up those "regulars" each week or so.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Monday to Friday, breakfast and lunch are the same. I just find it easier than trying to figure out what to have each day. The evening meal will be the same for 2 days usually due to leftovers. We are only 2 people, so pretty much everything I make lasts 2 days. Anything left after the 2nd day gets frozen for a night that I just need something quick or when my ds isn't home.

    Both meals are healthy and I'm not bored with it yet. If/when I do get bored, I'll change it up somehow. I'm happy to keep my variety for the evening meal. Since I watch my sodium (due to high blood pressure), it also helps me keep my sodium macro in check.
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i would neverr eat the same thing everyday
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    It's VERY easy to become malnourished. After a certain amount of time it will become IMPOSSIBLE to stick to it because your brain will do everything to force you to eat different. The problem with strict diets/unhealthy diets is that they are literally impossible

    Strong first post, from someone who hasn't lost a pound yet. :bigsmile:

    I eat the same breakfast/lunch most weekdays, and I'm fine with it. It takes out a lot of the guesswork, and it's filled with enough fruits and vegetables becoming "malnourished" isn't an issue. Nights and weekends, I vary things.

    ^^ Agree with and do the same as this guy!
  • AB4u
    AB4u Posts: 57 Member
    I couldn't do that, way too difficult. My cravings would be out of control if I didn't have variety in my week!

    Good Luck!
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    I'm a busy grad student, so I spend a few hours once a week cooking my entire week's meals. I make one new thing every week and finish off from the week before. :) Basically, I eat almost the same things every day, but I cycle through 2-3 different meals (i.e. this week, I have Spaghetti, Turkey burgers, and a thai curry) :D

    ETA: I also make the same thing for breakfast every morning, cycling between three things. Pre-made Chia pudding (I make it once a week), a fruit smoothie in my "bullet" blender, or instant oatmeal. Since I wake up 30 mins before leaving for work, it's quick and easy and keeps me full. I also eat an apple on the go.
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Mon - Fri breakfast is one of three options and lunch is soup, salad and a roll.
  • moopity
    moopity Posts: 54 Member
    I understand the motivation to do so, but eating the same foods day after day can make you vulnerable to developing food allergies and even in rare cases autoimmune disorders. I know this because it happened to me. I don't recommend it.
  • CarleyJo89
    CarleyJo89 Posts: 18 Member
    I do. I have a break at the weekend though!
    Not sure about its benefits for losing weight but i'd say its good for maintaining.