I would give ANYTHING...well, except any effort whatsoever



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    How about you all? Are you lucky? Or do you just work your butt off? Am I the only person this bothers? Maybe I'm just *****y today...:blushing:
    It doesn't bother me because that would be the last conversation I'd ever have with that person.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I get the same look at work when someone asks me how I'm losing the weight. They are expecting some magic answer. Then when I say "Eat less, move more" or "Just diet and exercise" they get this glazed over look in their eye and wander off.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I totally understand why people would say "I would give anything..." except an hour at the gym and healthy food choices. Some people can put in the effort to "eat right and exercise", but for others, this leaves out a HUGE part of the equation.

    Being disciplined in eating and exercising are, of course, important. BUT, for some people, the emotional piece is much bigger. Some people use food to "self-medicate" or fill emotional voids or symbolically insulate themselves from other people. Some use food as their only coping mechanism to sooth internal shame or self-loathing or abandonment or whatever. I think the reason many diets fail is because "healthy diet" advice rarely addresses issues of emotional food issues. And for some people, until they find or develop better ways to address these kinds of deeper needs, sticking to diet and exercise is more than they can handle.

    However, I agree that it's NOT okay for anybody to dismiss the all the lifestyle changes and all the hard work as merely "luck". You have every right to be proud of an accomplishment you've worked hard for, and if someone told me I was "lucky", I'd want to smack them. But instead I'd just say something like "It's not luck, I've been working very hard, every day, for a long time to reach these goals, and if you're interested I can help you, too."

    Oh this is so true. And not only the coping mechanism or emotional eating but the way some people were brought up. I know a lady who's mother would go out looking for her tom-catting husband at night and put her daughter in the back seat of the car with a bag of candy to keep her quiet. And bribe her all the time with different treats. Now this lady knows every diet in the book forward and backward and understands completely what she must do but she will never be able to lose weight until she gets over the emotional issues relating to what she calls "her" food. Really sad.

    Even still, it would be annoying if she said those of us who lost weight were "lucky" :wink:
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    So much yes.

    Just - omg. YES.

    I was once trying on bridesmaids dresses with some girls for a friends wedding, and one of the girls who was heavier got snotty at me for trying on a dress that the bride liked, but she didn't. She said to me, "Not all of us have perfect bodies."

    Um, I don't have a perfect body, but I eat well, exercise and work damn hard to be healthy, so you can fluck right off.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I was told by a 'friend' that she wouldn't 'waste her life' working out or eating right because there are more important things. It just got my back up. If there are more important things to her, that's fine, but I didn't appreciate the insinuation that I'm wasting MY life.

    I think it's a mental shift people have to make for themselves.

    And there's just no explaining to some of them!
  • shortchange1
    shortchange1 Posts: 146 Member
    I've been a certified personal trainer since 2001 and when I start with a new client I ALWAYS tell them that I'll supply the tools and as much motivation as I can, but the real work will always have to come from them.

    Over the years I've had many clients that just didn't want "it" as much as I wanted "it" for them, but when a client finally realizes that it's truly up to them to eat well, work out CONSISTENTLY, that's when I really feel like I've made the difference in their lives.

    One of the things I say when a client "whines" during their session is that it's called a workout for a reason...otherwise it would just be a playdate.:wink:
  • Lysander666
    Lysander666 Posts: 275 Member
    Really? Ok. You can have my body. Just give me 1 hour in the gym of your very best effort

    I wouldn't. I see this quite a lot in the gym. Thin keen girl teaching fatter friend how to lose weight. Only that the thin girl gets far too keen and serious and her friend always looks like she can't wait for the whole thing to end. I always end up feeling sorry for them.

    Whether they succeed or fail is down to them. I'd just leave them to it. Being there with them is just more of a turn-off than a motivator.
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    As someone who has lost weight, I'm *almost* tempted to tell people I took such-and-such pill, then have them pay me for details.

    Note: I won't actually do it.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I usually get "I'd LOVE to look like you. I'm just not that dedicated..." Umm, I'm not sure what these people think I do all day - I work at a desk job. I don't spend endless hours in the gym. Also, I except for when I was training for a competition, I don't give up foods I love.
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    A very AWESOME friend i have on here explained this VERY topic today and very quickly~ this people are called "ASKHOLES" they ask "wow how are you losing this weight and looking so good" and when you tell them, they blow it off...hence the new nick name ASKholes :tongue: :happy:
  • CandiQueen
    CandiQueen Posts: 57
    Honestly, I am "lucky". This doesn't mean that I don't work to lose weight, or that I don't have to be careful so that I can keep it off, it just means that when I do start working my butt off my results happen quickly. I lose weight quickly and gain it slowly. The only thing that my body can't handle and causes me to gain weight like crazy is alcohol and so I don't drink anymore.

    I am counting calories now but even when I am not I have learned to listen and adapt to my body. I learned I can eat as much ice cream as I want and never gain an ounce but one cupcake and I am +5 lbs. I learned that I feel great, have energy and metabolize lean meats very well but red meat makes me sick to my stomach and causes me to gain as well. Grains are bad for me and fruits cause me weight gain as well, but anything dairy doesn't phase me and fish is a Godsend.....

    I lost 70lbs of baby weight (50lbs was baby weight, the other 20lbs was because I was chunky beforehand from drinking pre-pregnancy) in 1 year, without thinking about it because I was walking everyday with my son in the stroller, sometimes for 4 or 5 hours, just out all day. I was eating when I was hungry, what I wanted and stopped as soon as I was full. I never ate for emotional reasons.

    My point is I feel that a lot of "lucky" people are just really in tuned to their bodies signals and don't fight them. They don't use food as a crutch and have a healthy relationship with it.

    I also believe that there are "unlucky" people as well, such as those with slow metabolisms, thyroid issues, emotional and physical stress in their lives that might cause them to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. If I were you and someone where to say to me, oh you are so skinny, you are so lucky, I would say.... No, I am not lucky, I worked my butt off and you can too. Others that are the "lucky" ones can just say thank you and be on with it.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Thanks for all your posts. Due to them I have decided to have the following replies to people like that when I get to my goal weight.

    Them: You're so lucky
    Me: Yes, Yes I am

    Them: I wish I could lose weight like you.
    Me: Keep wishing.

    Them: I would do ANYTHING to have a body like yours
    Me: You can have it. Get a hotel...by the hour, 'cause in your shape you can't handle it longer than that.


    I'm pretty sure the shock value of these replies will help people remember to mind their own business.
  • NanoBear
    NanoBear Posts: 67
    Happens to me at work all the time too. So many people ask me how I'm doing it, and then don't believe me when I tell them. Some of them get quite snotty with me, like I'm keeping a big secret from them. Admittedly it probably is easier for me, given that I'm a guy in my twenties and most of them are middle-aged women (younger, more muscle-mass, etc), but there's still one simple truth: burn more calories than you take in, and you lose weight.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I personally blame a lot of it on the fitness and diet industry. People's expectations are generally just jacked up...they think they can take a magic potion or pill and do some DVD for 90 days and they'll look like someone who's dedicated years to proper nutrition and fitness. The industry just perpetuates this **** to sell more ****.

    I get a lot of the same from my buddies...I also get a lot of the, "if Wolf can get into shape, I guess anyone can." Then they ask me what I do/did...then their eyes just glaze over when I tell them, "nothing but 9 months of hard work and good livin'...and I still have a ways to go."

    I had one of my buddies sign up with me for an event because he though that if I could do it, it shouldn't be too bad (I'm a reformed fat *kitten* and formerly a very heavy smoker). We met up one day to train together...I think I might have broke him because I haven't seen him in a couple weeks now and he hasn't shown back up to the gym. My wife's actually going out with his wife tonight, so I'm sure I'll get the 411 later.
  • cdcooper321
    cdcooper321 Posts: 157 Member
    SO true. I get this often, the weight just "fell off", PLEASE! I've worked my TAIL off for this! Everyone wants a magic pill, it's called CHANGE your lifestyle and then you'll see results!
  • RunningForeverMama
    RunningForeverMama Posts: 261 Member
    I follow some fitness motivation pages on Facebook and they sometimes post pictures of amazing transformations. It never fails that a person will comment, OMG, tell me how you did it! I don't think it's a big secret, I think every knows if you eat right and exercise you'll lose weight but they are still looking a magic potion. Ugh, I hate that!

    Personally, I answer, hard work and wrinkle cream.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I hear, "You're lucky you can eat whatever you want."

    Uh... no. I want what I eat, but I don't necessarily eat *whatever* I want. And it's not luck, it's hard work. Come running with me 3x a week and lift with me 3x a week and do exactly what it is I do and eat, and log everything you eat, then tell me if it's luck.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Nailed it!
    "Weight loss is just easier for some people!"
    No....no it's really not.
    Yes it is. I eat the foods I love, I enjoy burning energy and having tons of energy.

    Walking 20 feet is easy. Walking a mile is also easy. It's not difficult, it just takes longer.

    If it's hard work, I have to wonder if you're doing it wrong.
  • Big_Bad
    Big_Bad Posts: 57
    I understand what you're saying, but I kind of hate the idea behind it. Fat =/= lazy.

    Everyone's bodies are different. Everyone has a different cultural background and personal history. What's easy for you may not be easy for others. If all it took was motivation then don't you think that the people that spend their lives trying to get thin would be there already? It doesn't take motivation and deprivation to cabbage soup diet or south beach?

    The problem is bigger than people being lazy. It's a lack of education and bulls*it marketing that makes people believe that losing weight should be a quick and easy process and not a slow and tedious one. Fast food is cheap. Gym memberships are expensive. And not everyone has the same relationship with food as you do. Or genetics.

    Get off your high horse.
  • ClumsyArtist
    ClumsyArtist Posts: 40 Member
    I understand what you're saying, but I kind of hate the idea behind it. Fat =/= lazy.

    Everyone's bodies are different. Everyone has a different cultural background and personal history. What's easy for you may not be easy for others. If all it took was motivation then don't you think that the people that spend their lives trying to get thin would be there already? It doesn't take motivation and deprivation to cabbage soup diet or south beach?

    The problem is bigger than people being lazy. It's a lack of education and bulls*it marketing that makes people believe that losing weight should be a quick and easy process and not a slow and tedious one. Fast food is cheap. Gym memberships are expensive. And not everyone has the same relationship with food as you do. Or genetics.

    Get off your high horse.
    But it DOES take motivation and dedication. Absolutely everyone can lose weight if they decide to. Not everyone decides to. Burn more calories than you take in - that's something everyone can do. I agree that not everyone is educated on the subject and marketing does make it seem like it should be a quick process. But if you're intelligent enough to do your own research and LISTEN to people who have had success with simple diet and exercise, then you'll be able to see beyond the BS.