Sleek September SIXERS wk 1



  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Hey everyone thanks for being so welcoming to us 'newbies' :laugh: I thought I'd introduce myself like many others have done recently :flowerforyou:

    I'm 16 years old, just left school and going to 6th form (college) in September. I'm 5 foot 4 inches, 151 lbs and my goal weight is somewhere between 120 and 130 pounds - it really depends on how I feel when I get there! I have a wonderful boyfriend of 2 years who is supporting me through my weight loss.

    I have never really tried dieting before as I am of a young age, but have always struggled with my weight. I was never the 'fattest' one at school but compared to my friends I felt huge. I do not believe 'obesity' runs through my family because my sister and mother have always been skinny but I've always taken after my father who is also overweight.

    At the moment I am regularly exercising 5-6 times per week from purely DVDs (Turbo Jam, Chalean Extreme, 30 Day Shred) as I do not have the money to get a gym membership :grumble: and also I'm one of those people who don't like monotonous working out either running, biking or whatever :blushing: I am eating around 1500 calories per day and drinking LOTS of water :wink:

    I joined MFP just over a month ago to obviously track my calories and receive support and encouragement from other people losing weight, so thank you for your help! :smooched:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    I would like to join your group if it is not too late. How often do you weigh in and post it here? or do you only post your weight now and then again in six weeks?

    would be happy if i could join as i think it could be a great motivation and it is always nice to have some people to share success or a fail with :-)

    Hi Daisy and welcome.
    We post every week. Cathy (chipper) or Kristin will post a new thread every week. You are welcome to join at any time. Just copy and paste the last entry with all the listings, and then add yours to it. It's a great group and we all have our ups and downs. But we are still going strong as stopping is not an option. WELCOME
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning ladies....

    a quick pop in for me gotta get some maps printed, showered and gone. showing 6 houses today. guess i am buying lunch somewhere cheap. if they don't like someones dollar menu they can buy.

    have a good day all. sure seems weird working. hahaha

  • amyls8711
    amyls8711 Posts: 101
    Morning girls !!!!!

    Cathy -- good luck today !!!! what a busy day !!!!!!!!! you can do it !

    HI to everyone !
    and WOW
    what an awesome big group we have now!!!!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies!!!!!!

    Well today makes DAY three.... where ive been on target with my EATING
    no snacking ...... etc.... !!! getting my fruits n veggies in !!!!!!
    Going grocery shopping this morning .... to stock up on good fresh food!!!!!!

    Variety ive found is the key for me not getting HUNGRY!

    I try to bulk every meal with lots of veggies or fruits so that im full .... and then eat only Fruits, Veggies or Dairy for snacks!!!!!

    Cant wait to weigh in on tuesday!!!!!!!!!!
  • Freckles3
    Morning Ladies. Wow! This group is HUGE now!!! Anyways welcome everyone (I am new too)!

    Chipper - good luck with your busy day of showings!

    Amy - I am the same way I need to mix up my meals, and fill up on greens or I am going to get bored and hungry... not a good thing... haha

    Becy - Seems like you are on the right path! I don't have a gym membership either... I do have some gym stuff at home - came with the BF when he moved in :) ... I don't think you need the gym to get in shape, just the motivation to work hard :)

    I will catch up more later - busy day - also going to Not Your Average Joe's to celebrate a friends b-day... I planed out what I am going to eat... it takes up about 1/2 of my daily calories but it is sooo worth it... I just wish I had time to go for a run... (everyone is meeting at my house before and I don't think I can get out early enough to sqeek it in... I am going to try though... b/c if I do I will have enough calories to have some sangria... yummmm)

    keep it up ladies!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    WOW! We have lots of newbies!! WELCOME!

    I'll introduce myself though the SEASONED SIXERS should know me ! :-)

    I just turned 25, been on here for a while (since 23), my sis DRTAMM (who was on here for every challenge but stopped because she moved and doesn't have internet but she checks in from time to time) introduced me to the group. I'm in medical school- in my last year now- and really really busy. work 80 hrs a week most week. I still make time for exercise... and I try to post/read posts :-) Working on personals. I want to lose 35 lbs and made a plan starting in July to lose 7lbs/month til December. So far so good. ;)

    Newly engaged and studying for national board exam that is next Wed. so needless to say, I've got a lot going on and my comments will be pretty short til I get some free time!
    But I do update my main page and try to count my cals/exercise on here daily.

    Ok, gotta finish studying. break is over! have a great day! MAKE IT COUNT!
  • ren315
    ren315 Posts: 138 Member
    I have joined you guys and I think I should let you know a little bit about me. I am 28yrs old and I am living in Dallas, GA. I am married to a wonderful man of just over a year. I have a beautiful red-headed 9yr daughter and a front-toothless 7yr old stepson. I am going to school part-time for my assoc in business and I work full-time for an orthopedic shoe manufacturing company. I have been with the company for 4 yrs. Before my wonderful sit-down job I worked as a 1yr old teacher for 4 yrs. I was always up and down with my kids, I never stopped moving. Now I sit all day, getting up occasionally, oh yeah don't forget I quit smoking all at the same time. So not only did my exercise change, when I quit smoking I started snacking more. Needless to say I gained weight.

    I was talking to my husband last night about how wonderful I feel with the support from the friends I have met on here, I also confessed to him how much weight I had gained since we met. 40 POUNDS!! Very scary for me to speak up about it!! But you know I felt better after I thought him. It was kind of like I was an alcoholic and I was admitting it for the first time.
    This is my year to begin to lose it for MYSELF! And for this being my first week I thank you all for being there and being so supportive! This is what I needed, you are what I needed to show myself that I can change. I hope that you receive from me the encouragement that I have received you!!

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good afternoon all. Again welcome to all the newbies.... A bit about myself. I am 50 yrs old, and art teacher, and live alone. My sons are grown and out on their own. I just started back to school and am really stressed out. The pressure to have students achieve is outrageous. Part of it is that a ton of people (who do not have education backgrounds) are out there telling teachers how to teach. It is like me going in and telling my doctor how to do his job. REALLY.... Okay that was my rant. Some of it that expectations are unrealistic in some cases. But to be honest, like any profession, there are good and bad teachers. See, I already feel less stressed. LOL As far as weight goes.... I would like to loose at least 25 lbs. You would think it's easy... 25 that's all. Well it's TOUGH!!!! I am not giving up though. Well I am off for a bit, maybe I will chat later. Might take my bike out tonite.
  • amyls8711
    amyls8711 Posts: 101
    Loving all the about me stories girls !!!!!!!

    DAY THREE SUCCESS ! .... even got a little fitness in there and finally went on my WII FIT ! .... hehe.... it scolded me for not coming on there for get this "142 days" AHHHHH ! i so didnt think it had been that long .... i mean ive exercised up until just a few weeks ago..... but i couldnt believe it had been THAT long since id done the wii fit!

    but I am so so proud of my past three days! .....

    no excess sugar, no junk food, balanced days of HEALTHY eating!

    Its a step in the right direction!

    Starting to feel a little better..... so im excited to slowly start up my fitness routine again!
  • ChristineLeary
    Sandy, I hear you! I'm a high school vocal teacher and this summer they cut the band teacher and now I have to teach band and jazz band too! I've never taught instrumental but because the cert. I got (10 years ago) says I'm qualified I'm stuck! It's a weird and ugly world out there for many teachers and many district lately. Thank goodness for the children themselves!

    I worry about how the stress and lack of time will affect my new found health and fitness. I start on Thursday next week. Good luck!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning.....

    was slow here yesterday. i showed houses till my mind was in a fog, and they were still emailing me last night to look up more. i have nothing on the calendar today so taking it easy. my heel is hurting again. doing housework, laundry, stuff like that. doing all the paperwork. just getting thing caught up.
    i am not even going to try the personals. i have been reading. everyone seems to off to a good start.

    off to piddle a bit and get dressed.

  • Allison9
    Allison9 Posts: 22
    I hope its not to late to jump in on this!

    Megan (kirbygal)...................SW 171.0lbs/GW 159.0lbs./ CW 171.0lbs/ PROGRESS.....0.0lbs
    Brittany (britbritnola).............SW 153.0lbs/ GW 143.0lbs/ CW 153.0lbs/ PROGRESS......0.0lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..............SW 153.0 lbs/ GW 145.0 lbs/ CW 151.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Julia (jmiller0906).................SW 137.9 lbs/GW 125.0 lbs/ CW 137.6 lbs/ PROGRESS...-0.0 lbs
    Teresa (Tsydow)....................SW 190.0 lbs/GW 150.0 lbs/ CW 186.8 lbs/ PROGRESS...-3.2 lbs
    Cathy(chipper)......................SW 235.8 lbs/ GW 225.0 lbs/ CW 235.8 lbs/ PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Amy (Jinxdflame)...................SW 178.6Ibs / GW 168.8 Ibs / CW 178.6 Ibs / PROGRESS 0 Ibs
    Faye (Fayegill).........................SW 172.6lbs/GW162.0lbs / CW 172.6lbs/ progress 0lbs
    Lindsey (LHuffman24).........SW 146.8 lbs/ GW 146.8 lbs/ CW 146.8 lbs/ PROGRESS -/+ lbs
    Sandy (izzypup)......................SW 184 lbs/ GW 179.0 lbs/ CW 184 lbs/ PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Amez (amyls8711)..............SW 272 lbs/ GW 262 lbs/ CW 272 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Kiely (freckles3) ................. SW 158.8 lbs / GW 149.8 lbs / CW 157.4 lbs / PROGRESS -1.4 lbs
    Tracy ( frogy_98) .................. SW 217.0 lbs/ GW 207.0 lbs/ CW 217.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +/- 0.0 lbs
    Amy (amypyr)..........................SW 157.4 lbs/ GW 153.0 lbs/ CW 157.4 lbs/ PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)..................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 166.5 lbs/ PROGRESS -0 lbs
    Susan (suede)........................SW 183.5 lbs/GW 175.0 lbs / CW 183.5 lbs PROGRESS -0 lbs
    Theresa (Scootsmom) .......SW 290 lbs/ GW 275.0 lbs/ CW 290.0 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0
    Tiff (gonabfit)...........................SW 158.2 lbs/ GW 149.0 lbs/ CW 158.2 lbs/ PROGRESS 0lbs
    Shanell (Nellienell12)...........SW 213 lbs/ GW 205 lbs/ CW 213 lbs/ PROGRESS 0 lbs
    Christine (ChristineLeary)....SW 183 lbs/GW 170 lbs/CW 181 lbs/PROGRESS -2 lbs
    Allie (allison9) ........................SW 163/GW 148/CW 163/PROGESS 0 lbs
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    welcome allison.....
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Hey everyone!! Happy Friday!! Well, just wanted to say hey, gotta get back to work. Later!!!
  • Freckles3
    Hey Ladies. Just wanted to check in and say hello - welcome - and KICK some butt today! I wish I had more time to do personals... Anyways, last night did not go as planned ... get this... erg. SO MAD

    I stuck with the plan all day yesturday, even got home early so I had time for a 30 min jog with the puppies and a 15 power workout on the elliptical... plus a bit of house work... then we went to the resturant... I ordered a light beer, and only had the one piece of bread I allowed myself... got water with lemon for the rest of the meal... I told my friends I didn't want more b/c I was logging here on MFP and the bread at this place has like 200 calories a slice... anyways... they gave me a bit if grief about it being a special night out... blah blah blah... so the waitress comes... I order my meal and ask her to leave out the mashed potatoes... she was like "whyyyy would you ever do that they are the best part..."... ugh... so when our meals come... the mashed potatoes are on my plate... erg. ... so I ended up eating them (I can't resist mashed potatoes... they are my weakness)... so then it comes time to order dessert and the girls want to split something... knowing a bit about the menu... I suggest the "heathiest option" and they make fun... and then the waitress starts mocking me... i mean WTF...??? It really just got me down... I tried so hard but felt like everything and everyone was pushing me in the wrong direction... :( I know I am not "fat" but that does not mean I don't have health and fitness goals and I wasn't in anyway depriving myself... I had a great meal, some bread etc... I just wanted to have some restraint... and not go over by 10000 calories... :(

    sorry for the rant... just had to get it out there
    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    OMG!!! I lost 1lb. I know it is a minute change but I am so excited! My weigh in is on Tuesday, hopefully I will hit my 5 lbs for this challenge. This is my first lb lost using this site and this is only my third day!!!! This is the motivation I need. Going hit the treadmill!
    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    Hey Ladies. Just wanted to check in and say hello - welcome - and KICK some butt today! I wish I had more time to do personals... Anyways, last night did not go as planned ... get this... erg. SO MAD

    I stuck with the plan all day yesturday, even got home early so I had time for a 30 min jog with the puppies and a 15 power workout on the elliptical... plus a bit of house work... then we went to the resturant... I ordered a light beer, and only had the one piece of bread I allowed myself... got water with lemon for the rest of the meal... I told my friends I didn't want more b/c I was logging here on MFP and the bread at this place has like 200 calories a slice... anyways... they gave me a bit if grief about it being a special night out... blah blah blah... so the waitress comes... I order my meal and ask her to leave out the mashed potatoes... she was like "whyyyy would you ever do that they are the best part..."... ugh... so when our meals come... the mashed potatoes are on my plate... erg. ... so I ended up eating them (I can't resist mashed potatoes... they are my weakness)... so then it comes time to order dessert and the girls want to split something... knowing a bit about the menu... I suggest the "heathiest option" and they make fun... and then the waitress starts mocking me... i mean WTF...??? It really just got me down... I tried so hard but felt like everything and everyone was pushing me in the wrong direction... :( I know I am not "fat" but that does not mean I don't have health and fitness goals and I wasn't in anyway depriving myself... I had a great meal, some bread etc... I just wanted to have some restraint... and not go over by 10000 calories... :(

    sorry for the rant... just had to get it out there

    I feel your pain freckles. My mom refuses to go walking with me everytime I ask, and yesterday morning she baked biscuits and fried some smoked sausage both of which are my supreme weaknesses. She left the biscuits on the stove for majority of the morning, bc she feels like " I need to eat something." I eat every three hrs! Anyway long story short I had to walk around all day looking at the biscuits and feeling bad that I didn't eat them. I eventually but them away after I repeatedly asked her to do it and she ignored me lol. Yep, I actually had to touch them and smell them and couldn't eat them. It was torture.:sad:

    Sometimes we just have those unsupportive moments, family and friends mean well but they don't understand. Just do better tomorrow, that's all we can do anyway right? Plus if you have been doing well all week it's ok to goof up once or twice. I read on here someplace that people give themselves a full on feast day to eat whatever one day per week. So eating dessert and mashed potatoes can't be that bad :flowerforyou:
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Hooray for Friday! Finally...

    I have NO plans for the weekend, and that's the first time this has happened all summer. So excited!


    B: Bagel Thin, cream cheese, banana
    S: Kashi Pumpkin Spice granola bar, cottage cheese, and tomatoes
    L: Turkey Sandwich, Sun Chips, hummus and carrots, milk
    S: Orange and yogurt
    D: Grilled cheese and tomato soup

    Just walking the dog today.

    DH has his first football game tonight. He's making his debut as "Defensive Coordinator" this year! Gonna be a hot one, unfortunately. I normally don't mind going to his games, but I hate it when it's hot... We'll see how long I last.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    UGH....i have done nothing but, sit and eat all day. i have to figure out why i do this to myself.
  • Freckles3
    chipper. you can do this... the day is still young.... get out and go for a brisk walk - you will feel 100% better... mabey write down how you feel when you have a day like today and post it on the fridge... then when you go for a snack you will have to recall this feeling... it may help - works for some... keep it up! i know those days - feels like everyday sometimes...