New to me

Well I just joined this site and hoping it will help in reaching my goal. I've always been pretty active but noticed, as expected, as I age the weight doesn't stay off or come off as easily. It's hard to stay motivated as well when you have so much on your plate. But I feel better when I work out and eat better so I'm going to try to keep with it this time and hopefully my child understands some more mom time!


  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP! Congratulations on your decision to get fit. You sound determined, and that's great! You'll find everyone on this site to be very positive, encouraging and motivating. Feel free to friend request me if you'd like. :)

    Also, if you're on Facebook, please feel free to check out the group I created over there, called Motivation. Many positive, encouraging people over that way, too!

    Best wishes on your fitness journey!

    ~ Chandra
  • claud10
    claud10 Posts: 9
    you can do it :D