Les Mills Pump - Who else loves it?



  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    I created my own exercise and call it body pump.. I figured about 450 calories for the hour.. sometimes I do more 600 sometimes
    less 250
  • ohtobe140
    ohtobe140 Posts: 93
    So, today I did half of pump and shred, which is more than I got through yesterday, mostly because I got enough sleep. I pushed through the warm up at 25 lbs; the squat track at 35 lbs and then then the chest track at 35 lbs and I was shredded. I seriously could not do the push ups in the last 30 seconds of the chest track. I tried to start the lunge track even with a lighter weight stack and I couldn't; entire body was shaking, so I stopped and stretched. Tomorrow my goal is to do the warm up and start on the lunge track and make it through the end. I swear I had no idea it would be this taxing. I have enough plates to take my entire bar up to 70 lbs so it will be good for a long time.

    Are any of you shaking in this workout?

    Also, my hip measurement has gotten bigger because I am now getting a booty. Seriously pancake *kitten* before and now there is a definite rise at my lower back where the glutes start, I am trying so very hard to be happy about the booty and not discourages by the measurement. I can tell my love handles on my hips are definitely smaller and smoother and my waist is smaller even at a higher weight. I seem to have gained about 5 lbs since I started doing this two weeks ago, I am hoping for the 5 lbs drop soon as my body lets go of the water. My arms are looking so much better, it's just weird to see the changes and I am happy that I am not quitting because the scale and tape measure aren't doing what I want, I have to believe that in time, they will - right? Go ahead, lie to me... hahahahaha

    So where are you in the weight stack and how long did it take you to master a full workout without feeling like you might throw up?
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Do it 3- 4x a week in a class environment.. Favorite class love the music and very fit people are in that class.
    Have one teacher who does themes alot. He does love songs for valentines day and does scary songs for
    Halloween. Its fun when you hear people moaning after the chest or shoulder track

    I do BodyStep as well.
    Love them both.
    They're a great workout and fun!
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    So where are you in the weight stack and how long did it take you to master a full workout without feeling like you might throw up?

    I'm on Week 6 of the Les Mills Pump at home. If I was doing the exercises at a gym/without the DVD I could deff lift more weight but I keep it lighter just so I can get through the DVD. For me it's not so much about lifting heavy as it is about getting all the lifting in.

    My range is 12.5-25lbs and while the warm up is easy, keeping up with the instructors, and lasting the entire length, makes it harder even with that weight range.

    Still feel like I'm going to puke at the end of it most days.
  • Whipppets
    Whipppets Posts: 267
    I started out small but now do monster and a big one for squats and chest.. just a monster for back and then pretty much
    warm up weight for the rest. .Warm up is a big and a tiny one. Every song is tiring but then you use a new muscle for the next song so its fine.
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I started pump and shred this morning, but only made it through 8 minutes,

    If you're in the early weeks why did you decide to try out Pump and Shred? That's not on the schedule until Week 5.
  • ohtobe140
    ohtobe140 Posts: 93
    It's on week 3 in my schedule. Maybe I wrote it down wrong on my calendar, but I really did mean to write down the weeks in order, I will double check, it didn't even occur to me that I might have written the wrong week down. hahaha
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    I am only on week two. I did buy extra weight plates, today I did Pump and Burn with 35 lbs for most of the workout, the last set and a half, I took it back to down to 25 lbs.

    When you say 35lbs- do you mean 35lbs on each end (70lbs total weight) or 17.5lbs on each end (35lbs total weight)?

    Sorry for asking so many questions- I don't mean to, I'm just excited to find someone on MFP who is doing the Pump at home too.
  • jeanmoreno
    jeanmoreno Posts: 139 Member
    I do body pump in classes at my gym,love it so much that it has become my only weight training!
    A full body work out in 1 hr,no messing,no waiting till the machines are free,no mobiles phones grrrrrr ......
    I lost the weight end of last year and working now at becoming lean.....so plenty of body pump,rpm,and running do it for me!
    Squatted 104lbs tonight (47 kgs), personal best ! woop woop ! 55lbs chest ! looking to squat 110 lbs by end of august! ;-)
  • candacekohler
    candacekohler Posts: 7 Member
    I love pump! and step, attack, cxworks. Lesmills definitely sets the standard for a great workout. Does anyone know where to buy the dvd's? I live too far from the gym to go everyday.
  • ohtobe140
    ohtobe140 Posts: 93
    You can buy her DVD;s at Beachbody.com or at least that is where I bought Les Mills Pump. You might check ebay and Craigslist too, sometimes they have stuff used.
  • caitlynah12
    It took me forever to get up the nerve to go to BodyPump because it looked intimidating and I *hate* being the new, out-of-shape kid in the room full of fit people who all know what they're doing! But I am SO glad I did. I love it! I'm still really bad at it and use light weights (because I've never really done strength training before), but those trembling arm muscles during the class and sore legs the next day are awesome!
  • jeanmoreno
    jeanmoreno Posts: 139 Member
    I get excited before,hate it during,love it after ! :-)