NSV- Best Weight Loss Compliments?



  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    My friend said ' your jeans are getting really baggy at the back! ' These are my new skinny jeans, size 14 UK.

    My massage lady said, 'I can't believe you are 63, you look in your early 50s. ' ! ! !
  • KoGettinFit
    KoGettinFit Posts: 51 Member
    Compliments are ego boosts for sure but they really motivate me to work harder in the gym as well. Some of my favs are:

    Friend "Whoa, your lookin HOT!"

    My hair dresser "Dang girl what are you doing, you look like a different person. Your so skinny now I hope your done losing weight."

    Hubby "Geez you feel so small" (as he was hugging me)

    My ultimate FAV is from my youngest daughter who said "Mommy I'm so proud of you, your legs look really muscular & you look great!"
  • aliciaje
    aliciaje Posts: 83
    Yesterday I went to Zumba for the first time and the instructor asked ME what I do to have such ripped arms!
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    The other day my mom kissed me and told me she was so proud of me. That one made me smile.

    My 3 yr old saw an old picture of me and said "that's you Mommy when you were old. That's not you now."

    And one I hear often is "My gosh you look just like your sister now!" (She is 5'6 and 135 lbs, I always though she was skinny and id never look like her).
  • amandajones1978
    My favorite are from my co-workers:

    "You are looking so good, I am so proud of you. Now stop...you're making the rest of us look bad. :)"

    "I was walking behind you in the hall and you are looking so skinny!"

    "Working out with your trainer is paying off...you look great!"

    From a Run Club member who hadn't seen me in a couple months"

    "OMG! You look amazing!"

    My own trainer sent me a text one day:

    "BTW..you're looking really skinny...what is the scale telling you?" but I think he may just be fluffing me up. LOL!

    I am very excited to go home and see family on the 4th of July....they haven't seen me since before Christmas. :)
  • ShaneSki
    ShaneSki Posts: 6 Member
    I had a co-worker I hadnt seen for awhile ask me who i was, that was fun! I was also told if I kept loosing I would look sick, I will take looking sick then I guess HAHA

    This is is my favorite! Im trying to get to 180 and EVERYONE tells me I will look sick. 6 ft at 180lbs is not sickly lol Man thats annoying!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    "When are you going to stop? You don't need to lose more!"- Co-worker
    "I've been watching your transformation since you started but now that you're next to me I can see and WOW! You look great!"- random at the gym
    My personal favourite is the comments I'm getting on how toned my arms and legs are getting and how great my weight lifting progress is going, gotta love being one of the few women in the gym who actually lift. =D
  • StinkyWinkies
    StinkyWinkies Posts: 603 Member
    A woman I care for (as a cna) told me "you have very nice legs, [stinky winkie]" She's a very tiny woman with...gasp...a natural thigh gap and doesn't care for her own leg shape.

    Weirdly enough, my clothes give me some of my best compliments...I don't see the weight loss, but am wearing work clothes that I've not worn in at least a year, many of them more than 2 years and they are very loose on me.
  • nindakay
    nindakay Posts: 15
    LOVED reading these!!! Y'all are such an inspiration!!

    My in-laws tell me how proud they are of me.

    One of my regular customers called me "skinny" right after I started loosing. He knows how to make a gal feel confident!!

    One of my college friends told me I inspired her to join MFP!
  • nindakay
    nindakay Posts: 15

    Weirdly enough, my clothes give me some of my best compliments...I don't see the weight loss, but am wearing work clothes that I've not worn in at least a year, many of them more than 2 years and they are very loose on me.

    Agree!! I love trying on clothes and they actually fit...mine were all getting rather snug!
  • ken_hogan
    ken_hogan Posts: 854 Member
    My 6 year old telling me he can finally sit in the chair next to me comfortably!!
  • KBGAgent
    KBGAgent Posts: 165 Member
    - You are growing younger every day.

    and the simple fave

    - U R HOT.

    I've never been called hot in my whole life.
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    I have two fitness competitors that work with me one male and one female. This past week they have both told me that I was looking good. It made me feel good to hear that from someone who take it so seriously.
  • TattedCharli
    TattedCharli Posts: 85 Member
    This thread is awesome! Love reading these :-)

    Just yesterday a worker, walking behind me, exclaims "Charlotte!! Your butt is shrinking!!" Haha! Totally made me laugh.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    You'll disappear, blow away, and the funniest was I would fall through myself.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    My massage therapist told me that I now look in my early 50s. I am 63 !!!!!:laugh: :love:
  • PrincessSosa
    Or forcing me to get a new ID picture because I looked nothing like the person in the existing shot.

    That's a great one!!:smile:
  • PilatesConvert
    PilatesConvert Posts: 55 Member
    As a size 8-10, sitting at a table with people who never knew me as a size 16. One girl was describing another girl to me and said "she was tiny, like your size". ??? TINY and ME had never been in the same sentence before. I was ELATED.
  • marvelmo
    marvelmo Posts: 119 Member
    My son hugged me and said, " wow mom I can feel your bones (scapula)
  • HeizelEyes
    My boyfriend came back from, yet again, another deployment two and a half weeks ago and when he hugged me he said "Oh, I can almost hug myself now even more. You look great babe!"

    Oh...the other day I was sitting on his lap while he was at his desk, and he said "Move forward..." "What!?" "Move forward..." "What for!?" So I did. Then he said, "Your butt bone was getting on my thigh, you're getting too bony" Lmao...oh, yeah!!!!!!

    Yep...that's still my favorite!!!!!
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