Plantar Fasciitis - anyone able to exercise through it?

mom2rpkp Posts: 183 Member
I have plantar fasciitis - the usual remedy is rest, ice, ibuprofen. I lose weight most easily by walk/jogging, hate the gym, and am a busy single mom, so I really don't want to quit my walking. Has anyone out there gently walked through PF without making it worse? I wear good, professionally fitted running shoes with a good OTC arch support. I try to avoid going barefoot and, though I love sandals, am wearing good shoes as much as possible.


  • tppchef
    tppchef Posts: 107 Member
    So far you are doing everything right...Now you've got to stretch out those calf muscles. Leg raises are key! As we age, the muscles get weaker, and they don't support our bones. When we build them up they act like cushions. I started seeing a foot doctor at age 21 for this same problem. I'm almost 40 now. Yoga and Pilates have also helped me when I was in a lot of pain. For me, sitting around did make mine worse. Good Luck!
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Only thing that fixed mine was fitted orthotics. I found walking inflamed it. When I had it bad I stuck to things like cycling and cross trainer :)
  • fuzzysham
    fuzzysham Posts: 75 Member
    My mom had that really bad and she was able to pretty much get rid of it through wearing Skechers Shape Ups and doing acupuncture. She now has absolutely no more pain, so if those two things are an option for you, I would give it a shot!
  • moondawg14
    moondawg14 Posts: 249 Member
    In the short term, orthotics might be your best bet.

    Long term, go barefoot more. You'll strengthen your feet. Your feet are weak because you wear shoes with good support!

    I was able to run through my PF. Mine would really only hurt until about lunch time. So I did all of my exercise in the afternoon. But those first few steps on the hardwood floor in the morning... OUCH! My Mom had it worse than me... she said she used to dread getting out of bed in the morning. For most people, it will finally get better.
  • TiaTia2003
    TiaTia2003 Posts: 112 Member
    I had it really bad after my last pregnancy two years ago. My dr. Googled a way to tape your foot at night that would help stretch the tendon. I did this religiously for about a month and it totally went away. I wish I could remember the web site but it should be easy to find. I only had it in one foot so that may have helped it go away more quickly. I hope you find some relief soon. PF is the worst!
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 183 Member
    Thanks for the great suggestions, everyone - it is really helpful. I find western medicine's "Rest and Ibuprofen" mantra frustrating. I got this heavy by resting, and don't want to use NSAID's. I'm going to try my OTC orthotic, stretching, ice, strengthening, moderate walk/jogging and use alternate exercise when I can. I appreciate the comments about 1) acupunture; 2) custom orthotics (will try those if the first measures don't work) and 3) going barefoot...that's what makes it worse, for now. I agree that it would be helpful later when I've lost weight; but I have high arches supporting 115 extra pounds so think it will have to wait.

    Thanks again for all the help.
  • mom2rpkp
    mom2rpkp Posts: 183 Member
    If you think of the site, please let me know. I'm going to google it, too. Thanks!
  • sheltrk
    sheltrk Posts: 111 Member
    I have struggled on and off with PF for about 15 years now. I have extremely flat feet--just genetics, not much I can do about it. I use custom orthotics in my shoes, and they do help me quite a bit. I've tried the "go barefoot" advice, but it doesn't work for me long-term. My feet are not shaped properly, so the muscles are not really in the right place for strengthening them to do any good for PF. (At least that's my understanding... I've had plenty of conflicting advice from doctors, podiatrists, and physical therapists.) I've even taken to wearing special lightweight shoes with arch supports when I go to Taekwondo class.

    Stretching is the key for me. Especially the Achilles tendon. There are plenty of ways--calf dips, leaning into a wall, pull toes with a towel, stretch foot with hand, "night splints", etc. But the key for me is to stretch every day. If I go too long without stretching, the PF comes back. With regular stretching, I can keep the PF at bay and exercise all I want.

    Other things: I always wear well-constructed shoes and sandals that fit me properly. Either with good arch support on their own, or have plenty of room for my custom orthotics. If the shoe starts to wear out, I can tell right away it's time for a new pair.
    My favorite non-custom arch supports: Strutz:
    You can buy them in lots of stores. I'll often wear these with sandals, or if I'm running around the house otherwise barefoot.

    For acute bouts of PF, I like to freeze a water bottle and roll it under my foot. I haven't had to do that in a long while, though... :happy:
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I had it last year and ran through it (>45 miles per week) until it went away. It took about 4 weeks. The best thing I found for making it better was a night splint. Stretching the calves and rolling the foot on frozen water bottles and golf balls helped also.

    I tried some arch supports for about 2 days but they made my feet hurt more.
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    I suffered with PF for over two years, and nothing helped. I tried all the remedies mentioned here (except acupuncture -- no thanks!! LOL). Finally I went to my doctor and he gave me a steroid shot in that foot. In a few days it was almost gone! Six weeks later I had another, and have never suffered from PF again. That was at least ten years ago! Steroids. Do it.
  • Samenamenewlook
    Samenamenewlook Posts: 296 Member
    I had it last year and ran through it (>45 miles per week) until it went away. It took about 4 weeks. The best thing I found for making it better was a night splint. Stretching the calves and rolling the foot on frozen water bottles and golf balls helped also.

    I tried some arch supports for about 2 days but they made my feet hurt more.

    I agree. The night splints really help, the golf ball hurts at first but really helps in the long run. Ice water in a powerade bottle was my nightly treatment when I was in basic training. It really helped.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    I have it, I was waking up every morning barely able to stumble around the house and limping because my feet hurt so bad. there are a few things I have done and it seems to have helped

    My mom insisted I put an insert in my shoes that is just a half foot one with tons of cushion that she tried and it seems to have helped a lot. I think it has some arch support. I don't have it here but can look up what it was when I get home
    but it was inexpensive and some dr scholls thing I am sure

    I also bought something called "foot wakers" from a yoga/pilates store online and they have helped a lot too (hurt a lot at first but it helped stretch the fascia I guess)

    these are what I bought I bought them from a different store but same thing and I think you can get them on amazon as well

    other than that I was just suffering through it with walking etc, but now I have no pain after constant pain for a few years :)
  • vicksg1973
    vicksg1973 Posts: 55
    PF is an absolute bugger isn't it? I recommend this book:

    I (and the book) strongly disagree with the idea of trying to go barefoot.

    I suffered for a long time. Eventually I had physio, but it was wearing proper footwear that really made the difference. That's ALL DAY EVERY DAY. By proper footwear I mean (for me) Birkenstocks, or Birkenstock insoles inside other shoes. Yeah, I still look longingly at all my other lovely shoes, but being pain free and able to exercise is more important.

    It does get better. I am now able to run, do cardio classes and play korfball. Only occasionally do I get pain.

    Good luck. x
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Are you able to go to a podiatrist? Mine recommended power feet inserts and said no doctor scholl's. She also offered physical therapy through ultrasound and electric stimulation, but we are going to wait and see how the icing, exercise,and inserts helps. She said absolutely do not go barefoot. At all. She gave the thumbs up to my wedge shoes for casual wear, I obviously can't walk long distances in them. Walking is a necessary part of my life, and unavoidable, and honestly I'm not getting much relief, so I'm looking forward to my next appointment. My feet tend to feel the best on days where I don't have to walk much, but a single day of walking my usual amount brings it back in full force.
  • sea_dog
    sea_dog Posts: 13 Member
    I have had some small experience with PF as well. The only thing I ever saw that provided relief was exercising the foot specifically. Amazon has a small machine and booklet, that when used, reduces and perhaps eliminates the pain.

    It's $29, but it may be worth a shot. A lot of positive comments about its use.
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    I feel your pain! When mine was at its worst I was standing for 9 hours a day at work on a hard floor. The pain nearly killed me. I often fell over in the mornings when I got out of bed because of the pain and my feet were all scrunched up. Moving around eased it out slowly but didn't stop the pain.
    Like you I also have high arches and carry about the same in extra weight. My cousin is a physical therapist and taught me to strap/tape my feet which helped a little (there's lots of good sites on it, just google). In the end I found the most helpful thing was strengthening my feet by doing toe raises - just raising yourself up on tip toes and holding for as long as you can. Barefoot has been especially helpful although very difficult to start with. Height of your arches and weight has nothing to do with your ability to go barefoot.
    Although many recommend arch support I found in the long run it made things worse - your feet aren't working as they were designed to and are actually becoming weaker as muscles are stretching/flexing as they should.
    I'm currently reading 'Barefoot Walking' by Sandler and Lee which has some good info on easing into barefoot and strengthening the feet.
    Hope you find something that works for you as it's no fun having PF.
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    I've got splayed feet and over-pronation according to a Podiatrist. However I think I have PF too. I get out of bed and nearly fall over, I get off a chair and if I've been sitting for a long time I nearly fall over. It's super painful. I found getting a tennis ball and massaging my foot when I'm sitting helps when I get up, I also found a site which suggested strapping of a night (pretty sure you can buy a premade strapping especially designed for this use) and also calf stretching.

    My podiatrist suggested $800 orthodics.... which I can't afford. :frown:
  • primalkiwi
    primalkiwi Posts: 164 Member
    the taping I did looked pretty much like this except there was also a strip running along the inside of the arch to the heel.
  • Ezciren
    Ezciren Posts: 20
    I have the same problem and it sometimes leaves me in so much pain I cant walk for the rest of the day but i have found that stopping for five mins, sitting down and streatch my calf muscles really helps to reduce the pain so that i can carry on walking
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    I have PF and find when I get a flare up exercise is just a no go unfortunately :(

    Like others have said though, leg raises and some stretching, ice and feet up for a few days often it can ease up then you may find you are able to get back to your walking and exercise.