The Biggest Loser



  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    , but it's these kind of programmes that breed social decline and quick fix mentality.
    So you're blaming a tv program for social decline! That's just so simplistic. Media and Art are reflections not the cause if the audience want there the programs wouldn't get made. I

    You don't think the fact that most kids want to be famous rather than anything in particular is related to these shows?
    I'm not saying that tv programmes alone are the issue, that would be foolish, but the programme makers seem to hold little responsibility to the viewers and even less to the participants.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    More often than not, the person who loses the least is the person who has done the least work that week. The idea is that the ones who give it their all to stay in the game are the ones who deserve to be there. Obviously you get the odd week where someone gives it their all, but their body just does not want to cooperate and they end up being below the yellow line. This isn't exactly fair, but at the end of the day it's a game and the contestants know what they're letting themselves in for. The person who loses the least isn't necessarily the person who needs the most help.

    However, if you watch the finale you can see that even the contestants who spend a measly one week on the Biggest Loser go away with enough drive and determination to lose weight on the outside. Sometimes the people who don't put in the work on the show ARE the ones who need the most help, get voted out early, and every thinks that's it for them. But what they really needed was a shock to the system during the one week at the Biggest Loser, but the comfort and support of family and friends at home. A lot of people can really thrive when they're voted out.

    Whilst I don't always agree with the politics of the game, I love the program and the change it makes to people's lives is so worth it, regardless of how they got there.

    I've given up on the UK and US versions - I watch the Australian version now. It really is fantastic. The trainers and host very obviously care about the contestants, and the producers of the show realise when someone drastically needs help and usually have 'twists' in order to keep the bigger contestants from being eliminated. They have a lot more incentives to lose the weight - frequent monetary prizes, opportunities to win a place back on the show if you're eliminated etc... People like competition and rewards and if that's what it takes for people to lose the weight then so be it :)

    I understand where you're coming from, but these people know exactly what to expect when applying for the Biggest Loser :)

    I also agree with THIS. I'm watching the Australian Biggest Loser (Season 2) atm. Although I don't agree 100% with everything they do on the show, to me, it's still motivational. When you see the before and afters of the contestants, your mind is just blown by the changes in them. Yes, it IS a game show, but I'm not watching it for the game, I'm watching it to see how much these people's lives have changed.