Heavier but smaller?

Something crazy and wonderful is happening.

I had lost 93 pounds at one point last year but now have regained a few pounds. It feels like I have been struggling forever to get this last bit of weight off and get back into the jeans I was wearing when I was at my lowest weight. I went to school and stopped exercising and that's when the weight crept back on. I now have a job that requires I be on my feet for the majority of my shift, plus last week I added walking into my daily routine. My eating isn't getting a whole lot better very fast but I am continuing to log everything and each day I am making a little progress.

Here's the crazy thing... The jeans I couldn't fit 2 months ago, fit better than they did when I was at my lowest weight last year. I checked the scale this morning and my weight hasn't budged even one pound, I'm still 10-15 pounds heavier than I was. I tried on everything in my closet because I thought maybe it was just a freak thing, but no, everything fits better!

Is it possible for simply walking to change the shape of your body even though my weight hasn't changed? Can I really be heavier, and my clothes fit better?


  • legendaryskunk
    Ive been...top heavy, lol. Ive always fit into a size 5-6 even when i was 200lbs. So just because you gained weight, doesnt mean its in the waist or leg area. Maybe youve also lost weight, but gained muscle giving you a higher number.
  • JohnMatrix
    JohnMatrix Posts: 59
    You absolutely can. Most people constantly go by the scale and freak out if they've put weight on. Now if your not eating correctly and working out, then it's pause for concern. Ideally you want to go by the mirror and your clothes as litmus tests to transforming your body. When you eat right and exercise, specifically resistance exercise, you can, though very difficult as a woman, put lean tissue on. Muscle mass is denser than fat. The scale can't decipher fat from muscle. So you can technically put weight on and actually look better and fit in your clothes better. I watch what I eat and excercise like a fiend and yet I'm about 9/10 pounds heavier than I was last year, yet I've had to buy smaller jeans twice in the last year for my wait becaues they are swimming on me. If your clothes are fitting better now that you've started exercising more, your on the right track. Just keep eating right and make sure you weight train. It will keep your metabolism going far longer than just walking alone.
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    Totally. I'm about 20 pounds heavier than I was the same time last year, but I'm still wearing the same clothes, and some of my jeans are even fitting better than they were. Combination of heavy lifting and bodies being weird!
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    The time in my life when I wore the smallest size clothes was when I weighed the most--it was muscle, and I was smokin' hot. People would guess that I weighed around 125 when I actually weighed closer to160.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    A couple years ago, I was at 185 lbs, and I'm now at 195 lbs. However, I have 5% lower body fat and 4" less on my waist, so I know that the additional weight is muscle. I don't much much stock in the scale number at this point. I'm more concerned with tape measurements and body fat. You probably should be too. It'll give you a better picture than the scale will.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    This is so exciting! I have been OBSESSED with the scale and to be honest as far as I'm concerned, any progress is good progress! My body is definitely changing. I will check the tape measure tomorrow.

    I would live to start lifting but unfortunately the nearest equipment/gym is almost an hour and a half away. I am working on my diet. I have incorporated more fruits and vegetables into it, but it is far from ideal. Just taking it one step at a time.
  • JohnMatrix
    JohnMatrix Posts: 59
    The scale is ok to just keep tabs on things, but def. go by mirror/clothes. Absolutely, doesn't matter how much progress you've made, any progress is still positive. An hour and a half? That's tough. Every small change that you make, chances are you'll stick with it. It's always a work in progress till you get to where you want and maintain it. Eventually it becomes your lifestyle and then its not even a question of what to change.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks JohnMatrix! I did take my measurements this morning and I am pleased to report that they are almost identical to when I was at my lowest weight. I also found a picture from when I weighed this much but was bigger, maybe.

    Can anyone see a difference or is it just wishful thinking?

  • JohnMatrix
    JohnMatrix Posts: 59
    NP. I can def. see a difference in your middle. That's not wishful thinking but reality.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing. I guess I'm just surprised because I've really just been walking more, a lot more. I love seeing results, no matter how small.
  • SupaAthlete
    SupaAthlete Posts: 7 Member
    Weight doesn't matter. Why? If you weighed the same but dropped 4 sizes, would you care? Muscle has less volume than fat, so if you are shrinking the fat and building the muscle underneath, your weight could be exactly the same. What is changing is your bodies ratio, body fat percentage, Ive seen it over and over in different individuals. Start taking measurements to better track your progress and keep up the good work!
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks! I would love to see my body fat percentage go down. I guess as long as this is working I will continue. I'm definitely going to start measuring regularly. You are right... As long as I'm going down in sizes, the scale matters less and less.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    There is definitely a difference, especially from the middle and back.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    Yes, this is just another way that shows weight isn't everything. Great job in all your success this far :)
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    Thanks! And all this time I was so obsessed with the scale... Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to weigh myself but I really never thought about how much your body can change when the scale isn't. Yay for exercise! I think this is what I needed to motivate me again.

    Plus I'm glad I'm not imagining, hoping or wishing it and others can see it too. :)
  • RelativeChaos00
    RelativeChaos00 Posts: 33 Member
    I was surprised to find this happen to myself too. I weigh 20 pounds more than I did before I had my son, but I'm the same size, smaller in some areas and waaay stronger. I had that cardio flab body before, I know I'm much more fit now.
  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    My best guess is that you're becoming denser.

    Are you perhaps traveling into a black hole?

    If so I wouldn't get too close as you'll probably implode.
  • jbpretty
    jbpretty Posts: 221 Member
    I'll heed your advice PlayerHatinDo. Lol