Juicing Calories



  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Eating calories is more fun, IMO. :P

    Still, a juicer could have it's benefits... You could make some great syrups with that.
    Great. Now I want one.

    Agreed. I'd much rather eat an apple than drink one. Way less calories for the same full feeling.
    The advantage to using a juicer is the ability to juice vegetables. You feel fantastic after drinking something with fresh kale or fresh carrots in it. Also, you can make a base for a vegetable stock with the juicer so you can make soups with no/low salt, but still get sodium from the celery.

    But...why can't I just eat the vegetables?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Eating calories is more fun, IMO. :P

    Still, a juicer could have it's benefits... You could make some great syrups with that.
    Great. Now I want one.

    Agreed. I'd much rather eat an apple than drink one. Way less calories for the same full feeling.
    The advantage to using a juicer is the ability to juice vegetables. You feel fantastic after drinking something with fresh kale or fresh carrots in it. Also, you can make a base for a vegetable stock with the juicer so you can make soups with no/low salt, but still get sodium from the celery.

    But...why can't I just eat the vegetables?
    Huh? You can eat the vegetables. Why couldn't you?
  • envy09
    envy09 Posts: 353 Member
    Eating calories is more fun, IMO. :P

    Still, a juicer could have it's benefits... You could make some great syrups with that.
    Great. Now I want one.

    Agreed. I'd much rather eat an apple than drink one. Way less calories for the same full feeling.
    The advantage to using a juicer is the ability to juice vegetables. You feel fantastic after drinking something with fresh kale or fresh carrots in it. Also, you can make a base for a vegetable stock with the juicer so you can make soups with no/low salt, but still get sodium from the celery.

    But...why can't I just eat the vegetables?
    Huh? You can eat the vegetables. Why couldn't you?

    Duh. I mean why would I rather juice them than just straight up eating them?
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member

    Duh. I mean why would I rather juice them than just straight up eating them?
    Concentrated source of nutrients. I agree it's not as perfect as eating them, but when you are coming from a typical American diet to something more healthy, you are usually deficient in a lot of nutrients, and a concentrated source of water soluble nutrients helps you feel better more quickly.

    I continue to juice because it just makes you feel great. And it helps control your appetite because you aren't constantly craving all the nutrients that you just got. Try making a fresh green juice once a day for a week and you will feel what i am talking about, i know it sounds crazy, i didn't believe until i tried it myself.
  • sleemorris
    I think both juicing and vitamix are great. Just determine what you want. Pulp where your body has to break down food or straight juice to the body. Both has benefits. Also just learned cold press is better. Once heat from blades process food, it disturbs the nutrition. Something to think about.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Uhhh...where are you getting 4kcal/gram? That's how much most carbs have but fiber is an exception. It's more like 1.5-2.5kcal/gram. Plus, fiber is the healthy part of fruits and vegetables. You might as well mix vitamins with a butt load of sugar if you plan on juicing. It's the same thing.
  • sleemorris
    Juicing also helps with consuming more vegetables and fruit you normally don't consume. It also give your digestive system a break. #somethingtochewon
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Juicing also helps with consuming more vegetables and fruit you normally don't consume. It also give your digestive system a break. #somethingtochewon
    I'm an adult. I don't pout and refuse to eat my vegetables. Fasting also gives your digestive system a break without dumping all that excess sugar into your system. There's no reason to juice.
  • racheal9
    racheal9 Posts: 7 Member
    Juicing also helps with consuming more vegetables and fruit you normally don't consume. It also give your digestive system a break. #somethingtochewon
    I'm an adult. I don't pout and refuse to eat my vegetables. Fasting also gives your digestive system a break without dumping all that excess sugar into your system. There's no reason to juice.

    Some people just like it. I like to juice before working out because it's a good source of quick energy. Everyone has their own preferences, I like how the juice tastes so if I'm going to drink it, it might as well be fresh and homemade instead of store bought.
  • Mkaspari41
  • RobertJBrooks
    I have also been searching for a reliable way to count the calories in fresh juice. I learned a lot about juicing by attending the Hallelujah Acres seminar "You Don't Have To Be Sick" as well as reading the book. Basically, he says eat your fruit and juice your vegetables. Now he's not saying don't eat vegetables...very obvious because he recommends a huge garden salad every night at the beginning of super, but what he's saying is it's not a good thing to juice a lot of fruits since they are high in sugar.
    Of course eating vegetables is incredibly important, however, if you ate the amount of lettuce it would take to get 8 oz of juice, let's just say you'd get tired of lettuce really fast. Also adding just 1 apple when juicing veggies makes it nice and sweet so for those that are just starting, this can really help. For those like myself that have health issues, I need to get good, natural nutrition into my system without the stomach having to digest the fiber to get it. Many people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, etc., are told by the doctors not to eat ANY raw fruits or vegetables, but that just seemed to make my health worse, so I have begun juicing and already feel so much better. I also find that getting used to the veggie juices increases my desire to eat more veggies as I'm able. Even completely healthy people can benefit from juicing, however I'd say from all I've learned that it shouldn't replace a meal but rather supplement one. I hope this helps those that feel juicing has no place in a healthy diet understand that it really does.
    As for the calories, I'm going to just enter them as if I'm eating them, knowing that the numbers will be a little high since it doesn't account for all the pulp that's not used...a note here: the pulp from juicing is WONDERFUL with cooking! In the same way a Vitamix prepares things such as soups, etc., you can use the pulp from juicing for baking and other cooking. I have used the pulp from veggies in my spaghetti sauce and it's amazing how you can get kids to eat their veggies, and they don't even know what hit them! LOL!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I don't fast at all but I do juice. There's some helpful info in this MFP group:
  • Crohns2013
    Crohns2013 Posts: 57 Member
    Juicing also helps with consuming more vegetables and fruit you normally don't consume. It also give your digestive system a break. #somethingtochewon
    I'm an adult. I don't pout and refuse to eat my vegetables. Fasting also gives your digestive system a break without dumping all that excess sugar into your system. There's no reason to juice.

    I'm missing a large portion of my small intestine and eating veggies in any form that includes the fiber leaves me in pain and stuck in the bathroom for a full day.....sometimes there is reason to juice.
  • MistleToeSter
    MistleToeSter Posts: 30 Member

    I have been trying to find a good answer to your question.
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
  • lynneelala
    lynneelala Posts: 4 Member
    Try this web site. http://juicerecipes.com/build/ You enter the information and it gives you the nutritional values and calories.
  • lynneelala
    lynneelala Posts: 4 Member
    Try this web site. http://juicerecipes.com/build/ You enter the information and it gives you the nutritional values and calories.
  • k21carl
    k21carl Posts: 1 Member
    Don't worry about the fiber thing; soluble fiber stays in juice, insoluble fiber goes in the pulp. I never had ANY digestive problems while juicing; if anything, it got better than ever. Just don't be alarmed if you're juicing beets . . .

    Well, that was a lot of personal information, but I also want to say: yay juicing! It's awesome. You'll never feel better.
  • therapistkara
    I think I found the holy grail:


    You enter exactly what you're putting in the juice and it perfectly calculates all nutritional info. Awesome.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,368 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread! I have been struggling also with finding the correct way to count my juice calories and nutrient.

    I am a cancer survivor and I have heard all the negative comments about juicing vs. eating in more places than just this thread. I'd just like to say, just because someone wants to add juicing to their diet doesn't mean they are not still consuming fruits and vegetables. But for me, although "I am an adult and don't need to be told to eat my vegetables" also (as someone pointed out above), I simply have never LIKED vegetables so I tend to not eat as many as I should. This is a way for me to get a large amount of the nutrients which I would normally not get if left to consume this quantity of veggies daily.

    I have no desire to go through chemo, radiation or surgery again, so I want to get as many of the nutrients as I can. For me, that means lots of vegetables with an apple in a juicer. There are reasons people choose to add homemade fresh juice to their diets. Please don't judge... I'm just trying to get healthy. And by the way, I can physically feel a difference in my concentration levels, energy and general well-being on the days I juice versus the days I do not...so it must be doing something!

    Just my 2-cents. I don't post in message boards much, but this is something I have begun doing to try to keep cancer from returning, so I feel pretty passionate about it.