Sleek September SIXERS wk 1



    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member

    You will be fine. One bad day is not going to ruin you. You can do this and you have proven that to yourself already with your 50lbs lost!

    Meal 1 - 1/2 cup yogurt w granola
    Meal 2 - exotic fruit smoothie
    Meal 3 - backed tilapia w grilled yellow squash
    Meal 4 - don't know yet, will try to eat a sensible dinner..but i'm going out tonight so we shall see

    no snacks today. today is a rest day for work outs but i will try for 30mn on the elliptical, 10 down so far 20min left

    good luck today
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Hiya ladies. I'm glad to see everyone's posts. Unfortunately, not enough time to really do personals.

    Going to the beach this weekend with my soon to be ex-sister-in-law (husband's brother's wife). Looking forward to all my old favorite treats and trying to figure out how to "eat in moderation". Am actually taking my bikini, so maybe that will inspire me. Do lots of walking.

    Chipper - sometimes I think the humidity and mugginess and staying inside because of it causes us to eat more than we intended. At least, that is what happens to me. But you are strong and I know this is just a little hiccup.

    Have a great weekend everyone. See you on the other side.
  • ChristineLeary
    Chipper: I've been in that mood/place and what works for me is that I've convinced myself it's better to think about the 'whys' while I'm walking. Thing is, I've downloaded a GREAT audio book that I can only listen to when I walk. So....I've created this cycle of now I want to walk just to hear the next part! Even if I'm having a really bad day, I make myself go out to get away from everyone and have my little pity-pot time and then I get wrapped up in the book, and before I know it, I'm back home and feeling better about myself. All of this walking has made me start craving fresh foods too. Yesterday I didn't Shred or walk and I ended up eating like crap! I was actually craving things that were just plain unhealthy! Today, I'm walking no matter what! (The books getting good and it's like 50 hours long or something crazy!)

    Don't get stuck in that stagnant analyzing place - make it a moving analyzing place! It really works and you'll be so proud of you! :)

    Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • ChristineLeary
    Lindsay, Sounds like you're doing great! Hope your hubby's debut went well! That sounds very exciting for you both! Have a great weekend!
  • ChristineLeary
    Freckles3: Don't worry about what others say and do, no matter how rude and unsupportive they are. People have all sorts of motive for such negative behaviors and it's very easy and dangerous to get caught up in them. When that happens to me (like my mom saying "you used to be so beautiful when you weren't so over weight," I just remember that I'm doing what I can to change my love out of love of myself and my family. I am so much happier and positive when I'm moving! I tend to replay those negative thoughts and get hung up on them, so now my new thing is I make jokes about them but let them know that I'm not holding on to it.

    I told my mother that I am still beautiful and frankly, I'm doing this for my own reasons and don't give a damn what she or anyone else things about my body! So don't let them deter you! Stay strong just for you! :)
  • ChristineLeary
    Brit: Great job w/the biscuits! You Rock!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning everyone. YEA! I made it through my first full week of school. I don't have a voice but I never do at the beginning. It is amazing how much you have to talk that first week. Going over emergency procedures, rules, lessons, etc... Hopefully next week I will get into the swing of things a bit better.
    Lindsey- How was the game? Did you make it through the heat?
    Cathy- are you okay after yesterday? We are with you!
    Amy- Are you getting excited about your trip? You are going to Canada... correct?
    Lorna- Have fun at the beach!!!!!
    Christine- Awe, where are you a music teacher?
    Freckles- Change can frighten people. Subconsciously people might not even know they are being rude (or maybe they do). It all comes down to make changes for yourself. I have a friend that orders a side of celery sticks when she goes to the Mexi restaurant. She has those with her salsa.
    Lauryn- How are you these days????? Miss hearing from you
    Again, this is such a supportive group. When i don't post, I miss all of you. I do read the posts though.

    Next week I am going to try to start working out again. My knee seems to be getting better, and well my foot.... who knows. I was thinking about trying to go to the gym in the morning (early). I am up anyway. Well chat later .... Have a great day. For all who are east of St. Louis.... some cooler air might be heading your way this week.

  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! Had a pretty good week. I made a goal of hitting my goal by summer next year. We have decided to go to Disney World next year for vacation. First time for all of us, except hubby, but he was only 2 when he went. I've been in such a great mood, but I'm sure that will change as soon as I hit my first plateau. I have been working my diet for 4 weeks now faithfully, with only 2 days that I had gone over calories, but that is alright. As my trainer said, it is OK to have a bad meal, just start again at the next meal. I've been eating within my calories, but eating more protein and less carbs and it is great! I never thought I could do it, but it is possible. When I crave something sweet, I make a protein shake with fruits and it helps soooo much. But I have treated myself to "bad" stuff, but hey, who doesn't?


    Mom- Hang in there! Try to think of other things that you could do. Just remember it really is all in your head.

    Freckles- I'm sorry to hear your friends didn't respect you during your hard time in a resturant. I have to agree that resturants are really hard to keep control. An idea is to maybe get a box to go and split your meal right there, so you won't over eat and you can still eat those potatoes.

    Izzy- I love your friends idea of the celery sticks. I just went to a mexican rest. last night with co-workers and was able not to eat the chips. It something so small, that I was so proud of myself.

    Lorna- Have a great time!! Don't burn!

    Lindsey- Hope you had a great time at the game.

    Kristen- How have ya been? That baby is beautiful! Enjoy, they grow up fast!

    Lauryn- How are you doing? Hang in there girl.

    Everyone else, hope ya'll have a great weekend. I'm not doing much, that I know of. Later!!!!!!
  • ChristineLeary
    Sandy, I teach in Northeaster Connecticut. Where do you teach?
  • Freckles3
    Hey Sixers. thanks for all your support!!!! all my hard work is paying off finally i did my pre-weekend check-in this morning (i find it helps me stay motivated through the weekend) and i am down to 155, which was my goal for this week - despite a couple bumps in the road all my hard work is starting to show... even the bf noticed my butt (it does look good - haha - i have always liked my butt - but it looks more lifted than usual - sorry tmi - just excited)

    shanell - sounds like you are kicking some butt - keep it up - you CAN do this!

    sandy - do you like to swim / have a pool available @ the gym? <-- that might be a great way to keep off your knee / foot but get in some cardio... :) glad you are feeling better though!

    more personals later!

    trying to stay motivated today!!! i am celebrating my little bro's 21st b-day with him tonight... i think i may volunteer to be the DD again - that will keep me away for the drinks for sure - now i just need to tackle the bar food... hmm... haha. have a great day ladies!!!
  • jmiller0906
    jmiller0906 Posts: 228 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am having a great start to the weekend! I am going to walk a 1/2 marathon on September 19th so I've been training and walking longer each weekend. Today I walked 9 miles in 2hr and 40min. My sis-in-law says I'm crazy for walking that far, but don't think I'm crazy - I think I'm driven! :) So I'm having a very "proud of myself" moment. :) Next week I will be on vacation up north, and we don't have internet. I'm going to try to get hubby talked into going into town one day so I can use free wi-fi and check in. If you don't hear from me until then, have a great weekend and a great weigh-in! :D
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Sandy, I teach in Northeaster Connecticut. Where do you teach?

    I teach in the St. Louis area in Missouri. Have you started school yet?

    Freckles- I do swim at the gym. It just gets a bit boring. I love to run on the treadmill. I think it helps me release stress. It multi tasks for me. Yea!

    Check back later....
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi Sixers, new and vets!

    I have been MIA for this past week. I had an adverse reaction to a new med on the 12th. In order to get me past the most awful side effects I've dealt with in my life, I was basically sedated for a week. I slept and slept and barely remember a thing from last week. I'm still out of work this coming week and trying to get back into the swing of life.

    I'm in the middle of a project right now, but I hope to be able to get my routine back, including posting here with my Sixers regularly.

    I'm actually starting back to logging food today, on a Sunday, which is an oddity for me.

    I hope to finish my current project, another project and be able to come back tonight and catch up on personals.
  • Freckles3
    Hey ladies. ugh. this has NOT been a good weekend... anyways, the only small victory is despite all the c-r-a-p i ate today i am still under my calorie goal... even stayed under fat and sodium (no idea how, i guess in the back of my mind i am starting to get the hang of this :) anyways... i hope last night didn't ruin my progress... going to kick butt between now and tues. have a good night sixers!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hey Sixers!! WOW there are a lot of new people. I have been out of the challenges for a couple months now I think, but before that I was in on every sixers challenge since September of 2008!! I took some time away as I graduated with my Masters and moved and started my first "real" job which is actually a fellowship in health Administration. Anyway, I'm happy to report that I've managed to more or less maintain in the last couple months but am ready to get back to it. I joined the YMCA after my move so I am excited to start going and especially to go to classes. I need the variety! Glad to see all of you vets and the new sixers!!! If its okay I'll jump back in on Tuesday on the 2nd week of this challenge!

    Hey Lauryn! Sorry to hear you have not been well, maybe we can get back into this together?
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning sixers.....

    don't know where to begin. i have read all the posts and seems like some had a good weekend others had bad. i am in the bad group. ate all weekend realized the money spent eating out is high. could have gone in my moving fund instead. oh well, life goes on and i move on restarting once again. i would really like to get a whole complete week correct.

    amylou....great job maintaining. that's where i gained 30+ was moving a mile up the street. keep it up and welcome back.
    lauryn...going to be hash, it's with love....get up grab life by the horns and take it on the ride you desire. will keep you in my prayers.
    frecklies....we can really surprise our selfs. we think we are doing bad, when we really are making better choices.
    izzy....i liked the C25K, but, my heel and knee don't. have to find something else. was the beach? are doing GREAT. very proud of you. keep it up. pass some motivation down to your old mom here. was your weekend? was your weekend? did you get in your elliptical? is the baby doing? how are you feeling?
    kisten...where have you gone off too?
    frogy.... hows the DD liking day care? hard we need good doctors now a days.
    baha.....don't leave on vaca soon?
    Megan, beky, julia, teresa, jinx, faye, amypyr, susan, theresa, are you ladies doing?
    wow can't believe i made it through the whole list. if i did miss someone i am truely sorry.
    need to get going with my day.

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Freckles- good job for stay under your cal goal.
    Welcome back Amy and Lauryn. We have missed you both. Everyday is a new day, week, month,......... We can't go back and change the past, we only hope to learn from it and move on. Speaking of .... I better get up and get ready for work!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Well... I don't really know what to think right now. I had a terrible weekend. Friday, I started spotting a little, so my doctor had me come in for a blood test. My hormone level was about 1/20 of where it is supposed to be (if I am as far along as they think I am). Going back in today for another blood test. I'm trying so hard to think positively, but I'm finding it very difficult. We'll see what happens today. :cry:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Quick check-in.

    Beach was awesome. Of course, Sunday afternoon it was torrential downpour and we had to walk about 30 blocks in the rain to get the kids their caramel apples (need to learn how to make those daggone things), but we had a blast. Can't say I did great calorie-wise, but I'm okay with it. Me and my friend just shared all the badness we ate so it wasn't too bad.

    Lauryn - Sorry to hear about your reaction. I'm glad to see your are getting yourself back. Medicines are a curse and blessing in so many ways. Take care of yourself.

    Izzy - LOVE the new pic. Bee-uuuu-ti-ful

    Freckles and Cathy - No worries on your weekend. I'm guessing that why they exist to begin with anymore, so that we can "let loose". And Mondays are to start the repair. You'll do great this week.

    Amylou - Congrats on your graduation and your new "real job". Lots of new excitement and stresses. Can't wait to hear more about it.

    Lindsey - For my daughter, I was very low and the doctor even mentioned the A word and I'm like, are you crazy? If I miscarried, then so be it. But I'm seeing it through the whole life of this baby. She is about to celebrate her 10th birthday in one month. So keep thinking positive. Make your hubby give you lots of hugs from all of us here that can't reach you.

    For all those I am missing (and I know there are a lot) - HI and keep having a great week.

    I'll catch everyone on the new thread. My mother is coming today and my house is trashed!!! Must go burn calories by cleaning.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    First...Lindsey...don't worry. When I was about 6 weeks along I started spotting. I thought for sure I had lost the baby. I prepared for the worst. When I went in to the doctor, they ended up doing an ultrasound to see what was going on, and I was able to see my little one and hear her heartbeat!! It was AMAZING!!! And everything was totally fine. I did spot a few times throughout the entire pregnancy, and I was scared every single time, but everything turned out perfect. So...I hope that will ease your worries a little bit.

    To all the newbies...welcome! This is such a FABULOUS group to be a part of! Everyone is so supportive and encouraging (if you haven't already figured that out!:wink: )

    AFM: Sorry I have been MIA pretty much this whole past week. I have just been in some sort of funk. I didn't work out like at all, and have been just busy getting things for Kadence's party! And really...I will probably continue this way until her actual party which is on the 5th! But I am hoping to get more exercise in! I NEED to! Tonight I totally have a run in the plan! My whole body is aching for it! We also have had several consultations/estimates for window replacement. That is in the plan for this fall and we need to get on it! One more this week, and then we will make our decision! Oh! Another is my first day not pumping at work. I have been pumping three times daily at work and was only able to get like 2 oz. so I figure it really was not worth it anymore. And I feel like I did a pretty good job...11 1/2 months. And I am still nursing in the morning and at it's not like I'm quitting all together. But it does make me a little little baby is growing up SO fast!! Hmmm...time for another one?...JK!!! I'm SOOOO...JK...we will wait a while yet!!! Kadence definitely keeps us plenty busy for now!!'s the plan for today:

    B-Mix of cereals (1/4 c. apple cinn cheerios, 1/4 c. Kashi Go Crisp Berry crumble, 1/4 c. Multigrain cheerios), 1 c. skim milk, 2 c. coffee, 4 tbsp. sugar free creamer
    S-Banana, Kashi baked apple cereal bar
    L-Turkey, 1 oz. cheese, lettuce, honey mustard on light wheat, baby carrots, light yogurt
    S-Pear, almonds
    D-Chicken...not sure how I'm doing it yet, with veggies
    S-Grapes, 2 reduced fat graham crackers

    2 mile run

    Have a great morning gals!!