Does anyone watch Dance Your *kitten* Off?

Just wondering... as a former dancer, I think it's really inspiring... I usually even shed a tear or two...


  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Yes I watched the 1st season. I caught the 2nd season when they were down the last 5. I haven't watched it yet because I'm hoping I can DVR the prior episodes.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    I watch it, but haven't seen it for the past two weeks. I really enjoy it!
  • aligirl32766
    Haven't watched since last season.
  • antiadipose
    its been a while but my family used to really get into it every week lol
    i just wish they showed more on nutrition and educate ppl more. BUT its entertaining for sure!!!!!!! holy crap they can dance lol
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    I just feel so moved when I see them go out there and give it their all. I mean, I was a professionally trained dancer, as well... but I feel so limited by my weight gain and when I see them go out there and MOVE IT, I feel so inspired to get back to what I really loved to do. It's embarrassing when your mind KNOWS how to do these beautiful, graceful moves that your body just can't do, anymore. If I try to do a grand jete, I can feel my pot belly bounce and my thighs are horribly codependent... they don't like to leave each other anymore. :grumble:

    As for this season... LaToya dances beautifully, but I feel like she's overconfident and a bit snide. Adamme is perfection! I loved Corey, but he was a terrible dancer. And Michael is a trip.