Do u want to weigh the same as u did in High School?



  • princessorchid
    princessorchid Posts: 198 Member
    I weighed about 120 in high school and I was a size 8Uk (about a 4US). I also did 5 varsity sports and martial arts, so I think it is unlikely now!
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I weighed about 168 when I left for boot camp a couple months after high school. I weighed 172 after boot camp. but there was no pudge on me at all. Then I got up to 175 and had a 6 pack. I need to get back down around that weight.
  • flannan
    flannan Posts: 45 Member
    NO! I hovered around 108-115 in highschool. At 45, I am 130, trying to go to 124.
    At times in my life when i got that low I would feel like crap. have never tried to actively diet but in times of stress weight used to just fall off me.
    Obviously I was not healthy at those low weights but was too dumb to realize it. Worst of all, I remember changing outfits 50 times before going out back then, thinking nothing looked good on me.
  • As I said in my other post, older ladies need to beware and not lose too much weight because you could end up looking older, I think you should aim to be a dress size bigger at least than you were in high school if you are older ie. over 40 like me. I see some skinny 40+ friends and they look way older than me because they are too skinny and you need a bit of fat to plump out the wrinkles!!:happy:
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    A big part of the goal weight I'm aiming for is because it's around what I weighed in high school. Granted, for me it's easier because I was a great weight at that age and it was only about 5 years ago. Back then I thought I was fat because I have hips and all the other girls wore 3-4 pants sizes smaller than me. I realized how doofy that was my senior year but after that all the weight came, lol. I was very comfortable at that weight other than the mental block about it and I wasn't even very active. I'm getting there!
    BRITBRITNOLA Posts: 55 Member
    ha! I was a size 0 in high school. I remember I had to buy the Limited Too (children's clothes) in the mall because The Limited wouldn't fit. I was ridiculously skiiny at 98lbs by senior year. I wish I were at my college eight when I gained my freshman 15. I was slim and sexy, but that's pushing it. I may have outgrown that body type. Since I am top heavy and have been all my life, I think 130 looks the best on me to average my DDD top.
  • I never, NEVER EVER want to be the size I was in high school. I was almost 300 pounds and a size 24/26. I am the smallest I have ever been now. I hopefully have said goodbye to my high school self for good.
  • sandykay65
    sandykay65 Posts: 9 Member
    yes I sure do. That is my goal right now as we speak. I have lost 108lb so far and have over 96 more to go. I was 123lb right now I weight 218.6lb.
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Ironically I Actually Weigh Less Than I Did In High School. The Last Time I Was In The 100s Was Elementary School =/ [Should've Caught It Early Now I've Got Fight Everything I've Ever Known About Eating. And I'll Probably End Up Having A Tummy Tuck Since My Skin Has ALWAYS Been Stretched]
  • 118 lbs and a size7. Yeah I want that! However if I actually properly workout and diet I think I would weigh a few pounds more just from being properly toned. Honestly tha's not even my goal I am aiming for 128.
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    I want to be what I was at the beginning of my freshman year in college...105 lbs. I filled out a size 0 perfectly and my size 2's were comfortably baggy (for lack of a better term). I just threw on whatever clothes and didn't think a thing of it. ahh to be that size again...12ish lbs to go.
  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    No. Oh sure I can fantasize about having my old high school body back, but according to my doctor 115 lbs is too thin for me now that my frame has changed. He made me promise that I won't go below 125.
  • yes samantharose I know what you mean, too skinny, I wish I look as good as you and I look quite good!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    Yes, please. That would be a dream come true!
  • sublimechik28
    sublimechik28 Posts: 74 Member
    Not sure how much i weighed in high school i didnt like to weigh myself then but im fitting into clothes that i had in highschool lol ohhh yeeaaaah and this time i have nice bigger boobs lol
  • jenniflower75
    jenniflower75 Posts: 23 Member
    Well at my lowest weight in high school i was 113 but also anorexic, my average weight through out most of high school was 127.. I had my first child at 16 and lost all the baby fat pretty quick.. had the rest of my kids within four years.. after having my son I went down to about 140 and was a size nine.. i recall thinking i was soooo fat hmmm well having gained almost 100lbs above that.. that was a goal. Right now i have lost 61lbs and i really dont know what i want to weigh.. im thinking that 120 would be too skinny.. i have a DDD chest and was big even when i was younger, never getting below DD even when i was 113. Saying i wanna be 140-145 to me sounds like a cop out but i may actually stop there cuz i cant imagine looking good much less than that.. according to the bmi chart im supposed to weigh between 110-140 so that would be high end but i guess we will see, its been 14yrs since i weighed 140 lets see if i can get there again.. 34 more lbs to go, then we will see what i think.. good luck everyone
  • randym1586
    randym1586 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone. Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Randy and I'm new to this site. My dietitian recommended it to me earlier today and I must say, I'm impressed w/t it already.

    Anyway, to answer the topic at hand, I'm pretty young, so high school wasn't that long ago (class of 2004). I have been big my entire life, so I wasn't small, but I would love to be down to what I was that year.

    Currently, I am 402, but I was 280 at the time.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    Yes i would. High school was when i was most physically active and healthy. I was a very tiny size ( 25x32 wranglers, small or x small blouses and low cut pants were size 0 to 2) while my body has changed and hips have gotten wider I'd love to see my weight in the 115 to 125 range but only if it's done in a healthy way. And since my body has changed I may never see that again but i'm ok with that too as long as i'm taking care of my body.
  • Mirabilis
    Mirabilis Posts: 312 Member

    I want to create a time machine, kidnap my ignorant junior self, give myself a good lesson in nutrition and consequences and put myself through a ton of therapy.

    Life would have been a lot different had I known then what I know now.


  • Motleybird
    Motleybird Posts: 119 Member
    No, my weight as a senior in high school was pretty close to my starting weight here. I'm aiming for about 5 pounds less than college, when I walked everywhere, ate at the cafeteria and took aikido classes. Everyone talks about the freshman 15, but I lost 25 then!
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