I'm a New Mommy - Trying to lose that baby weight

Hi there everyone - Like I mentioned, I am a brand new mommy and desperately want my body back. I found this website when looking for a calorie counter. What a gem I found when this came up. It does the counting for you. Can't get much easier than that! I can use all of the support I can get.... it's not easy staying on track by yourself. My hubby is supportive but doesn't really get it because he is one of those people who can eat anything and never gain a pound. Looking forward to a successful journey with MFP!!!



  • mocosa74
    mocosa74 Posts: 42
    I am in that boat with you to, baby girl is 9 months now and would like my body back by the time she is 1! =) feel free to add me if you like. =)
  • mernia
    mernia Posts: 2
    I'm right with you. I just had my second baby 2 1/2 weeks ago and I'm trying to get back into my pre preggo clothes. Good to know I'm not alone. ;)
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Hi! Congrats on that new little one! :flowerforyou: My new little guy just turned 6 mos and I'm wondering where my baby went! You'll find this site is TONS of FUN and people give you amazing support! Seriously, it's absolute MAGIC as long as you are honest with yourself, log everything and stay in the correct calorie zone that works for you. Don't get too frustrated if you don't lose every week because there were times with me that I would not lose every week but the weightloss was significant enough to cover a few weeks when I finally would lose again. Be careful to eat enough cals otherwise you'll screw up your metab and stop losing. Please read the following links/threads which have invaluable info. I wish I had read these sooner!




    Hope this helps! Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:

    Also, forgot to mention that if you're breastfeeding, let me know and I can help you set up a breastfeeding cal deficit.
  • ashley_h10
    ashley_h10 Posts: 110 Member
    you sound just like ME! I joined right after i had my son in may! My hubby can eat anything and never gain a pound either! anyways, if you need a friend, feel free to add me :)
  • ST218
    ST218 Posts: 4
    Thanks for the links! What great resources. I am breastfeeding. I just went into my goals and did the custom feature and added 500 calories to the original caloric intake it suggested when I first set up my account. Is that right? I just guessed at the number to add. Any other help would be great!

    Thanks again.

  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609

    Mother of 2 little girls =) I already lost the baby weight from my second daughter - while I was pregnant with her I actually lost weight! Currently I'm 165lbs and I was 164 when I was 8 months pregnant (starting pregnancy weight was 185). The 9 month I jumped to the 170's. (so I guess you can say technically I didn't gain no weight since i didn't shoot back to 185 lol). When I started this site I was 175..actually few days before..my starting weight for this site says 173.

    Now I'm working on losing the baby weight from the first pregnancy. I was about in the 150's when I got pregnant.

    Once I reach that goal, my focus will be losing the weight gain from marriage! LOL. I was 135 when I met my husband but would totally be fine to be in the 140's

    Sooner or later your Husband will understand. For the past month, mine has been bringing home junk food cause I don't buy it no more - it's has been like that for awhile. Recently he decided he wants to watch what he eats too...although he is starting on Monday so right now everyday is a free day for me LOL
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Thanks for the links! What great resources. I am breastfeeding. I just went into my goals and did the custom feature and added 500 calories to the original caloric intake it suggested when I first set up my account. Is that right? I just guessed at the number to add. Any other help would be great!

    Thanks again.


    I responded to your other post as well not realizing it was YOU. Sorry for the barrage of info! 500 is probably fine. I think when I started, I put it at 300ish and did fine but a friend of mine had to up it to about 500ish since she started losing her milk. Everyone is different so you may have to play around until you find the best breastfeeding cal deficit. Hope this helps!
  • 321Detonate
    Ugh, my husband can do that too - eat until he's blue in the face and not gain an ounce! Sooooo frustrating. I'm a mom too, my youngest is almost 1. Feel free to add me if you want.:smile:
  • nholdorf
    nholdorf Posts: 6 Member
    I am in the same boat too. I just had my daughter in May. I am still trying to figure out when to exercise and not just grab some junk food because its fast an easy.


    Good luck,

  • Sara8681
    I am also in the same boat..I am looking to lose the baby weight plus some I cant blame on my little guy =)
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    Welcome! My son is 19 years old, so I don't share the new baby issues, but I really want to welcome you to MFP! This is a wonderful site. Take the time to explore all the features, and make lots of friends. The more friends the better! Everyone is so nice here as you can see.
  • hawkgurl
    hawkgurl Posts: 10
    I'm so glad there are others out there that totally get it, my husband is a stick and can eat anything and everything without a care in the world. I too had a baby boy at the end of May. I'm totally motivated to get my new life started....and new body. So far everyone is very supportive, so glad I stumbled upon this site.
  • mernia
    mernia Posts: 2
    All this info is great! Thank you! For my son I lost all of the weight within 6 weeks and I had gained 40 lbs. For my daughter (born two weeks ago) I gained 35 and I have 14 left to lose but I would like to lose an extra 5lbs so I can get my BMI at 22.
  • Nene74
    Nene74 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, same here I have a 5 1/2 months little girl and a hubby that can eat everything he wants!!!!!!!
  • KKWilson
    KKWilson Posts: 68 Member
    Hi - I am not new to this site, but new to posting anything on the boards. I too am a mommy, but I don 't know how "new" I am. My little girl just turned 2 last week. I can relate to so many of you who have commented on this post. I put on about 60 lbs during my pregnancy. I have taken most of that off over the last year, but I am now trying to focus on getting back to my pre-marriage weight, so that means I have about 30 more lbs to lose. I'd be happy with 140, but I would love 135. I do circuit training 4 days a week and usually Turbo Jam or Melt-Down Yoga 1-2 days a week. About a month ago I just fell off the wagon for no explainable reason, but now I finally caught back up with the wagon and am trying to jump back on.

    This morning I did my first circuit training workout in over a month. I did pretty well, except for the part where I laid on the bathroom floor for about a solid 10 minutes wondering if I was really going to puke, or if it was going to hopefully past. Thankfully it past and I finished my workout, but what usually took me about an hour to do, took me almost an hour and a half this morning. I'm hoping to see that time improve tomorrow (and I could do without the puking part too). Anyway, it is so good to see other people on here that I have this in common with. I wish you all the best on this journey to health. Have a great Monday!