Best time to workout for night shifters



  • danapenguin
    danapenguin Posts: 161
    i work nights and i have tried both ways. the best thing for me is to workout before work. it gives me more energy and I sleep better when i finally get to sleep!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    There is no time that's best. Just pick a time that you'll stick to. I work overnights full time and part time during the day. I fit it in when I can. The only thing that doesn't work for me is trying to wake up early to workout, that's just an impossibility for me. I'd much rather stay under the covers, thanks. Typically, I'll work out when I get off work.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I workout before I go to my night shift. I'm also a bit of a weekend warrior to create a deficit to work off of for the week.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I work 9pm to 7am. On the days that I work, I exercise at 7:30am (I stop at the gym on my way home from work). On the days that I do not work, I tend to exercise in the evening or middle of the night (because I like to keep myself on a regular schedule so I don't go batty). Just do whatever works for you. As long as you workout, it doesn't matter when you do it.
  • jbyap24
    jbyap24 Posts: 35
    Good questions! I work in healthcare and have been on second for the past three years plus. I'm just starting a new job and am having to make the switch to third. After having put quite a bit of thought into it, I figured my schedule to be this: Sleep 10 am. to 6p.m. --> Run/bike/swim/gym --> Work 11p.m. to 7:30 p.m. --> Yoga and reading before bed.

    I want to get my heavy cardio in before work for a couple of reasons; I will start work in a better mood, I still got it in even if I get mandated and have to work over, and it will not contribute to keeping me up as it might after work. As far as eating goes, I will have breakfast before work, after workout, main meal will be lunch at work, light meal after work.

    This is what I have figured is best for me. Hopefully it will give you a few ideas. Your sleep schedule sounds like it could use some improvement. I have struggled with sleep for most of my adult life and understand how important solid, uninterrupted sleep is to both your physical and mental well being, but also appreciate how difficult it is to achieve that. Is there a reason you would have to wake up to eat or is that just what your body is naturally doing? Reminds me of a pattern I fell into while doing swing shifts and ended with less than desirable results.

    I'll add you as a friend and maybe we can figure this out together! Good luck!

    Hi sis, thanks for adding me. Yeah, I certainly appreciate your help. The reason why I still eat during regular mealtime hours of the day, because I'm obliged, since I need to eat together with my husband :) and have to check on our baby at times, All this interrupted sleep really stresses me out, which I think is the main cause of my gain weight :(