Looking for 50 year women for support!



  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    I turned 50 in February and have about 85lbs to lose. I would love some friends and support from people around my age. Please feel free to send friend requests. Donna :happy:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    My son exercises with me. He is a slim teen, but exercise is not just for weight loss...he needs to stay active to be healthy too. We walk and walk and walk. Added bonus for me is that he talks to me one on one while we are walking. Anyone who has had a teenager may know that they are hard to communicate with sometimes and I am delighted that he opens up and shares what is going on in his life with me on our walks!

    That has got to be one of The BEST NSV's (Non-Scale Victorys) that I have ever read!! If you never lose an Ounce, those walks/talks with your Son are Priceless for Both Of You!!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm 54, was never really overweight, not obese, until after menopause...I let it creep up, too tired and busy, but now I'm half way to my goal....another 25 to go.....a bit harder on the second half. I have 3 children, college age now, and a bit more time for just me.
    I take it one day at a time....
    Feel free to friend me if you want.
  • claudiakendall98
    claudiakendall98 Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone ,
    I am 54 and new to MFP . I have lost 20 lbs on WW but have gained 7 lbs back. I have started running and am up to 30 minutes every other day . I have to fight for every pound lost .I am 17 lbs to 22 lbs from where I would like to weigh (goal weight
    135 lbs to 140 lbs). I wonder if I mwill ever get there.Claudia
  • donna710
    donna710 Posts: 91 Member
    gingersnapsmom : I agree!!! one-on-one with a teenage son is priceless...
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    Not to bee in your business but thats too low calories. And btw 4 lbs in 6 weeks is not bad for our age. I hope you are at least eating back all your excercise calories. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  • jharb2
    jharb2 Posts: 208 Member
    You are welcome to add me. We are not 25 anymore so should not expect things to happen with our bodies like we are.
  • I'm 46 with a thyroid problem that has always given me a hard time. Finally using MFP, I have started to lose . I take it in small increments to not overwhelm my self. My goals in my head are 5 lbs each time. Once I hit a 5 lb goal(which doesnt sound like a lot to many but because of my condition it is), I'll work on the next 5.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Just saw the topic which was almost what I wrote a year ago when I joined lol... and wantd to say welcome to all of you and congrats on making the decision to get healthy! It absolutely can be done even with the joys of menopause and all the other "goodies" that come with hitting the big 50 LOL.. and this is a great place to learn about how to really do it.. and be free of ever having to say that nasty four letter word "diet" again :bigsmile:

    And to let you all know there are several groups (probably hundred actually lol) for women around our age - support and encouragement from others who understand this stage of our life can be invaluable, and SEEING people do it can help you over some of the tough days! Groups arent everyone's cup of tea (or glass of wine) but if you use the search feature to check out a few (or start your own!) you might find one thatinterest you.. play with the keywords like women or 50 and just go to groups and scroll thru.. a few off the top of my head are Ladies Who Lunch, Women 50+ and Menopausal Mad Hatters but proly a ton more as well.. just thought I'd pass it on as I remember when I first started it was a little overwhelming learning about the site LOL!

    You've all taken the most important step - use the resources here and you'll find loads of great information and helpful people to help you on your way!! Congrats again to each of you! :flowerforyou:
  • padisneyfour
    padisneyfour Posts: 220
    I am always looking for new friends here. I will turn 50 in july. I joined MFP in late march- close to 90 days and really like :heart: the site. Lots of info , support and tools! feel free to add me.:smile:
  • carolg225
    carolg225 Posts: 29
    The hardest part about losing weight for me is to get in the mind set that I didnt gain 70 lbs overnight ans I aint gonna lose it overnight . I just turned 54 and I came here last year. I lost 38lbs but gained 18 back when I stopped smoking. I'm determined to start loosing again and change my eating habits so I can keep it off in the future. I also know from my experience here in the past that I have to exercise.A little bit every day works wonders!!!!
  • 1yoyoKAT
    1yoyoKAT Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 55 and joined in August 2012. I am concentrating on having a healthy lifestyle overall and taking good care of myself. The weight is coming off steadily and I feel better than I have in years. We can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Me! Me! Oooh ooh...pick me!! :laugh:

    I'm 53 yrs old. Lost 50 lbs since Sept. 2012...until 2 weeks ago, when I started going backwards and gained a few back, even though I'm still doing everything I had been doing. Frustrated is my middle name!

    Add me! :flowerforyou:
  • babyrover
    babyrover Posts: 51 Member
    I wouldn't call myself a jock now...though I was in my previous life. I had double knee replacements in Jan 2011 and I need to get the excess weight off so that they will be with me a very long time. I have found that exercise is a great stress relief for me and have been happier since I started back again. It has been pointed out that my issue may be too low a calorie intake. I also think I have issues with empty calories. I proudly wear a shirt that says "I love Dogs, Bikes and Beer"...that last one being my empty calorie guilty pleasure.
  • I'm 53. I lost 19 pounds in the last two years and have lots more to go. I am so frustrated with my weight loss. I want to do so much more but my body is so ...sluggish:grumble: I definitely am hanging in but it is a hell of a battle! With support though we can do this together!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    My doctor who is very slim at 60, eats healthy, but much less than I would be happy with. I'm not giving up pasta/bread, etc completely. She did give me good advice though, something we all struggle with. As one post said earlier, it came on over months, it comes off the same way. It's not as much fun as putting it on, but patience is the key.

    I tell myself, even if the scale doesn't budge, I'm getting muscle which helps my metabolism (it really helps a lot) I'm helping my bones which need it at this age with walking/jogging/weight bearing exercise, I"m helping my heart with aerobic activity..it isn't wasted, not one moment, even if it doesn't show the way you want it too right away. Try to stay focused on the whole picture. I know I do, but have days when I forget.
  • Gingersnapsmom
    Gingersnapsmom Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks!! I will remember these walks with my boy the rest of my life.
  • newbie here.

    I will be 51 in a few days and I started my weight loss journey on May 1. My focus then was just getting started, you know, get moving and i started walking daily for 1/2 hour and now i'm up to 1 hr a day walking 6 days a week. my sister told me about myfitnesspal and i joined on Memorial days and began recording my caloric intake. I am now ready to take it to the next level. today my doctor told me to use a 1200 calorie a day plan and am looking for support which is why I am here. I am aiming to lose 70 pounds and am optimistic about the journey.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you. :)
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    I am 53, started MFP when I was 51. Needed to lose about 20 pounds. It took me a while to get the right combination of calories, food group and exercise to start losing, but once I did, the weight came off pretty consistanty in about 8 months. I have stayed on MFP and maintined the weightloss. But itt wasn't and hasn't been easy. I change my exercise routine about every 3 months, to keep my muscles on their toes. I do small 30 day challenges, and I keep an eye on the foods I eat, I eat whatever I want, but for me moderation is the key. Add me if you like..... Good luck
  • Hi Karen,

    I turned 50 in Dec. I have had trouble with losing weight because I do not eat enough...sounds crazy and made no sense to me, so I did not increase my calories until March, I increased to 1200, still was not losing weight. My trainer said to increase to 1500-1700. I did this two weeks ago, I have lost a couple of lbs, and I feel better. I am at the gym 5-6 days a week. Now I think I found my right formula for losing. Just adjust your diet and exercise, every now and again a little bit to see what works.