Shin Splints

Hey you all..
Hurts so bad but I’m pushing through because I don’t want to just “give up” or use any sort of excuse. Any advice? I just took IB Profin and am icing. Should I keep up with my schedule or cool it for a few days? And, how can I prevent this in the future??
Thanks so much.


  • Sparren
    Sparren Posts: 106
    Hi, I had shin splints too, but don't have any problems now because I've learned which stretches to do, and also how to strengthen that area. Twirling your feet in circles (or writing the alphabet with each foot, letter by letter) is a good way to strengthen the area. All the best.
  • tefleon
    tefleon Posts: 32 Member
    I used to suffer from these every time I tried to walk any distance at speed until I spoke to a running guy at work. Basically, it was foot ware and stretches. (The same thing Sparren mentioned)

    Once I changed from a pair of trainers with go faster strips which are just a fashion shoe into a proper running trainer which is meant for running rather than posing I hardly get them. My current ones are Nike and cost about £65.