How many 'exercise' calories a day do you NOT log?



  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Hmm, I log my walk to/from work, because it's a 20 minute up-hill walk (obviously downhill on the way home). It's not like it's 5 minutes round the corner. Having said that, as I do it 5 days a week, I do sometimes feel like I shouldn't bother.

    I do log a hefty cleaning session at home, if it's 30-60 minutes of 'vigorous' - but then I'll log it as 'gentle' so I don't kid myself into thinking I've done more than I have.

    I also often downplay the workouts for the same reason.

    I go to the bathroom a lot during the day, but I wouldn't want to log the 5 calories I burn walking to/from! I go outside to buy lunch too, so I guess that's another 5. I also take the stairs, there's another 2...

    I guess if it's not something I do every day (hence thinking of not bothering with logging my daily walk), then I'll log it if I feel it's a genuine burn.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    I only log my workouts and activity, not part of my daily routine. I don't log my walking that is my commute or all the stairs I walk up!

  • juliegrey1
    juliegrey1 Posts: 202 Member
    I would always log my bicycle rides although its almost part of my daily routine I have to cycle 6 miles with 2 of them steadily uphill to get to town if I need anything the hill on the way back is even worse and Im gradually working on cycling up the whole lot but even for competitive cyclists its a difficult one and Im not in that brackett,I always burn 800-900 cals on that ride,but to be fair I do not log walking around the town into the shops I pause my FT4 until Im back on the road again!
    I did log cutting the grass last 2 days for example one side of my garden took over 2 hours to cut and the grass box on the mower had to be emptied 8 times so to be honest it was a fair workout!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Does it really matter what people log? As long as they are happy with what they are logging and it's working for them who really cares.

    I didn't start this topic to criticise other peoples' methods, purely to observe how different people work. It's you that's assumed an issue with it.

    Considering the second sentence in your OP:
    Some people really will log anything to make themselves feel better.

    That reads as pretty critical to me.

    Since you don't care so much, I don't log any exercise.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I notice a lot of people here logging things like "walking up stairs", "falling over" and "thinking". Some people really will log anything to make themselves feel better. But how many calories do you NOT log?

    I work at a light TDEE deficit, so dont log anything. I just eat for my activity level.

    I have to say though since you mentioned 'thinking' lol.....I am currently writing my doctoral thesis and definitely finding I'm hungrier/more mentally exhausted these days.
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    I walk to work and back, a round trip of just over an hour so I log that because hey, it's an hour of extra work you're doing in a day so it seems worthwhile.

    I do feel the calorie burns are little generous on MFP so I do not log flights of stairs... I live in a 4th floor walk up and work on the 5th floor. I don't log my lunchtime walks or where I take a longer route home to buy groceries on the way. I don't log the walking about I do during the day...c alories burned setting 50 tables for a conference or reorganizing office furniture for half a day... nope I don't log those. Honestly, who has the time?

    I figure it balances itself out.
  • JessicaJoanJarvis
    JessicaJoanJarvis Posts: 80 Member
    Does it really matter what people log? As long as they are happy with what they are logging and it's working for them who really cares.

    I agree, I sometimes log washing dishes, because I've made the concious effort to do that instead of loading the dishwasher. Or I'll log general tidying if I've done the housework for my mum. My profile is set to sedentary.
  • Annerk1
    Annerk1 Posts: 372 Member
    I don't log walking the dogs, doing light housework, or pretty much anything except my actual runs, yoga classes, and heavy housework--cleaning carpets, scrubbing floors, etc. I don't log strength training, although I do note it in the exercise notes just to have a record of what I did on which days.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I log my lifting and cardio sessions, but only count 1 calorie burned, as I have my calorie goal set to accommodate those workouts.

    I'll log more normal stuff like walking if I'm out walking around all day- last weekend we were in the mountains and did some hiking to see waterfalls, I logged that, but again, only counted 1 calorie. Things around home, like gardening, cleaning, cooking, I don't log, but if I'm splitting wood with an axe for an hour, I'll log that with 1 calorie.
  • ShubhaBansal
    ShubhaBansal Posts: 80 Member
    I log everything as it keeps me active. It helps me taking stairs then escalators. I feel i have become more active and my energy level has increased as i make choices better.
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    I only log exercise minutes, not calories. I'd log anything I do at the gym but not things I do daily as part of my routine like walking to the bus stop. If I go out for a walk, I'd log that but I don't log cleaning even though I wouldn't necessarily do that daily. I do log minutes spent shopping though :) Hey, its walking :happy:
  • Tuala42
    Tuala42 Posts: 274 Member
    I only log cardio workouts, dont log anything for strength. I do log in the time I spend mowing the lawn, because we have a push mower and enough hills that it is a good workout. I recently had to change my activity level to "active" because of a new part time job. I had it at "lightly active" and my weight dropped too low (reached my goal 2-3 months ago).
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Using TDEE and now I have a FitBit so I long workouts as 1 calorie just to record them. When I enter HRM info into my FitBit I only record calories burned through cardio (running, elliptical, etc).
  • allenhandley
    allenhandley Posts: 134 Member
    I don't log:
    - working in yard
    - cleaning house (yes I help sometimes)
    - walking at work
    - anything that is not a workout

    My workouts include:
    - running
    - cycling
    - weight training
    - ab workouts
    - sports workouts with kids
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    My activity is set to sedentary.

    I don't log my weights or walking from work to the bus stop (about 1.2 miles per day), shopping or walking around during the day. I do, however log my walk from the bus stop to home (about 2 miles a day).
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    There is nothing I don't log. My Fitbit logs it constantly during the day for I never not log any exercise cals.
  • NoeHead
    NoeHead Posts: 516 Member
    My account is set to sedentary so I do log my strength workouts and I try to fit in about 20 minutes of cardio right before strength training class and then I usually do a zumba class. So I log all of it. Same thing with spin and pilates. Just in case I sometimes take off about 100 cals from strength training because I would rather underestimate cals burned.

    If other log in stuff like rigorous cleaning and it works good for them...I don't trust myself to burn enough cals to make it worth it but that's on me. lol
  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    I use a Nike+ fuel band so I have set my activity level at sedentary and read the number off there at the end of the day (minus 300 calories for the walking ect that is accounted for under sedentary)

    I only eat back a small proportion of my exersise but I do log it all becasue I like to track how active I have been, it helps me know when I need to do better.

    Also my fuel band doesnt really count my time in the gym very well but I don't log it seperatly as I don't want to double count any. I just take thoes calories as a bonus burn and ignore them :)
  • newmelady
    newmelady Posts: 132 Member
    I never log household chores.
  • Brandilynnrose
    I have my activity level set to sedentary so I do tend to log things out of my norm. I will log cleaning that is not part of my everyday routine (However, making the bed, doing dishes, cleaning up after cooking meals, everyday bathroom cleaning, and straightening up the house are never logged) but other household cleaning times are logged if I do them for more than 20 minutes (and then I deduct at least 5-10 minutes and log conservatively). I will include times I am preparing food or cooking, because I tend to do be active in the kitchen for long stretches during the day when I cook. Again, I log these conservatively and knock off time.

    I do NOT log walking up stairs or around the house and I don't log anything from running quick errands, as I feel this is included in the "sedentary" lifestyle calorie count. However I will log the walking I do on long shopping trips. For example, I went on Sunday and had my oil changed. There was a 2 hour wait. I ended up pushing a shopping cart around a Walmart for 2 hours during this time, since it was right next door to where my car was having the oil changed. I probably did 12 laps around the store and wandered up and down ailes I have never ventured down, just to kill time. I logged that walking in, but again conservatively, putting that time down as over an hour, instead of 2.

    Other than that the only things I log are actual exercise. Walking the path that runs beside my home and yoga.