Need to get notiviated

I wish I had more motivation to exercise! I can't seem to get myself up early enough to do it before work and after work I make excuses that I just need a few minutes to relax. But a few minutes turns into all evening. I know I am only hurting myself with these excuses. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can get my myself in gear?


  • CherryStar86
    CherryStar86 Posts: 11 Member
    I am EXACTLY the same way!! I've been eating better, but i'm paying for a gym membership and i need to use it! My gym is really convenient to my current job (but i'm changing jobs in two weeks) so I'm going to try to go on lunch today. Do you have any way you can go during the day?
  • Mjhnbgff
    Mjhnbgff Posts: 112
    I know this isn't really the answer you're looking for but I've been where you are and there was nothing anyone could do to motivate me to start exercising. I talked about it weekly with my therapist and I always had an excuse why I didn't work out that week. One day, I finally just did it. Sorry, you're just going to have to find the will to make yourself work out. It'll be hard in the beginning but eventually you'll get to the point where working out feels good and you'll make time to work out.

    What's working for me right now is to split up my workouts since I don't have a lot of time. For example, I go for early morning runs Tue and Thur and then I work out with my trainer or lift on my own in the evening after work.

    I make myself get up early enough to go for a run, but I also have to be disciplined enough to go to bed earlier the night before so that I get enough sleep. If it means not going out for dinner or watching a show or talking to a friend then so be it. That's the sacrafice I make to be able to get up early enough to work out. My friends understand that I'm committed to my running and I'll see them on a night when I don't have to go to bed early.

    Hope this helps. Best of luck!
  • kathymhardy
    kathymhardy Posts: 266 Member
    Same here, but I do force myself to get up a bit earlier for work in the mornings to do 15 minutes on my exercise bike, another 15 when I get home and another (depending how tired I am) 15 before I go to bed. Also during the evening I use my weights to try and get the tops of my arms toned.

    When feeling sluggish and making excuses, I have to ask myself if I want to get toned and fit. The answer is YES! :smile:
  • KyFriedCarnage
    KyFriedCarnage Posts: 6 Member
    I know this isn't really the answer you're looking for but I've been where you are and there was nothing anyone could do to motivate me to start exercising. I talked about it weekly with my therapist and I always had an excuse why I didn't work out that week. One day, I finally just did it.

    This. I play roller derby, which I absolutely love, but it really doesn't burn very many calories. It took me *forever* to get around to adding in cross training because cross training is just so much less fun! Nothing anyone else said or did was enough to convince me to get off my butt and actually do it. Eventually, I just decided to start.

    The one thing I will say is that if you don't make working out optional, you'll get your workouts in. I just decided that no matter what, I have to work out. And now that I've gotten used to that rule, I work out every single day... and I feel so proud of myself for committing to it! You will get there.

    Starting out with a little exercise every day and then working up to a full workout may help, too. If you're a perfectionist (I'm a recovering perfectionist myself), you may think you need to do a full on, lengthy and grueling workout. That used to be a big deterrent to me. I ended up starting with either 20 min on the elliptical machine or a 10 min Trainer video (made by Tony Horton, the guy who made P90X)... or a roller derby practice. Now, when I'm not at practice I'm happy to do 45 min on the elliptical or a 45 min Insanity video.

    So I guess my advice is to start small, build up to higher levels of intensity, and make it a habit rather than an option. Good luck! You can do it!
  • Bettyrader
    Bettyrader Posts: 4 Member
    I really appreciate everyones advice. I think I already knew that I just needed to make myself do it but having other tell me that's true is helpful. This week I am going to try to start going to bed early 2 days a week so that I can get up a few minutes early and get in some exercise at least twice a week.
  • jnnfrsmore
    jnnfrsmore Posts: 11 Member
    The best thing you can do to boost your energy level (this is what I've been doing) is eat high protein clean small meals (veggies, fish, and chicken) and get rest. I've been pre-making all my meals so that I'm not over eating. Get to the gym or track 5 days a week for 1.5 hours. Maybe find a fitness model that inspires you and follow her on instagram and hang pictures around the house. I've been following #mankofit she's pretty awesome.
  • smerkord
    smerkord Posts: 101 Member
    When I get home, I put my running clothes on before I do anything else. That way, when I try to make excuses, I say, well I am already dressed, I'll just go for a quick easy run and once I am out the door I am good to go. Getting started is the hardest part.