Newbie :)

Hi everyone.
Im new to this site & serious about losing weight this time. Used to be a uk size 8 & weigh around 8 1/2 stone. After 2 pregnancys & 1 terminally ill child and a hell of a lot of time spent in hospitals with her im back & want to lose the weight. Gained a good few lbs & lost a lot of confidence. Its time for a change.
Im on 1200 calories a week & working out when I can around the kids but looking to start 30 day shred too.
Currently weighing in at 11.4lbs.


  • BeeH79
    BeeH79 Posts: 18 Member
    HI, feel free to add me! I'm 34 with a 5 year and trying to loose another stone and a bit (I've lost 2 stone in total using various methods, but you can't beat the support you get on here!)

    B x
  • stephgxox
    stephgxox Posts: 2
    Thanks B. Il be sure to add you :) !! Im a crisp freak so still wanna have a little treat every day so far so good lol with calories! Iv done WW for a while back but came off it & gained most of the weight back x
  • Tarantula920
    Tarantula920 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi! I've been here a few weeks and having support is one of the best things I like about it! Feel free to add me as a friend!