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hawaiibound Posts: 158
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
So...i've been a member on here for a while...i've tried everything i know...i'm active at least 30mins a day if not more...i'm eating healthy...i'm taking my vitamins...and instead of loosing weight i'm either maintaining of gaining!!!! I'm so super frustrated....why do i monitor what i'm eating and not eat the gross amazingly tasty junk food if i'm not oging to loose weight. I've done 30 day shred...and i lost 7lbs...but gained it all back...i'm stuck at 155-157...its so frustrating....maybe i should just back to my unhealthy ways...at least then i wasn't dissapointed!


  • Have you talked to your doctor about checking on your thyroid maybe? A friend of mine couldn't lose weight at all and the problem was with her thyroid. They put her on some medication and she began dropping the pounds immediately! It was a giant help for her.
    Also, have you checked into maybe other programs? I know everyone raves about 30 Day Shred but there is also Zumba which I HIGHLY recommend. Especially if you have a class near you. It's fun, motivational (meaning gives you energy and you look forward to doing it) and it's fun. LoL. I love it. I wish I lived closer to a bigger city where I could join an actual class.
    What helped for me was not working out every single day, I just do an hour or two every other day. It's not good to workout everyday, you have to give your body breaks. And I drink Crystal Light or water with absolutely no soda, alcohol or fruit drinks including juice.
    How many meals and snacks do you eat a day? Eating 6 small meals and snacks a day is what is recommended to speed up your metabolism and help with weight loss too. I use a diabetic diet. It's incredibly healthy and I have problems with being hypoglacemic most of the time. Maybe see if there is a nutritionist available where you are and meet with them to figure out the perfect meal plan?
    I hope you begin seeing results soon! It sucks to be stuck and I've been there a few times. Good luck and hope I could help!
  • Bearface115
    Bearface115 Posts: 574 Member
    Dont give up girl! you know these things take time, and dont deprive yourself of the great tasting stuff either, eat them in total moderation, that way you wont re bound so quick to going back the the bad habits!. i know how frustrated you are. i lost 7 pounds too and im going through my bf birthday weekend and next week im going on a mini vacation. so i know what you mean by teased with amazing food but trying to keep health and not seeing results!, but PLEASE dont give up your doing so well!! im here your youuuu!
  • usrmob
    usrmob Posts: 6 Member
    You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!! Never forget that thought.
    I don't know what a shred is but I do know that gimmicks only work for the short term. Eat real foods!! If you are relying on the freezer section Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, etc. you are getting a lot of sodium. That can give you more weight. Drink that water - at least 64 oz. daily. I guarantee that even though your weight hasn't gone down, your numbers if you had before/after blood work done would show improvement. Hang in there. Try 40 minutes daily of walking. Break it up 20 min. 2 x if you need to.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    Hang in there I went about 6 months doing marathon training and didn't loose a single pound. What kept me going was telling my self that I was training and was in way better shape then I have ever been in before. I did the ran/walk method and did 26.2 miles. I have finally seen a drop in weight recently but I can run, swim and bike further then I ever thought I would be able to do. So even if I stay at this weight I am doing better physically. Keep doing what you are doing the exercise and watching what you eat will pay off in the long run.
  • So...i've been a member on here for a while...i've tried everything i know...i'm active at least 30mins a day if not more...i'm eating healthy...i'm taking my vitamins...and instead of loosing weight i'm either maintaining of gaining!!!! I'm so super frustrated....why do i monitor what i'm eating and not eat the gross amazingly tasty junk food if i'm not oging to loose weight. I've done 30 day shred...and i lost 7lbs...but gained it all back...i'm stuck at 155-157...its so frustrating....maybe i should just back to my unhealthy ways...at least then i wasn't dissapointed!

    So far what I have learned is you need to get your heart rate into the fat burning zone ,I tend to walk/jog my first 30 minutes of exercise because it it recommened you run atleast 30 minutes. Then I move on to other things about 10 minutes after resting, doing step ups, for 20 minutes and more for at least an aditional30-40 minutes.

    Im not saying you need to do so much, but maybe what is going on is your body is just getting warmed up when your finishing up your activity.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    You can do this! Don't forget what your signature says. And, don't forget to measure yourself with measuring tape, not just weigh yourself. You could be shrinking but the scale may not show it accurately. This happened to me right before I joined MFP. My weight actually went UP but I actually got SMALLER up top. I didn't notice it and felt like a failure for months until I went in for a bra fitting and realized some things had changed afterall. :D
  • Unless you're not logging everything that you eat, there's only been one day this week that you've been at or over 1200 calories. You need to eat at least that many calories to keep your body from going into starvation mode. Starvation mode = your body hanging onto EVERYTHING and refusing to let go of a single pound.
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I looked at your diary and you are starving yourself, you have days logged in the diary with 700-800 cals eaten, you arent losing weight because your body is probably in starvation mode
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    You can do this! :flowerforyou: You deserve this and so does your family. My first question is are you using a HRM? The claculators are grossly inaccurate. Secondly, I know it may be crazy but you really do need to eat at least 1/2 your exercise calories. Your body needs that nutrition. Please don't give up and throw away all the hard work you have already put in. :heart:
  • I understand your frustration!! And it's not fun at all. Don't give up!! Make sure you are eating the real, healthy food. I noticed another member mentioning how much sodium the pre-packaged meals have, and yes...it's ridiculous. Incorporate veggies and lean meats into your meals. Whole grains are good too. Make sure you are eating every 2-3 hours also. Small snacks at those times are great for you. Carrots, apples, peanut butter, almonds, protein bars, yogurt....the list goes on. Drink your water too!! I like to put fresh lemons or limes in mine. Not sure, but I've heard that lemons flush our systems out. Don't ever skip meals either, as this is a BIG, "no-no". Breakfast should be your biggest meal. I like scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast. Turkey bacon and fruit too!! I eat alot of salads. I love Ranch Dressing, but I only put a tablespoon on my salads. My salads are huge!! The Ranch doesn't cover all of it, but hey....Atleast I've got the flavor on it.

    I used to be a BIG ice cream eater. I mean, 1/2 a cup usually has atleast 150 to 200 cals in it. WHOA, I would eat atleast 2 cups at at time. So, watch your portions. When my family is eating their ice cream, I make sure I have only 1/2 a cup. Or I eat yogurt instead. I like Yoplait light. I freeze it too. I guess it makes me think I'm eating the fattening stuff. LOL!!

    I know you are getting your exercise in, so keep it up. I always wondered if I should eat the calories I've burned, Well, most of the time I don't, but it's a great safety net when we need it. Everybody is different.

    Most of all,....pray. Derive your strength from God. He is there for you, and ready to give you your heart's desire.
    Never give up!! My last 2 pounds I lost took what seemed forever. Yes, I wanted to give up. Eat the way I used to eat, but I can't I've made my mind up to stick with it. I've quit too many times before.

    Sentiments that help me are....You can do it!! You are not a quitter! Good things come to those who wait! Quick weight loss will be quick weight gain. AND the one that I love the BEST!!!.........I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength!!

    We are here for you. You are not alone! :flowerforyou: Be Encouraged and know that this too shall pass.
  • I just looked at your diary, unless you are not faithful with logging in everything you eat, YOU are not eating enough!!! if you are active everyday as you say you are you need to be eating more!! do you have yourself set at 2 pounds lost a week? if so change it to 1 pound a week especially if you are only looking to lose 20 and this loss puts you in a healthy BMI range (according to this site). add more fiber, fruits and veggies! YOU CAN DO THIS GIRL!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Agree with the above. Your diary reflects a lot of eating out and processed food. Try adding sodium to your tracking - I think you'll be surprised at how much sodium you're taking in with all that processed food. You need more fresh fruits and veggies. Cut out the white bread, rice, and pasta, and switch to whole grain instead, and that only in small amounts.

    If your exercise calories are accurate, you're not eating enough, and not enough of the right nutrients. In general, if it comes out of a box or can, it probably ain't good for you. (There are some exceptions, of course, but you only find those with careful label reading.) Try cleaning up your diet and I think you'll see results. Good luck!
  • I know how you feel. I just started July 31st on this site and got serious about losing weight and toning up. I lost 4 lbs in the first week, I think. After that, I stopped and even gained about 2.2 lbs of that. I was watching what I eat, exercising more, drinking plenty of water, I didn't know why I was suddenly at a standstill or going the wrong way. I started reading some of the posts about getting enough cals. a day and just didn't want to believe that eating more would make me lose weight so for 2 weeks, I was discouraged and felt like giving up. One day I even drank a Dr. Pepper and ate some M&M's thinking what difference does it make. Well, as a last ditch effort, I upped my calories this past week. I'm supposed to have a min. of 1200 cals a day + exercise cals. Most days I get between 1100 and 1300 cals. I'm still a lil under my goal of 1200 some days but I try to get as close as I can to getting my base goal on cals, protein, fat, and carbs and this week I have lost 3.4 lbs. I use the elliptical 30-45 mins a day and do strength exercises with two 2 lb weights for about 15-25 mins a day (I'm trying to work up to more time with that) and a couple times a week, I use a Health Rider for about 15-20 mins. I rarely eat my exercise cals but as someone else said, they are there if I get extra hungry on those days. The two things that have kept me going for the last 3 weeks is: 1. Telling myself, "It's only been a week" "It's only been 2 weeks", etc. "I didn't get this way over night and I'm not gonna lose it over night." 2. Telling myself, "Even if I don't lose any weight, at least I'm getting healthier and feeling better, I have more energy." Hang in there. Believe me, I have zero will power so if I can do it, so can you. There's lots of support from people just like you on here. Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing. :flowerforyou:
  • smm9020
    smm9020 Posts: 12
    Someone said to me (actually on here) to put my big women panties on and get to it! Maybe not in those words but she did say big panties lol. A couple of things you said struck me. First, I was in the same place a couple of weeks ago - SUPER DISCOURAGED and came on here for some good dose of YOU CAN DO IT. Okay, is it all about loosing weight or learning a new healthier lifestyle? Are you allowing yourself some "goodie" foods? Just count the calories! As long as the major part of your calories are not junk I don't see why you couldn't have some. We all go through low days and SD time but if you really want this you can! YOu can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!
  • I log everything i eat everyday....including the stupid stuff. I messed up this week by eating at burger king but one day should have ruined everything i've done all month. Today I made homemade apple pie oatmeal....which i believe is very healthy...and at this point from what i saw on the scale this morning i just wanna call papa johns and eat a full large pizza by myself!
  • well i gave into my stupidity today and ate pizza!
  • crc822001
    crc822001 Posts: 19 Member
    Hawaiibound I am there with you. I just had a baby (#4) in December and I managed to lose 10 lbs in a jiff. I have been stuck at my current weight for well over 2 months now. After talking with my gym pals and some actual trainers I found out that my workout routine just wasn't cutting it anymore. I worked out at the same time, doing the same thing, for the same amount of time everyday. Then I managed to consume the calories I had shed while working out.

    After much research I now know that I have to shock my system back into fat burning. I wake up earlier and do strength training, something I have always hated. My motto is, get it out of the way early.

    I alternate my cardio between 10am and 2pm daily. I also have started doing Hiit regimens every other day. That way my body does not get used to doing the same thing.

    On the weekends. instead of sitting on the couch thinking I have earned a day off, I take a brisk walk around the neighborhood with my husband and the baby. It takes us about 30 minutes, but the bonding and sincere conversation without the interruption of a phone/video game/or tv makes the time fly by.

    Hope this helps!
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