Are there ant type 1 diabetics on here?

ksizzle84 Posts: 6
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm looking for a few other type 1 or juvenile diabetics on here for some help and support. Sorry type 2's but that is a completely different ballgame. Anyone?


  • hopeful23455
    hopeful23455 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm a Type I, diagnosed nine years ago, on a pump for about six years now. MFP has really helped me to be accountable for how many carbs I'm eating at once, and my sugars have definitely improved since joining this site.

    How long have you been diabetic? If you're looking for friends, add me, and we can support each other. I wouldn't wish Type I on anybody, but it helps to know there are others out there going through the same thing.
  • I've been type 1 since I was 9 and have been on the pump on and off since I was 15. I have been having trouble with my bs getting low randomly in the day because I a eating less and exercising more. Any suggestions? Then, when I have to frink or eat something to correct the low bs I feel like I ruined the diet!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hi My daughter was diagnosed with type 1 almost 3 years ago when she was 12. She is 15 and does really well with managing her diabetes. I don't see how eating a little something after a workout could possibly ruin your diet using the MFP plan. It is ok to EAT your EARNED calories so don't feel like that.... It is something you must do the consequences are to severe if you don't. Just keep at it. remember the basics protiens nuts ect!! Good Luck!
  • I am type I, been for 18 years. Insulin management is a poisoned apple. The more insulin you give yourself, the more weight you will gain. My doctor (who is also type I) told me to cut my basal by 20% and when I go high to correct it, so I am giving myself minimum dosage.

    Another trick I do, to keep my weight down, I schedule a small workout when I am likely to go high. I usually get a rise when I wake up, most people do... so I do a light workout then and take a shower. If you can substitute a small exercise that will help you lose weight. It won't always work depending on the velocity of your high :)

    The thing I am trying to do now, is eat in the mornings. Mornings are hard and I found if I don't eat and wait till lunch that I am less hungry and my sugars are hard to control anyway in the mornings eating makes them worse. But I keep reading articles like "It is better to eat a doughnut than no breakfast." along with "Are you exercising too much?" I think... This is some good dr. orders. So I am trying to do the soy/whey drink in the morning because if I eat something real, I get sooooo hungry later.

    I use medtronic minimed with the CGM sensor. Which Pump do you use?
  • KSizzle, for help, go to They have groups there that are for type 1, type 1.5, and type 2. The info there is really good and there are many people there who will help you.
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