Excersising daily but losing no weight



  • Carameldlux
    Carameldlux Posts: 39 Member
    Weight loss is all about diet, calories in vs calories out.

    It doesn't matter how much you exercise if you aren't in a calorie deficit.

    Agree-I lost all my weight without doing any exercise at all. It's all about the food :)
    I agree as well. I've been working out more than I did last year & haven't lost too much. But last yr I just really cut my grass(have a huge lawn) as watch what I eat. I reached my goal as well.
  • jesand86
    jesand86 Posts: 5
    I found myself talking to a personaltrainer about a year back, and this was the very subject. Now I don't know whether it is true or not, but this is what she claimed. She said she is often approached by young women working-out and trying to loose weight but not succeding. However whilst talking she often notices that they are drinking a protein-shake or munching away on a protein-bar. And this is the very issue for most of them. If you are just working out to loose weight, get fit and not gearing up for a big sports or actively trying to gain muscle weight, Young women particularily should not take protein supplements. All they do is bind water and make weight loss next to impossible. Instead a healthy diet is the best. Where you keep a diary and make sure you get your daily intake of protein (no more) if you are worried you don't get enough. The protein sources should be natural, like meat, fish, poultry and dairy.

    If you are taking protein supplements it might be worth trying a couple of weeks without them. :)
  • michellechawner
    Thank you! How often would you recommended HIIT though?:)

    Adding HIIT at this point is pointless if you aren't eating enough. I'm losing weight and eating 1450 a day, you're eating HALF that. Your body is holding onto fat because it's starving.

    Eat more. Then lose weight.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I found myself talking to a personaltrainer about a year back, and this was the very subject. Now I don't know whether it is true or not, but this is what she claimed. She said she is often approached by young women working-out and trying to loose weight but not succeding. However whilst talking she often notices that they are drinking a protein-shake or munching away on a protein-bar. And this is the very issue for most of them. If you are just working out to loose weight, get fit and not gearing up for a big sports or actively trying to gain muscle weight, Young women particularily should not take protein supplements. All they do is bind water and make weight loss next to impossible. Instead a healthy diet is the best. Where you keep a diary and make sure you get your daily intake of protein (no more) if you are worried you don't get enough. The protein sources should be natural, like meat, fish, poultry and dairy.

    If you are taking protein supplements it might be worth trying a couple of weeks without them. :)

    Utter nonsense....Do not believe anything elst this "trainer" tells you.....:huh: Protein shakes consist of proteins, a little carbs and a little fat - it "binds with water" and get digested - calories in other words.... Where did this trainer get this mumbo jumbo from????