E cigarettes?



  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with you drinking either. As long as its an occassional thing. Everything in moderation. I too crave ciggarettes when I'm drinking, but I only drink a handful of times out of the year. I have been struggling quitting smoking for years so the problem definitely isn't the alcohol.

    I don't know much about the e-Cigs. I popped in here to read the comments. But I think you should try it. I hope you come back and update this thread when you do. I would love to know how this works out for you.

    Sure, nothing wrong with drinking...

    ...*unless* it makes you make decisions you wouldn't otherwise make.

    That's where it becomes a problem...and that's what you're doing, so I agree with the advice to stop doing something that impairs your judgment to the point that you make what you know are bad decisions for yourself.

    so everyone who smokes a cigarette on a night out after a few drinks has a problem with alcohol?

    its a cigarette, not adultery or driving drunk. man. this makes my head hurt.

    Yeah, that's a legit point.

    I guess everyone has their own line when it comes to deciding whether or not it's a problem for them. Was probably a little unfair for me to impose where I think the line maybe should be on OP and others.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with you drinking either. As long as its an occassional thing. Everything in moderation. I too crave ciggarettes when I'm drinking, but I only drink a handful of times out of the year. I have been struggling quitting smoking for years so the problem definitely isn't the alcohol.

    I don't know much about the e-Cigs. I popped in here to read the comments. But I think you should try it. I hope you come back and update this thread when you do. I would love to know how this works out for you.

    Sure, nothing wrong with drinking...

    ...*unless* it makes you make decisions you wouldn't otherwise make.

    That's where it becomes a problem...and that's what you're doing, so I agree with the advice to stop doing something that impairs your judgment to the point that you make what you know are bad decisions for yourself.

    so everyone who smokes a cigarette on a night out after a few drinks has a problem with alcohol?

    its a cigarette, not adultery or driving drunk. man. this makes my head hurt.

    Yeah, that's a legit point.

    I guess everyone has their own line when it comes to deciding whether or not it's a problem for them. Was probably a little unfair for me to impose where I think the line maybe should be on OP and others.

    So what you're saying is you were wrong? :bigsmile:

    No, of course not. Don't be silly.

    What I am saying is that I was misunderstood...

    ...and that individual results may vary...



    ...that is all.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I don't see anything wrong with you drinking either. As long as its an occassional thing. Everything in moderation. I too crave ciggarettes when I'm drinking, but I only drink a handful of times out of the year. I have been struggling quitting smoking for years so the problem definitely isn't the alcohol.

    I don't know much about the e-Cigs. I popped in here to read the comments. But I think you should try it. I hope you come back and update this thread when you do. I would love to know how this works out for you.

    Sure, nothing wrong with drinking...

    ...*unless* it makes you make decisions you wouldn't otherwise make.

    That's where it becomes a problem...and that's what you're doing, so I agree with the advice to stop doing something that impairs your judgment to the point that you make what you know are bad decisions for yourself.

    so everyone who smokes a cigarette on a night out after a few drinks has a problem with alcohol?

    its a cigarette, not adultery or driving drunk. man. this makes my head hurt.

    Yeah, that's a legit point.

    I guess everyone has their own line when it comes to deciding whether or not it's a problem for them. Was probably a little unfair for me to impose where I think the line maybe should be on OP and others.

    So what you're saying is you were wrong? :bigsmile:

    No, of course not. Don't be silly.

    What I am saying is that I was misunderstood...

    ...and that individual results may vary...



    ...that is all.

    :heart: Don't you ever change, jof!
  • KimLee76
    KimLee76 Posts: 89
    Hmm...all of the pics posted look like pipes, as in the type you could get pulled over for.

    I saw a lady with one that looked like a cigarette, so much so in fact that the restaurant made her put it away. I'm certain no smoke came from the tip but she didn't have it out long enough to see what happened to what she inhaled.

    I understand what you're saying because I don't enjoy coffee or alcohol without a cigarette. If you only smoke occasionally then I don't think you have a nicotine addiction so it sounds like one of these should satisfy you I guess as long as you get that hit at the back of throat like one of the posters mentioned...and it would be a decent compromise with your boyfriend.
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I have a Joye 510 and I love it! Got me off cigarettes and feeling better than ever, and you can also get nicotine-free liquid for these if you only crave the action/habit of it. I tend toward the sweet fruity flavors with it and just that can get me through a dessert craving too. :)

    My doctor, dentist, husband, family, and myself are all thrilled about it so I could care less what the haters have to say about it! Your boyfriend should be happy, it won't cause cancer and you won't stink!
  • gavini
    gavini Posts: 248 Member
    am very curious about these and appreciate those who have responded with info but a lot of my questions havent been addressed

    how come no one ever compares their e-cig to a certain brand or flavor of cigarette? a marlboro red is very different from a parliament and what if you are a menthol smoker, these are very different in flavor/ feel etc, so are there certain brands that are more comparable than others?

    for those that have switched to and or enjoyed the e-cig, did you have a brand that you smoked before? i know some people are very particular and some arent so particular and can bum a cigarette from most anyone.

    thanks in advance.
  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    I was a faithful Marlboro smoker, and my father smoked the same unfiltered Camels for years. What both of us found, is there are so many different flavors (and your sense of taste comes back from the dead) that you find many different flavors to try. I use one that is supposed to be like a Marlboro, but I like it better with some mint (menthol) flavoring in it, even though I never smoked menthols.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    E cigarettes are hilarious. Wish I had thought of it first and marketed them. Might as well suck your thumb. At least it's free.
  • bio01979
    bio01979 Posts: 313
    My partner found them more addictive than ciggs. needless to say hes once again smoking. He is going to try & stop but this time with patches only x

    He might also want to ask his doctor about Champix/(Chantix in the US) I quit at Easter using Champix and it was EASY! like really really really easy and nothing had ever worked before. I simply did not smoke anymore after my quit date. I used to smoke at least a pack a day (maybe sometimes a few cigs more) for about 18yrs and I was a big habitual smoker.

    The Champix was like a miracle drug :)
  • beckyboooo87
    beckyboooo87 Posts: 366
    i recently quit although when i have a drink i like to smoke i use vip cigs... i get the stronge menthol filters although i used to smoke normal *kitten* the menthol taste so much better than the others :)
  • OhLeita
    OhLeita Posts: 99 Member
    It sounds like you enjoy the feel of a cigarette rather than the nicotine. Since you only smoke on occasion, try one of the small ones in non-nicotine. 510, Blu, something like that might be a good choice for you. Do be careful if you opt for the nicotine version, though. It's easy to get hooked again whether by cigarette or ecig.

    I smoked for 30 years and it took an ecig to finally quit for good four years ago. I didn't miss the stink and dirty ashtrays at all. So, if you feel you really must smoke something while drinking, it's a far better choice than a cigarette.
  • HiKaren
    HiKaren Posts: 1,306 Member
    I used a "Njoy" last week and was able to refrain from smoking a real one for 5 days..... I was feeling really great, & even told my doctor.... Then I had a moment of weakness.... So I get to start over... I want to try th "FIN" brand next... So its not an issue for when I drink, I don't really drink at all.
    I remember the "Bubble Gum" cigarettes, from when I was a kid...
  • baby_grl_martinez
    I am a smoker, period. I smoke with or without alcohol. I enjoy it. Bad to say, but I can admit it. I have wanted to quit for a while, health reasons and vanity. I purchased the Blu brand a couple of weeks ago and have not touch a real one since then. I am happy with it, not 100% satisfied, as I still crave a real cigarette from time to time, but cravings pass. It has helped with being moody, and it definitely has had a huge impact on my health in the short amount of time since I have switched. Many brands offer disposable options, so you can try them out and see what you like. I have tried xhale, njoy and blu. So far Blu is the winner, and I purchased the entire kit. Definitely saves on money in multiple ways, and no regrets the next A.M. Hope you find something that you like. Good luck. And don't pay attention to anyone that wants to talk down to you, you are asking for help, and that is all that matters, the will and want to better yourself. Just cause you are not doing it the way someone else would makes you no less of a person.